Eric and Greta Magazine
poll results
Here are the poll results from the last issue.
Will Eric and Greta be a full-fledged couple by the time they return to Salem? (when this question was asked, they were still in Paris)
YES - 30 people
NO - 29 people
Maybe - 7 people
* I guess the 29 voters who said NO were right, since it looks like Eric & Greta are not an official couple yet *
Who's more likely to come in between Eric and Greta -- Nathan, Nicole, or both?
NATHAN - 6 people
NICOLE - 51 people
BOTH - 9 people
* The 51 people who voted for NICOLE seem to be on the right track *
Will Nathan/Nicole succeed in coming in between Eric & Greta (even for a little while)?
YES - 30 people
NO - 30 people
MAYBE - 1 unsure person
* Interesting. YES and NO votes are split right down the middle. I guess we'll just have to wait and see what happens... *
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