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                       Come on! Rush here before it is

                                                                                                  too late!!!!!!!!!!       

                     leisure   time 


      Entecomics world










             Son: Mummy, Mummy ,Daddy's on fire!

 Mummy: Hurry up and get the marshmallows!


        Son: Mummy, Mummy, why is Daddy running away?

 Mummy: Son, help me load the shotgun!


         Son: Mummy, can I play in the sandbox?

  Mummy: Not until I found a better place to bury Daddy!


         Son: Mummy, Mummy, I don't know how to play poker!

    Mummy: Shaddup and deal!


         Son: Mummy, Mummy, I don't like swimming!

   Mummy: Shut up and stop squirming!



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