.short stories.

seeing as I've begun to be published outside of my own little internet world, I've removed all stories from the server in hopes that my 'fans' [cue laughter] would be willing to support the little sites and magazines that do me great service. here's where you can find my material.

Peridot Books published 'Easy Beauty'. They've removed it to make room for the next issue, but check out upcoming issues for my stuff.

Cenotaph published 'Outcasts' in Issue Six. It's still there, along with lots of other great literary material.

Barbaric Yawp published 'Home' in their March 2003 issue. You can reach them at the following address:
BoneWorld Publishing
3700 County Route 24
Russell, New York 13684

check back for new additions to my professional catalogue. heh.

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