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General Information

Hamsters are one of the most popular small pets in the UK. All of them originated from just one litter that was found in Syria around 1930.

One of the most interesting features of the hamster is its cheek pouches which the hamster will cram with food until its head has ballooned to over twice its normal size!

Some owners take their pet to the vet claiming it has mumps!

Another interesting feature is its teeth, which can be used to defend itself when it is frightened and make blood spurt out of your finger at an alarming rate. Ouch. (Don't worry, this will only happen if you are very aggressive to it, if you handle your hammy with a gentle firmness, you shouldn't have any problems.) Taming is easy so it is very unlikely that your hamster should be violent in any way.

The most popular hamster is the Golden or Syrian hamster, but the Russian Hamster is gaining in popularity.

Hamsters are solitary creatures so as long as it gets a reasonable amount of attention from you, it won't be lonely. If you really want more then one use seperate cages or two male Russian Hamsters may be kept together.

Hamsters of the same gender can be kept together until they are 6 weeks old. Any longer and they will begin to fight.

Hamsters have itty-bitty little feet.

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