Episode #51: Now is the Time to to Awaken...True and Perfect SolutionKenshin: .... I'd commited a lot of crimes before and it doesn't really matter if I live or die. But it's not really important, don't you think so? I ought to be punished for my past crimes, no matter how much guilt I felt or how much pain I'd caused for my offensse. But inspite of all that, I have this powerful feeling to survive. You know what it is? IT'S THE WILL. It's the desire to live and never giving up. It's my secret, Aoshi
Episode #56 Fight to the Limit! Shun-Ten-Satsu vs. Ama Kakeru Ryu no Hirameki
Soujiro: The strong shall live and the weak shall die. that's the natural order of things. I cant understand why you have to help the weak, weak people are irrelevant. Shishio made me realize that tha strong should live. He taught me to kill the weak and be aware of the strong people. Shishio gave me a sword, and if not for that sword I wont be alive today. He also made me realize that I dont have a choice. If I don't kill the, they'll kill me. But the truth is, I never really wanted to kill anybody.
Episode #58: Will the Era Inherit Shishio? Kenshin's Most Critical Moment!
Shishio : It's the fundamental law of nature. The strong lives and the weak shall die. But there are times in history where the weak banded together, and because of their numbers, they were able to subvert and defy the laws of nature..... we both lived at the end of Tokugawa era. Your fame as a slasher is well known. You know thwt what I am saying is true, the strong shall live and the weak is discarded. Do you agree with me?
Kenshin: No, I don't. No human in the free society should be considered less valuable than the others. The weak are one of those who supports the country. All thay ask is to live in peace, but now they're living in the bloodiest era of all times. AND I'LL DO ANYTHING TO STOP YOU!
Shishio : I have to fulfill my DESTINY!
Kenshin: Your destiny is to LOSE!Shishio: Admit it, Kenshin. I know deep in your heart you agree to what I am saying. I know you well, your reputation as a merciless slasher is well known. I dont know which is more emabarassing, your protecting the weak or your pathetic attempt to deny who you are. You're going to die!
Kenshin: Yeah, I'll die, but not today, not in the hands of a maniac like you. I want to live in peace!Saitou: A wise warrior said, "it is dangerous to let your guard down unless all of your enemies have been defeated
Shishio: Oh, you're still here? Go away, I don't kill cowards.
Sano: I don't accept your generosity! I'm not going anywhere, not yet! If I die, I'll take you with me!
Shishio: The only place where you can kill me is in your dreams, Sano! .....only the strong will live
Sano : Survival of the fittest?! .....Kenshin's right! You're a cannibal who will devour every human being to survive!Episode #59: Luck Hasnt Run Out Yet! Ken-ki (warrior Spirit) Revived Again
Aoshi: ....you shouldn't have pretenses that you already gained the title of the most powerful....saying that you're the most powerful after deafeating a weak man is meaningless
Aoshi: There's no difference whether you compare Batusai or me. But I'm going to tell you something, and you better listen to me. I am more powerful than you are.
Shishio: You are desperate! Your voice is the howling of a desperate dog!Kenshin : SHISHIO, I'M BACK!
Shshio : What a pleasant surprise. Are you still standing up? So you're back again, and like this flame I am burning up with heat. And I'll make you crazy fool feel the heat!Kenshin : As long as my mind and body are in a state of readiness, I wont be defeated. I'd tolerted many fights, and I'd fought all my life to gain this point.... I wont allow you to destroy anything, coz I know that what you are doing is wrong! I'll get you out of this world, 9 HEADED DRAGON FLASH! ( Kuzu ryu sen)
Episode # 60: The One Who Permits Victory. Shishio vs. Kenshin....Last Stage!
Shishio: I have to admit. I haven't had a good figt like this for a long time. It's a good feeling. But still, I cant wait. I have a country to conquer and I have to end this quickly.
Kenshin : You're right about one thing. We have to end this fight in one way or another. I dont care whoever wins or lose, as long as I do my best to stop you.
Shshio : Just try. You'll never be able to stop me as long as I hold my sword.
Kenshin : You'll never be able to beat me as long as I hold mine, Shishio.Kenshin : Shshio Makoto... you're a thing from hell! Only a monster will kill the woman he loves just to win a fight! You're not human!
Shishio: The battle is not yet over, the winner is still to be decided. The strong shall live and the weak shall die! Only one of us will leave this place alive!
Kenshin : I've lost a lot of blood, even my energy is draining. My body seems so far way, I cant feel anything. I'd been close to death before, but never this close. Is this reall how death feels like? I cant let Shishio win, but even so, somebody could have been strong enough to defeat him. I'm sorry, I wont be able to go back to Aoiya, I'll never be able to see Kaoru and the others again. I already did everything I can...
Kenshin: I solemnly swore that I'm going to see somebody, and nothing could stop me, not even you! My will to live is stronger!
Aoshi: All his efforts,all his plans, the formation of Juppongatana, has gone to nothing. Kenshin is only an instrument that nature used. Fate didn't allow him to succeed.
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