SOLDIER’S APPLICATION FOR PENSION STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA County of Wayne On this 8 day of January AD 1930, personally appeared before me, C R Aycock, CSC in and for the State and County aforesaid, Moses Pipkin, age 84 years, and a resident at Goldsboro, NC, Route #4 postoffice, in said County and State, and who, being duly sworn, makes the following declaration in order to obtain the pension under the provisions of an act entitled “An Act to amend and consolidate the pension laws of the State of North Carolina,” ratified March 8, 1921, with amendments thereto: “That he is the identical Moses Pipkin who enlisted in Company A, 71 Regiment, NC State Troops, on or about the (blank) day of April, 1864, to serve in the armies of the late Confederate States, and that while in said service at (blank), in the State of North Carolina, on or about the (blank) day of (blank), 186 (blank), he received a wound or wounds, etc. (Applicant will here state the nature and extent of his wound and disability, so that a proper classification can be make under the new Pension Law passed by the Generaly Assembly of 1921. Read said section of said law carefully, and to accomplish the classification therein called for, let statement here as to nature and extent of wounds, disability, etc., be very full and explicit.) (No description was listed) He further states that he is, and has been for twelve months immediately preceding this Application for Pension, a bona fide resident of North Carolina; That he holds no office under the United States, or under any State or County, for which he is receiving the sum of three hundred dollars as fees or as salary annually; That he is not worth in his own right, or the right of his wife, property as its assessed value for taxation to the amount of two thousand dollars ($2,000), nor has he disposed of property of such value by gift or voluntary conveyance since the 11th March, 1885; And that he is not now receiving any aid from the State of North Carolina or under any other statute providing for the relief of the maimed and blind soldiers of this or any other State. Moses Pipkin – Signature of Applicant Sworn and subscribed to before me, this 8 day of January, 1930 C R Aycock – Signature of CSC Also personally appeared before me E J Pipkin, who resides at Mt Olive, NC, R #4 postoffice, in said County and State, a person whom I know to be respectable and entitled to credit, and being by me duly sworn, says he is acquainted with Moses Pipkin, the applicant for pension, and has every reason to believe that he is the identical person he represents himself to be, and that the facts set forth in this affidavit are correct, to the best of his knowledge and belief, and that he has no interest, direct or indirect, in this claim. E J Pipkin – signature of Witness (my grandfather, Ernest James) Sworn and subscribed to before me, this 8 day of January, 1930 C R Aycock – Signature of CSC ********** STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, WAYNE COUNTY To the Auditor of the State of North Carolina: We certify that we have carefully examined the application of Moses Pipkin for a pension under the provisions of an act entitled “An Act to amend and consolidate the pension laws of the State of North Carolina,” ratified March 8, 1921, with amendments thereto, and the proofs filed in support thereof; that we are satisfied the said Moses Pipkin is the identical person who enlisted in Company A, 71 Regiment of North Carolina State Troops, on or about the (blank) day of April, 1864, and who was disabled in a manner and to the extent stated in the foregoing certificates of himself and physician in consequence of a wound received in battle on or about the (blank) day of (blank), 186 (blank), and we certify the following allegations set forth in his application to be true, namely: He further states that he is, and has been for twelve months immediately preceding this Application for Pension, a bona fide resident of North Carolina; that he holds no office under the United States, or under any State or County, for which he is receiving the sum of three hundred dollars as fees or as salary annually; that he is not worth in his own right, or the right of his wife, property as its assessed value for taxation to the amount of two thousand dollars ($2,000), nor has he disposed of property of such value by gift or voluntary conveyance since the 11th March, 1885, and that he is not now receiving any aid from the State of North Carolina, and therefore his application is correct and just under the act. C R Aycock Clerk Superior Court Approved: Ross D Giddens R T Edwards C R Aycock County Pension Board Moses Pipkin Wayne Co Company A 71st Regt NCST Class A Soldier enr 1-30-1930 Goldsboro NC R #1 Vol 4 page 304 Wayne Co. 77 SOLDIERS APPLICATION FOR PENSION Act of March 8, 1921 With Amendments Thereto Moses Pipkin who enlisted in Company A, 71 regiment, North Carolina State Troops. Goldsboro NC R #1 Approved Dec 1929 B__ Durham Enrolled 1-30-1930 Received Pension Bureau Jan 30, 1930 Auditor’s Department Raleigh, NC ********** WIDOW’S APPLICATION FOR CONFEDERATE PENSION State of North Carolina County of Wayne TO THE NORTH CAROLINA CONFEDERATE PENSION BOARD: I herewith make application to the State of North Carolina, for a Confederate Pension, under the general pension laws of the State, as amended by the regular session of the General Assembly of 1927: My Name – Cynthia Pipkin - Age 78 Residence – Wayne County My Late Husband’s Name – Moses Pipkin My husband’s record in Confederate Army: Date Enlisted – 1864 – Where Enlisted? – Wayne County, NC Company A, Regiment 71, NCST Was your husband a deserter? – No When did you marry him? – April 9, 1873 When did he die? - January 2, 1932 Did he draw a pension before his death? – yes – When? Dec 1929- 1931 – Where? – Goldsboro Are you now a widow? – Yes Are you now an inmate of a State-supported Home, or Hospital, or Asylum, or County Home? – No Are you now receiving a pension from any other State or from the United States Government? – No Are you now holding a National, State, or County Office or position which pays annually in salary or fee the sum of $300.00? – No Are you now receiving aid from the State under any act, general or special, providing for the relief of soldlers or widows who are blind or maimed? – No Do you own property whose tax valuation exceeds $2,000.00? – No If so, state amount – (blank) Have you disposed of property whose tax valuation exceeds $2,000.00, either by gift or voluntary conveyed, since March 11, 1885? – No I hereby certify that the answers to the above questions are true, to the best of my knowledge and belief. Cynthia Pipkin – Applicant Sworn and subscribed to before me, this (blank) day of June, 1933 C R Aycock, CSC ********** CERTIFICATE OF WITNESSES We hereby certify that we know the above applicant, Mrs Cynthia Pipkin, and believe that the answers as given by her to the above questions, are true. Witness: Hugh Brown Campbell R H Edwards C R Aycock ********** CERTIFICATE OF THE COUNTY PENSION BOARD State of North Carolina County of Wayne To the Auditor of the State of North Carolina: We, the undersigned, the County Pension Board of the above county, hereby certify that we have examined the within application of Mrs Cynthia Pipkin, for a Confederate Pension, and the proofs filed in support thereof, and believe that the answers set forth are true, and that the applicant is entitled to a Confederate Pension as provided by law. In Testimony Whereof, We have hereunto set our hands, attested before the Clerk of the Superior Court of the above county. (SEALS) Mary E__ Giddens R H Edwards E E Griffin Attested before me, this the 6th day of July, 1933 C R Aycock, CSC Cynthia Pipkin Wayne Co Widow Moses Pipkin Co A 71st Reft NCST Class 3 Widow enr June 1933 County of Wayne WIDOW’S APPLICATION FOR CONFEDERATE PENSION Consolidated Statutes, 1919, with amendmendants thereto. Mrs Cynthia Pipkin WIDOW OF Moses Pipkin Company A Regiment 71 st NORTH CAROLINA STATE TROOPS age 78 Married 1873 Approved June 1933 B__ Durham Enr 7-12-1933 Filed with State Pension Board. Received Pension Bureau Jul 8 1933 Auditor’s Department Raleigh, NC ********** NORTH CAROLINA Wayne County. To the Pension board of Above County: I hereby certify that I have examined Mrs Cynthia Pipkin, widow of Moses Pipkin, a Class B Pensioner on the roll of this county, and I find her physical condition to be general arteriosclerosis, (hardening of the arteries) myocarditis (heart problem) and totally disabled & confined to house. D E Best MD To the State Board of Pensions at Raleigh, NC: I, C R Aycock, CSC, of the above county, hereby certify that Mrs Cynthia Pipkin, widow of Moses Pipkin now on the Class B Pension Roll of this county, is totally disabled and confirmed to the house and I therefore recommend that she be advanced to Class A. C R Aycock CSC Approved: J A Best supl-Welfare E E Griffin Mary E__ Giddens Members County Pension Board Dated at Goldsboro, NC January 7th, 1933. (Note. The law requires Class A Pensioners to be “totally disabled and confined to the house.”) Wayne County, NC APPLICATION FOR INCREASE PENSION Mrs Cynthia Pipkin Widow of Moses Pipkin Co. A Regt. 71 Now on Class B Age of Widow – 79 Date of Marriage – 1872 Approved JD DW BL Received Pension Bureau Jan 9 1935 Auditors Department Raleigh, NC Enr June 1933