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Quoting the Famous

------------(Writing down) IDEAS

I could not sleep when I got on hunt for an idea,

until I had caught it; and when I thought I had

got it, I was not satisfied until I read it over

and over again, until I had put it in language

plain enough as I thought, for any boy I knew to


Abraham Lincoln

------------WHO IS...?

Who is wise? He that learns from everyone.

Who is powerful? He that governs his passions.

Who is rich? He that is content.

Who is that? Nobody.

Benjamin Franklin


A man travels the world over in search of what

he needs and returns home to find it.

George Moore

A comfortable house is a great source

of happiness. It ranks immediatley after

health and good conscience.

Sydney Smith


It is better to deserve honours

and not to have them

than to have them

and not deserve them.

Mark Twain

Dignity does not consist in possessing honours,

but in deserving them.



We wander through this life together in a semi-

darkness in which none of us can distinguish

exactly the features of his neighbour. Only

from time to time, through some experience that

we have of our companion, or through some

remark that he passes, he stands for a moment

close to us, as though illuminated by a flash

of lightning. Then we see him as he really is.

Albert Sweitzer


For an idea ever to be fashionable is ominous,

since it must afterwards always be old-fashioned.

George Santayana

--------IDEAS 2

The best ideas are common property.


on main page "A hundred times every day I remind myself that my

inner and outer life depend on the labours of

other men, living and dead, and that I must exert

myself in order to give in the same measure as I

have received."

Albert Einstein

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