.songs written.

Okay, so we all know that Aiji is a fantastic guitar player - just listen to those solos ['Clear Sky', anyone?].
BUT, did you know that he contributes regularly to the songwriting?
Aiji has composed many of Pierrot's best and most successful songs...
here is a short listing of them.

indies and b-sides

Helped with the arrangement: KARMA inga ouho, Torikago
Composed with Jun: Labyrinth ~ Kagami ni utsuranai kimi ga, Mangetsu ni Terasareta Saigo no Kotobo
Composed with Takeo: Tweleve
Composed by himself: SEPIA, Kumo no Ito, Purple Sky [one of the best Pierrot songs EVER], Rokoteki no Idenshi, KEY WORD, Adolf, Nounai Moruhine, Human Gate


On Pierrot's first major album, Aiji brought us:
The hard edge of CREATIVE MASTER.
The dark badassness of MAD SKY ~koutetsu no MESHIA~.
And the intense beauty of ICAROSS - which just happens to be my favourite Pierrot song.

private enemy

From Pierrot's second offering, Aiji's songs are:
The crunchy roughage of ENEMY.
The speedy riffing of Waltz.
The complex and amazing genius of FOLLOWER.
And the haunting album closer, THE LAST CRY IN HADES [NOT GUILTY].

heaven, the customized landscape

Pierrot's third record is, in my opinion, their best, and as always, Aiji has a habit of writing the highlights:
The spasmodic sequences in LOVE & PEACE.
The gorgeous, lilting, and catchy second single, COCOON.
The dark grooves of BELIEVER.
And the all-around fabulous melody of REBIRTH DAY.

id attack

This recently released album marks a huge step forward in Aiji's songwriting - not only is it improving, of course, but he actually composed six of the albums twelve tracks - more, in total, than Kirito! Go Aiji! He is the master of:
The headbangy joy of the first single, PSYCHEDELIC LOVER.
The unbelievably brilliant crunch of DAYBREAK.
The gothic melodies of Neogrotesque [another single!].
The spastic anime theme Barai no Sekai.
The back-and-forth minor-to-major trip, GOD BLESS xmexxxx.
And the original bside to Neogrotesque.

Anyone can easily make the argument that Aiji is the best living guitarist in Japanese rock - however, I should hope that he is just as appreciated for his musical creativity in composition.

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