Hello! Want to know more about Valentine's Day but don't want to dredge through page after page of fact? You've come to the right place! Here is a brief history of St.Valentine's Day,hope you enjoy it!
Valentine's Day originated as a pagan festival in the third century.Every Februray the Roamans celebrated a feast called Lupercalia to honor their God,Lupercus.Lupercus was supposed to protect the shephards against wolves and look after their flocks. Around the same time, there was another festival in honor of the goddess,Februata in which the names of girls were placed in a box. Boys would pick names from the box,and the new couple was supposed to prosper in the new year.
As Christianity became abundant,the pagan festival was Christianized.Instead of picking girls names,the names of saints were placed in a box.The person who drew the name was supposed to take on some of the qualities of that saint.This custom did not last very long,and in the 14th century they reverted back to the girl's names.
The name Valentine is derived from a priest named Valentine.As the story goes,doing a time there was a Emperor named Claudius who was recruiting soldiers for his army.He was not getting many recruits because nobody wanted to leave their wife,family, or sweethearts.In anger,the Emperor decided to cancel all weddings and engagements.The priest,Valentine,secretly wed couples.He was thrown in jail where he later died.
In 496 Pope Gelasius declared the day,February 14,in honor of Saint Valentine.
The Young Frenchman,Charles,Duke of Orleans,was one of the earliest creators of the Valentines.He sent several poems or rhymed letters or "valentines" to his wife in France when he was imprisoned in the Tower of London after the Battle of Agincourt in 1415.
During the 17th century people made their own valentines using poems copied from booklets with appropriate verses.
In Europe,the first commercial valentines appeared in 1800 and were rather simple.By the 1830s and 1840s,valentines contained artistic messages.Valentines made of fine papers and decorated with ribbon,satin,or lace were very costly.In the 1840s the first mechanical valentines were introduced. You could pull a tab and an object would move.
In America,in the 1890s,valentines were adorned with spun glass,mother-of-pearl,imatation jewels,or silk fringe."Vinegar Valentines" were cheap and poked fun at people. "Penny Dreadfuls" sold for a penny and the designs were awful
The first U.S. made valentines were made by Ms.Esther Howland in the 1830s.She marketed "Worchester" valentines.She got about $100,000 a year with her business,which was good money in the 1800s.
The Roamans would be suprised at what we have on Valentine's Day today.Usually elemetary children exchange valentines and have class parties. Adults and teens attend parties and dances.Conversation hearts and chocolate from manufacturers like Russell Stover are very popular. One can find valentines in any design from Brittany Spears,Mickey Mouse,and Furby.
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