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        Road  Of  Knowledge

                    Light of wisdom


Stamford Primary School

-Six years were spent here with sorrows, happiness, and                          unforgettable memories .......

- When I was in Primary 1, I have a teacher who often scolded me , sometimes even slapped me and pulled my hair. It was so unforgettable that  until now I could still feel the fear lingering around me. 

-Things got better when I had a different form-teacher in Primary 3. She was a very good and caring teacher who would teach students in a patience way. My grades improved a lot all due to her good teachings.

-The happiest day of my life in Stamford was when I was celebrating my 12th birthday which was after the PSLE exams. I played a lot of games with my friends and even with my teachers.


Outram Secondary School

-Coming to Outram was my first choice and indeed I had not chosen the wrong school. I spent many happy moments here which I will remember for as long as I could.

-I joined Squash as my ECA for 4 years and eventually I took part in a tournament on the 4th year. Although we lost, it was an eye-opening experience for me.

-Many of us had got the feeling of moving house but for me I experienced more-- the feeling of relocation of the school. It was tiring but very enjoyable. The school at York Hill was spacious and had lots of facilities like squash courts, swimming pools etc.

- My English teacher, Mr Derek Tan was the most sporting teacher I have ever seen. On one Teachers' Day celebration, we tricked him, scared him and even gave a very sexy pantie to him, what he did was he played along with us and even went to the extend of wearing the pantie for us to see.

-During the 4th year before our 'O' Levels, we had a Graduation Ball which was great and terrific.


Serangoon Junior College

-During the three months course, I went to SRJC  for a month and the orientation  which we had was very fun and interesting, it lasted for 5 days. There were  thirty- game stations and many more water games.

-I also joined the Chinese drum society as an ECA which really widened my knowledge on drums.



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