in memory of hideto matsumoto
He spoke the truth.
in bits, in pieces
He showed every morsel of the ugly
the beautiful
the proud.
He sang it outwards.
Hey, it’s me.
And fuck if you don’t like it
my sweet friend.
No honey,
No sweet saintly sugars,
No fake flowers
or cheap pink pop-up cards.
He knew.
sometimes the blood, the lust, the shame
spills over.
Shocking even ourselves, he
screamed it (yeah,
and we screamed back
our throats raw)
With all of our insides, the guts
And bowels of unused promises
Covering all the things we wish
we never were.
He found us.
singing broken parts that
no-one would dare
were there.
(all of it)
He gave.
Every pink and drink.
The highs, goodbyes.
Now lying under honey and sugar and flowers.
Death beneath decoration.
He hated this so much.
So give him his cold stone.
Let us kiss it.
Let us feel our hard center
chiseled with the dates of a truly lived life.
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