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~*~MeL~*~'s HomePage

Hey Guys!

Welcome to my attempt of making a's still under construction (and probably always will be!) so you all have to be patient for awhile.. Well I guess I should tell you a little about myself.. I'm 18 yrs old and I am formerly from Sydney Australia. I live now in Canada where I'm freezing my ass off!!!!!!!!! I have brown hair and green eyes and I'm about 5'3 ( a direct duplicate of my best friend), and I am currently in my 3rd year at St. Thomas University trying my hand at a double major in Criminology and human Right with a Minor in Forensic Anthropology and English, whew!...We're livin it up in good ol' Freddy! I love hanging out with my friend, soccer, skiing, music, movies, being a mall rat with my gang and hanging out with my roomies in our new pad. :-) My Dad has recently got remarried so now I have an extended family of a step-mother, Connie and 2 stepsisters, Amanda and Sarah. Also a new addition to our family has recently been added, my neice Ashlynn. She is absolutely beautiful. See pictures of her below.I also have a wonderful boyfriend whom I can't forget to mention. Jeff is the sweetest, most wonderful guy on this earth and I am so lucky to have him.Untill a little while ago I had a wonderful kitty called J.C
, who lived back at home with my Nan. Sadly,J.C passed away,my first ever pet, she will loved and missed.

I'm on MSN, so if you want to know more...send me a message. Well I have nothing more to say except my favorite quote: When life gives you lemons, stick em in your bra

~*~~*~~*~I have to dedicate some of this page to all my friends so here goes~*~~*~~*~

Jeffrey Here's to snowball fights, roadtrips, sliding adventures,offroading, summer fun,zebra stripes (and weird chinese men in la chateau)I had so much fun on our trip.It would not have been the same without you! You're such a sweetie..I love you!....MORE!!!!!

Alicia, Maggie, Nalini, Jayde, Vanessa, Adele.. you guys are the best friends I've ever had in my life. I was so happy to get the chance to meet up with you guys again. Seeing you was definately one of the highlights of my trip. I'll never forget the looks on your faces when I walked into the school :-) hehehe.

Jay, Kevin,Adrian, Mitchell, Andrew, Kim & Stephen: you are the craziest guys I know but you are all sweethearts...Same goes for you guys. It would not have been the same without seeing you all. Thankyou for a wonderful (and very memorable) time at the Pizza Hut. I will always cherish my souvenier "menu" and "bill tray" forever. See you again very soon.

Here's a pic of Steve, Adrian, Alison, Iva, Nat and some guy I don't know :-)

Tony...Thankyou for always being there for me no matter what has happened. You have always been a great friend no matter what I have put you through. I know we don't get to talk much now, things have changed a lot in the past few years, but I'm glad you're still there for me when I need a shoulder to lean on. You're in my thoughts always.

Lauren you are one of my best friend, you are certainly a unique person but I luv ya anywayz!! I hope you and Mitchell work out great, you two are such a cute couple! Don't do anything I wouldn't do ;-) Thankyou for all the wonderful memories we shared over the years and for the great laugh we had remebering them (although I'm sure Jeff thinks I'm strange now)

Shannon...We've been friends since like the 2nd grade..what can I say? You're an awesome friend. Thankyou for comming to see me, it was so great to see you. Here's to dancing and spying..Mega Bum and Co. :-)

Click here to see Shazza (she's on the left)

Meagan Bird...Hey Meggie, You are my best friend and I hope that never changes. I'm glad you moved to St. George and so did you because if not, we would never have experienced the awesome friendship that we have. We've been through so much loves, past loves, breakups, heartaches, crushes, backstabbers and "situations" No matter what happens, we'll always have each other, even though we may fight, I hope we never loose each other. You are my sunshine, my only sunshine. You makeme happpiiieeeee when skies are Grey! I'm glad you were my rommie this year...I couldn't imagine being here without ya! I'm glad you decided not to go to St. John. Luv Ya Babe!

Here's a pic of me and Meg

Amanda Lee...This year has been so crazy! You'll have to come visit us in Fredricton . Here's to old memories like trips to St. John, Dooleys, Bad room mates(blanket stealer!), and the the truck route!

Sarah M...This is just to say..;-) I'm glad we met up here at STU, who knows a Spartan could be so much fun? ;-) You've become one of my best friends and comforts and I hope we have an awesome time living together this long as we can keep those boys in line! Never EVER forget Callahans class, hahaha Luv Ya!

Here's a pic of us two Babes, Sarah and me

Brandon, aka, YANK...Elton...or "Babe" :-) (sorry Sarah, I had to say it!)what can I say? You've been our cheffure, or however you spell it, our concience and our friend..we certainly have a lot of memories from our group outings over the last few years, and I hope they'll be many more years of fun ahead...hehe. You're an awesome roomie.

Click here to see a great picture of Brandon in all his yankee glory!

Craig..You're a goon, and a hick, but hey? who cares right? :-) but you're an awesome guy and you make my Meggie happy and that's all that matters. You two are a great couple. You better be spending a lot of time up here this year!

Click here to see a pic of Craig and Meg

Jenn D...I'm so glad you came to STU..I have had so much fun hanging out with you, and just think...we have lots of awesome memories and pleanty of bar stories to share with our grandchildren, haha j/k

Shannon W...We never hung out very much in highschool, but I'm glad that we do now :-) You're so much fun and it's been great having you as my friend. Here's to the good Ol' Chestnut!!! :P

Jenn G...Wow, you're such a lucky girl! Congratulations on your engagement and I wish you and Paul all the best. You're a great friend, don't ever change.

Jim you I dedicate the legend of shakespear, the Mellie song, orange pants and PICKLES. I hope you're having fun living in Moncton

Click here to see a pic of Meg and Jim

Manda...well you're back on here now! sorry bout that sis :-) Neways Here's to all the fun times we're had doing all the crazy things we've done, haha. Luv ya

Justin..CHI CHI!! hehe you mexican stud you, I have oonly one thing to say**looks up..looks at the shirt..looks at you...looks at the whipped cream, I like your boyfriend!!** Thanks for coming to visit was a blast!

Well that's all for now..Take a look around and don't forget to sign my guestbook on your way out

Sign my guestbook!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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