Summary: The adventures of Provoloney, and Yo-Yo. Provoloney and Yo-Yo fool around, but they don't *know* what is it exactly. When Yo-Yo tries to kiss Provoloney, he freaks.
Paring: Yo-Yo/Provoloney
Rating: R for language and sensuality.
Length: 2 Parts (est.)
Notes: Psycho Beach Party fans, Let your mind wonder around a bit, and lets see if I get anything done.
Status: In The Works.
  Part 1
Summary: Events takes place right after Eric's "death" scene. After Johnny leaves, Eric is found by Pez Boy who rushes him to the hospital. 5 Years Later... Johnny a failed race car driver, now turned actor, returns to Vegas to film his new movie. Where he runs into Eric.
Paring: Eric/Johnny
Rating: R
Length: ??
Notes: Idea created: 12/29/02
Status: In The Works.
  Part 1
Summary: When Johnny doesn't show any emotion towards Eric, Eric decides to do it himself. Eric decides to "buy" Johnny for one night.
Paring: Eric/Johnny
Rating: R
Length: ??
Notes: Idea created: 12/29/02
Status: In The Works.
  Part 1
Summary: It's about love... or is it lust?
Paring: Alan/David
Rating: NC-17
Length: ??
Notes: Idea created: 2/7/03
Status: Planned
Summary: Why Cameron likes to put up with Ferris shit.
Paring: Ferris/Cameron
Rating: NC-17
Length: ??
Notes: Idea created: 3/9/03; I was watching Ferris Bueller's day off one day and noticed how slashy the two were. BS that Cameron is a side kick and doesn't have a love life.
Status: Planned
Summary: Bobby Ray finally steps his foot outside of his own state.
Paring: Jimbo/Bobby Ray
Rating: NC-17
Length: ??
Notes: Idea created: 4/4/03. Matt Davis (Jimbo) and Ethan Embry is soooo hot! I WANT to do this story. So it's really one of my top list stories.
Status: Planned