Spell Name : Armour
Skill Used : magic.spells.defensive.target
GP Cost : 50
Spell Type : defensive (targetted)
Spell Usage : cast armour [target]
Description : A minor protective spell that helps augment your current armour.
The spell lasts longer the higher level you are.
Spell Name : Improved Armour
Skill Used : magic.spells.defensive.target
GP Cost : 100
Spell Type : defensive (targetted)
Spell Usage : cast improved armour [target]
Description : A protective spell that helps augment your current armour.
spell lasts longer the more skill you have with using
Spell Name : Ice Armour
Skill Used : magic.spells.defensive.target
GP Cost : 200
Spell Type : defensive (targetted)
Spell Usage : cast ice armour [target]
Description : This protective spell helps augment your current armour. The
spell causes the target to be surrounded in a thin, magically
enhanced suit of ice armour. This armour gives protection from
physical attacks and also gives great protection from cold based
Spell Name : Water Shield
Skill Used : magic.spells.defensive.target
GP Cost : 350
Spell Type : defensive (targetted)
Spell Usage : cast water shield [target]
Description : This spell summons the Elemental Plane of Water to protect you by
surrounding you or a fellow Alchemist with a wall of water, which
serves to soften any blows you might receive. Your casting skill
in the required spell discipline will determine how thick the
wall is, and how long you can control the Elemental Plane of
Water, which is necessary if you wish to maintain the integrity
of the Water Shield.
The water shield will absorb at most close to two-thirds of the
sustained damage. This amount of course depends on your skill at
maintaining the shield.
Spell Name : Enchant
Skill Used : magic.items
GP Cost : 2500
Spell Type : defensive (targetted)
Spell Usage : cast enchant [target]
Description : Usage: cast enchant
This spell allows you to protect an armour against a certain type
of attack. The ability to affect an armour depends on your skill
in magic.items the strength of the protection is based on your
skill in magic.spells.special.
Possible protections are listed in order of skill required to
cast them:
(1) blunt, (2) sharp, (3) pierce, (4) cold, (5) fire, (6) air,
(7) acid, (8) electricity, (9) psionic, (10) magic, (11) poison
(12) charm, and (13) death.
A protection type is learned every 40 levels in magic.items
An armour may resist your attempts to enchant it based on its
save level, weight, and enchantment value. If the armour resists
your magic, the armour will implode into nothingness.