.....The Passover is the time that celebrates the resurrection of Christ.
It is one the most holy of days in the calendar of the Christian churches.
The Passover message is one of hope and victory over death,
for it recalls
that Christ rose from the dead,
symbolizes the love of God and the promise of eternal life.
The feeling does not end after the holiday.
It signals a new beginning,
of nature, spring, and brand new life, and friendship, peace, and giving.
.....Many of the current modern Easter customs
probably had their beginnings in the pagan celebrations
of the rebirth of the earth in the spring.
Having nothing to do with the Passover,
other than the rebirth of nature.
.....The English word for Easter is the name of a Teutonic goddess of spring or dawn.
.....The Easter egg is a symbol of new life.
People dress in new clothes and wear flowers on Resurrection Sunday
because the winter has come to an end, and the earth seems alive again.
.....This does not have to
and should not take away from the very meaning of celebrating the passover.
....."And the blood shall be for a token upon the houses where ye are: and when I see the blood, I will pass over you, and the plague shall not be upon you to destroy you, when I smite land of Egypt."
.....God had promised the children of Israel that he would remember them when as He smote the firstborn of the Egyptians. That as they marked their doorposts with the blood of the young lamb, He would passover them.
.....Jesus was referred to the Lamb of God. He is our Passover.
There is a fountain that flows from the Cross down through the centuries.
As we come humbly before Him, we realize what Christ did for us.
That with His sacrifice on the cross Jesus washes all that come to Him in his
precious blood.
We are humbled when we accept Him in our heart, but lifted up so high by the free gift of His offering. Just as heart felt tears wash away our anquish, the Lamb of God reaches down and cleanses us from the mire of sin. When out Heavenly father looks at us as Christians, he doesn't see our filthy rags of sin, but the blood of His Son. We are clothed in the purest covering ever put on us. We can stand boldly before God and say that we are His children and that He loves us.
.....The spirit of this season all over the world is all about hope, love, and joyful living and
Life Everlasting.
written by: Gayl Ramey Wells
and Gregory Clyde Belcher 2001