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Memorable Events

-New Year     Joke


-16th Birthday

-Cameron Highland

        This "Fire Incident" took place when I was about  13 years old. It was quite a serious one and all of us had to be evacuated out. It took place at about 2 to 3 a.m so I was sleeping peacefully in bed when I got waked up by the loud noises outside.

       I remembered seeing the fire burning so fiercely and it was so frightening. Luckily, no one was hurt but a few houses were burnt quite badly. 

 New Year Joke

           A very unforgettable New Year was when I was about 15 years old when a very funny joke happened to my Daddy. We were on the MRT , going to my Grandma's house when an Indian man suddenly approached my Dad & wished him "Happy New Year!" My Dad thought that he knew him & even talked to him for quite some time until a guy came to them and told my Dad, " I am quite sorry to tell you that he is not normal and we are bringing him to the mental hospital for a checkup. " At that time, my Dad was too shocked for words.M

Graduation Ball

During September, our school held the   

Graduation Ball which was at Mandarin Hotel. It started at about 6.30p.m and each class was given three tables to sit. It was a dinner -cum-dance event and we had 2 competitions held that night. One is the " Best-Dressed Award" and the other is the "Dance Competition" My class won the 1st prize for the Best-dressed girl and also the Best-dressed guy award. Not only so, there were also lucky draws too. During the dance session, I was all night at the dance floor without even resting. It was such a wonderful night!

16th Birthday

My 16th birthday was celebrated by a group of friends at my best friend's house. We bought a lot of things to her house like food, sweets, chocolates and champagne. We really enjoyed ourselves a lot and we played games using the sweets and chocolates as the odds. Although, it was a simple celebration I was really touched by what they did for me.

Cameron Highlands

The first time I went on a holiday aboard with a friend was to Cameron Highlands for three days. Together with us, were my sister and brother-in-law. Although my friend do not know them, they get along quite well during the trip. The trip was fun and really relaxing. We went to the Rose Farm, Strawberry Farm, Tea plantation, etc. The scenery there was breath-taking and the air was very much fresher than in Singapore. So, it would be a very good place for taking a big rest away from hectic life.


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