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BP - Beautiful Princess
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Poetry-Lyrics of IndustriaLord Tony Barr
Wednesday, 31 August 2005
A.E.Barr ~ NosferatU YoU ~
Mood:  mischievious
Now Playing: NosferatU YoU
Topic: Poetry-Lyrics
NosferatU YoU

Oh.. my love so true
A little innocence left in you
I’ll tell ya what I’m gonna do..
I’m gonna NosferatU YoU!

The endless red rivers
Run throughout you like wine.
It’s time I sunk these teeth deeper
You precious one… It’s feeding time!

At this time
With whomever I’m with
I say to them as I’m telling you..
NosferatU YoU!

There’s no running away scared.
That just wouldn’t be the thing to do.
The planet will fear
When I put myself inside YoU!

They fear of another.
This yours truly.
Only one thing is better..
When YoU NosferatU me!

Anthony E. Barr

Copyright ? 2oo5 Anthony E. Barr

~* by IndustriaLord at 3:41 AM MDT
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Sunday, 28 August 2005
~Ciao BeautifulL!~
Mood:  lyrical
Now Playing: Ciao Beautiful!
Topic: BP - Beautiful Princess
Ciao Beautiful!
As I write
My chest becomes tight.
Tiny moist drops
Want to leave my eyes.
No such person provides
These days of my life
With happiness & bliss
Quite like you.
"You're Beautiful!"
Forever I will remember this music.
Every thought of you becomes dance.
You've helped me realize
I can still..
& Sigh!
& Laugh!
& Cry!!
Unlike most, these feelings are on the inside.
Seems a beautiful rainbow has now entered my life.
You are my Sugar & my Spice.
Thoughts of you are,
And forevershall be...

X;Thank you Katarzyna;X
Forever & Beyond,
Anthony E. Barr
2three Aug 2thousand5

? Copyright 2005 Anthony E. Barr. All Rights Reserved.

~* by IndustriaLord at 11:04 PM MDT
Updated: Sunday, 28 August 2005 11:07 PM MDT
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