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<3 I Love You <3

Surrounded by pitch blackness
I sense someone next to me.
I'm hoping it's the one I love
But it's too dark to see.

I reach down to grab his hand
Only I feel nothing there.
I search the blackness to find him
I try but he's no where.

It seems I'm stuck in this black hole
For I don't know a way out.
So I try to remember his wonderful smile
And al the things we laughed about.

All the sudden something brushes my leg
A hand touches my shoulder.
I'm scared at first "Who's there?" I say
You see I'm getting bolder.

But I hear nothing in return
Instead I'm taken by the hand.
My legs are shaking terribly
It's getting hard to stand.

Then we stop, the person speaks
"Climb up to the light above you."
I ask, "Why did you help me here?"
He said, "Because I love you."
