Chapter Twenty Two

"But it's my delight

To sing all night.

Until the sun comes up,

again, and again.

It's my delight,

To share a flicker of your light.

A ray of hope, to a friend, amen."

--Audio Adrenaline, Flicker


As drinks were being poured and food brought in and set on the tables, Introductions were made.

A young- looking black and white dog stood up and began reciting the names and ranks of every notable creature there, beginning, out of respect with the knights.

For the first time, Erin realized the extent of what Apollo had told her about the importance of rank.

Though Erin was the leader of this excursion, even Apollo outranked her. Even the hack warriors received more respect, despite the fact that she was seated at the high table. It didn't bother her that she was unimportant, she didn't care for rank. What bothered her was the incident back on the hillside. She had told them to be quiet, but they didn't listen. She had ordered them not to attack the sheep, and they had questioned her. Would she have been able to dissuade them if the dogs hadn't shown up?

Doubts swirled around in her mind like crazy swimming fishes.

When, at last, the meal commenced, everyone was ravenous. Even Erin set her troubled thoughts aside long enough to fill her stomach with the good things the dogs laid on their table.

Sheep meat, of course, was a major part of the repast. The dogs seemed to have discovered an infinite number of ways of preparing it, and Erin had no complaints.

Apollo on the other hand, was looking a little bit sick.

In fact, a large number of Erin's party seemed disconcerted by the fact that their comrades were eating flesh. But there were plenty of other kinds of food at the table, so no one made a fuss, if only out of respect for their hosts.

There were several kinds of bread, as were an immense range of cooked vegetables which had been stored over the winter, but still tasted quite good. Cheese made from sheep's milk was also found in plenty.

It was, Erin thought, a great thing to live in a climate mild enough that food would be plentiful even after an especially cold winter.

When every creature seemed to have eaten their fill, the dogs' Chieftain (whose name, they had learned, was Furgus MacLongears) turned to Erin and asked her to relate the tale of their journey.

"Well, we're only two days out from our start, so there's not much to tell, really." She said shyly.

"Ah, but what about your purpose? A group this size doesn't set out on a journey for no reason." Said Furgus.

Erin licked her lips. "Well, it's like this.."

When Erin had explained the nature of their quest, there was an eerie silence. Then, to break the tension, several dogs got up and produced musical instruments and began to play a tune, slowly at first, then faster as creatures began to smile and talk again. No dark cloud would hang over this celebration!

Canine singers performed several more hymns, each as hauntingly beautiful as the last. Erin wished she could sing so well, and said so to Reshat.

The genet smiled. "I heard you singing earlier." He said. "You have a fine voice."

Erin shook her head. "But not like these singers."

Reshat shrugged.

After the choir was done, the musicians struck up a rollicking dance tune, and the party quickly moved out onto the green, where dogs of all ages joined in a lively dance.

As they sat watching the joyous performance, Apollo nudged Erin.

"I bet we could dance like that." He whispered.

Erin shot him a faintly amused look. "Oh I'm sure you could." She said. "But I'm staying right here."

Apollo looked away. "All right."

The night went on in festivities until the full moon was high in the sky. Fires had been lit outside, and everyone sat around them talking merrily.

Finally, Furgus stood and barked fro attention.

"Friends," he said "it is midnight now, and time that we all got some sleep. Tomorrow will be another day, thanks be to Ni'Elat. Goodnight."

And with that, the party dispersed.

As Erin and her friends set up their tents, a lone canine voice could be heard singing in the warm darkness.

"Now is time to say goodnight,

To all your daily cares.

The moon is high,

The day is done.

We've said our thankful prayers.

Ni'El' watch us as we sleep,

Our homes protect, our spirits keep.

Until the morning comes."

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