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Picture Gallery

Please feel free to send me any pictures of your hamster, I'd greatly appreciate it. I'll try and put as many up here as I can, with your name beside it.

Cutest (or strangest) picture will go to the honorary Picture of the month page. (last updated 4th August 2000)

Click on the pictures to see the full image.

A fairly cute Blackbanded hamster Deja vu? Teddybear Hamster Long Hair Blackbanded Hamster This is what a hamster looks like with its pouches full Lilly, sent in by Charlie This is Bianca and Bernard, sent in by Ghislaine Chan Former PotM winner, Sweetie, sent in by J from Illinois Paul from Singapore sent in this picture of Chip
Ghislaine Chan sent in this, a former PotM winner This great pic was sent in by Katie from Illinois. Former PotM winner A hamster. With a huge cracker in it's mouth. Thanks Laura Cofer. This is Jewel, sent in by Chad Hanna Here's Sweetie, a regular in the gallery, keeping Jesse, the dog's, head warm. From Jaye and Katie Lola, possibly the most extreme hamster in the world, flying a kite, amongst other things, Laura Cofer - you are a genius. Here's Ralphie catching a wave, thanks to Deaette Hmm, hamster doing strange but amusing thing, has to be Lola and Laura Cofer

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