Do you have the Valentine's Day spirit?

Hi!I do a quiz every month.This month's quiz is in honor of Valentine's Day.

1.What is your favorite color combo?




2.When you go to the local grocery store to get some Valentine's stuff you:

a:Stock up on everything.Tons of candy,valentine's cards for everyone,decorations for the house.You gotta be prepared!

b:What Valentine's stuff?

c:Browse throught the aisles,exclaim over the cute stuffed animals,and get the usual box of Valentines you get every year

3.Your favorite kind of Valentine's candy is:

a:Chocolate,any kind.Hey,chocolate is good anytime of the year!

b:You don't eat any kind of candy

c:Those conversation hearts.It's fun to pick out ones like "friends" or love and give them to people.

4.On Valentine's Day you are:

a:Handing out Valentines to all of your buds and chomping on some Valentine's cookies or candy.

b:Watching something on t.v. trying to forget its Valentine's Day.

c:Partying up a storm.There is a big bash at your house or at a friend's house.You are also sending out electronic Val-day cards to everyone,and are dressed from head to toe in pink,red,or white.

5.If for some reason we didn't have Valentine's Day this year,it would be:

a:The greatest day of your life.Good Riddance to Valentine's Day!

b:End of the world.Valentine's Day is your favorite holiday.

c:a sad day.Valentine's Day filled in that long stretch between Christmas and Easter.


You send your Valentine's a month in advance

You wake up at 6 in the morning the day after Valentine's Day to get Valentine's stuff 1/2 off

You have a Valentine's Day website

The heart is your favorite shape


You have said "I hate Valentine's Day" or anything along those lines

You don't give out Valentine's Day cards

You have never eaten or heard of a conversation heart

You thought Valentine's Day was in May

SCORING 1.a=3,b=2,c=1........2.a=3,b=2,c=1 .........3.a=2,b=1,c=3........4.a=2,b=1,c=3 ..............5.a=1,b=3,c=2

If you got

19-14 Romeo or Juliet!

Wow! You are a definite lover of Valentine's Day.You share the Valentine Spirit with everyone.Remember it's ok not to wear red or pink everyday,and that the other holidays are good too.

13-7 Sweetie Pie

You like Valentine's Day but don't over do it.You like to spread your spirit around to all the holidays.Keep up the good work!

6-1 Sour Puss

I guess you really don't like Valentine's Day!You don't have to have a significant other to enjoy this holiday.Gather some friends,eat some candy,and send out a few Valentines to regain the Valentine's spirit!

I hope you enjoyed taking this quiz.E-mail me your results,and I will post them on this page next month.
