My Cats

These cats are my pets,I don't breed them.I got them from other cyber catteries.Click on the cat to see where I got it from.
I have gotten so many cats,I had to move some to a second page! The more recently adopted cats can be found here:Pets 2
NOTE:The cattery where I got Anabelle and Ariel from is now closed.That is why they are not linked back to a page.

Watch out! It's Dracula.OOOO..scary! *s* I was able to get Dracula,my havana brown,and Peter Wiggins,my American Curl because I participated in a contest. We had to say from what book the "evil" characters the kittens were named after were from.

This cute cat is Barclay my Russian Blue and Clover my dilute tortie Siamese.They are from Tilly's Cattery. I love her cats because they seem so happy!

Here is Favor my dilute calico American Curl Longhair. She is from the first curl litter at River Rapids. She is such a cutie!

Meet Kinos my fawn Somali and Double Image my blue mackeral tabby American Curl Shorthair. Kinos is the Finnish word for when snow has been piled up by man or nature more than .5 meters high.

This is Apple-Cream my cream exotic. He loves to eat apple pies! He is from a new cattery,ya Tamura,and is from their first litter!

Meow! Here is Candy Stripe,a red Persian,and Eskimo Kisses,a Russian Blue. They get along quite well *:0)

Here is my sweetie pie,Sixth Sense. She is named after the movie. My friend saw it,but I didn't have enough nerve to watch it! Sixth Sense is from the first litter that has a kitten verison.

Awwwww...aren't they sweeet? Here is Amaryllis and Sora. Amaryllis is a tortie point Siamese and Sora is a plantinum Burmese. They both seem to be smiling at me :p

This is Baalith my foreign white Siamese! I was able to get her because I guessed River Rapids' new secret breed!

This is Demeter my cream bi-color ASH. She is named after a Greek goddess. She expects to be waited on hand and foot!

Here is Ling my calico manx and Beating the Path back to you,my tortie Persian.They think they are sisters! Don't tell them that they aren't even the same breed!!!

This is Dewtreader a seal-point Balinese.As his name says,he loves romping in the morning grass,getting dew all over himself!

Superstar! That's what Gunderson is! He comes from Its Showtime cattery which names its cats after various famous people.

Here is Indistictive Pleasure Thai.Isn't she a beauty? She is a cream point Siamese.

Did you know that Brittany Spears has a feline counterpart? She does! Here she is.She is a longhair blue patched tabby American Curl from Act Two Cyber Cattery.

This is Hurrok Roaming Earth(Shadow for short) my female black Turkish Angora! She was the only black kitten in a litter of four cats.She loves playing with yarn and likes to sharpen her nails on the scratchboard.

Here is Yasmin my red lynx point Balinese.I got her because she reminded me of Princess Jasmin in the movieAladdin

Meow!Here is Dr.Evil's Kansas and Deja Vu's Abnormality.Abnormality is a beautiful blue cream Persian,and Kansas is a seal-point Himalayan.

Lost and found? My kitten,Sandie,has an interesting story to go with her.I adopted her before I had this cattery.It was when I first got the internet,actually.But anyways,I have had her in my inbox,waiting to put her on my page,and somehow,she got lost!I was cleaning out my e-mail when I found her again!Unfornuately,I have no idea where she is from,and what the url is.If you have any information,please e-mail me.

Boo!Here is Catzer,who likes to play hide and seek.He is an ASH from a "surprise" litter.We were told what breed the litter was,but not the color of the kittens.

This is Revlon,a calico Manx.She is from Piper Maru cattery,which was giving away some of its cats,because they are moving their site to angelfire!

Here is Shadowfall's Phantom.She is a calico Turkish Angora.She is from a special CCA members only litter.

This is River Rapids' Daydream Believer of RubyFalls.She is a seal-tortie-point Himalayan.I got her from Tori,who gave away her Himmies,because she doesn't breed them anymore.I plan to breed Himmies,and when I do,I will move all my Himmies to another page.

Here is Zodiac.My zodiac sign is Aries,since I was born in March.What's your zodiac sign?

Seaside Cattery is breeding Manx again!Droplet is from the first new litter.Isn't she a cutie?

This is Ralph my Persian.He is very rare,because he is a male calico.There are VERY few male calicos,and when there is a male calico,they can't breed.

Here is Yetti and Arabia.Yetti is a Himalayan,and Arabia is a silver chinchilla and white American Wirehair.They are the best of friends!

Who is this cat shrouded in darkness?It's Xerxes my Bombay.All Bombays are black,and Xerxes is no exception!

This pretty kitty is Nova.She is a calico ASH.She is from Lafayette.

Here are my two Tonkinese,Adian,and Ma'at.They make quite a handsome pair,don't they?Adian is from a new cattery called Apple Valley,and Ma'at is from another new cattery,Act Two Cattery.

This is Tethys and Hera my American Wirehairs.Did you know wirehairs resulted from a genetic mutation and thus have very springy fur? I got Tethys and Hera from Snow Shadow Cattery.

Meet Ulysses my cream Turkish Angora.He is named after a U.S. president.I think his name suits him,he looks like he's born to lead doesn't he?

This stud is Bran the Great Voyager.He is a Russian Blue.I got him from Apple Valley cattery.

This is Ruby.She is so dark,you can only see her eyes.I adopted her because of her name.Ruby and Rubyfalls,get it? ;)

This pair is Tuesday my Himalayan and Anabelle my Siamese.Guess what Tuesday's favorite day of the week is?No,not Friday,Tuesday!(I know,it's corny,but I couldn't resist) I won Anabelle through a contest.I had to write a story about if I had two tickets to anywhere in the worl(real or fantasy)where would I go and who would I take.I wrote about how I would go to a fantasy island,Flower Isle,with my best bud,Ashley.

Who is this unusual kitty?It is Fauna,a grey rexfold.Rexfold have folded ears and crimped fur.I wish my hair would be as curly as her fur! Fauna is from Seashore Cattery.

These two cats are Daze and Gift to You,my Turkish Angoras.They might look like twins,but they are not even from the same litter!They are as close as can be though.I got both of them from Ankara Cattery.

Meowwww..Doreen my Javanese is very vocal.She likes to be the center of attention.Why wouldn't she be? She is a very elegant cat,I think she is related to Kirby,my Balinese!Doreen is from Nouvelle Lune Chaton's Cattery.

Here is Chantel my Oriental Shorthair.Even though she's an Oriental Shorthair she has a very French sounding name.I got Chantel from Shadowfalls Cattery.

Meet Aian my Burmilla.He is from the newly reopened Seaside Cattery!He is from the first litter of Burmilla.

This is Shannon my charteux.She is from the same cattery as Cookies and Cream.She is one of two adults that the cattery was adopting out.

Here is Dusty my first Maine Coon.He is from Whispy Meadows and was the "pick of the litter".He is very cute,don't you agree?

This is Ape!His favorite movie is Tarzan :) He loves climbing trees and playing with the other cats.Ape is from Hills Cattery

This beautiful kitten is Kirby.He is a Balinese from Cool Breeze Cattery.The Balinese breed were named after the swaying dancers of Bali.

I present Bjork and Detour my newest cats!Bjork is an American Shorthair and Detour a Tonkinese.Don't they have unusual names?Sounds kind of X-fileish to me.Maybe because the owner of Piper Maru Cattery(where is I got them)is a fan of the show!

This is Ariel!She is a Siamese from Midnightsun Cattery's first litter!I picked her because she reminded me of the movie Little Mermaid

Who is this wrinkly kitty?It's Question,of course!He is a Sphynx,which do not have fur like other cats do.Pretty neat,huh?

This is Ongle my Manx cat.I love his different colored eyes.Sadly,the cattery I got him from doesn't breed Manx anymore.They now breed Burmilla.

This is Cookies N Cream my Chartreux.She is very special,because I got her as a prize for winning first place in a contest.The contest was to think up a new barbie doll.My idea was two Barbie dolls honoring Caroline Bassett Kennedy and JFK Jr.

Here is my Turkish Angora,Penguin.I think his coloring makes him look a bit like a penguin,don't you?He is shown here as a kitten,and then an adult.

Pets Page Two

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