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The Annoyance duo sequal. WE’re back and annoying as ever!!!!!!
By: Megan/Cathy

Team Rocket was back in jail, now with the Annoyance Duo.

“You should not have asked Officer Jenny for all of her pokemon!” yelled Jessie at James.

“Well, I didn’t know the lady we were holding at gunpoint for her pokeon was Officer Jenny! And I didn’t know we didn’t have any ammo!” defended James. “And it was partly your idea!”

“Shut up” growled Jessie. It was followed by a bonk on the head with a large mallet.

“Oh Meowzy, I am stranded here in jail with these clowns, and I miss you so much! I will come back to you!” moaned Meowth.

“Who are you calling clowns!” yelled Jessie. She promply knocked Meowth out now.

She finally noticed the Annoyance Duo in the corner. They were whining at the warden how he would look so much better in orange and purple.

“Oh no!!!!!!” moaned Jessie. “It can’t be!”

“Oh yes it is!!!!!!!!!”
"To annoy the world to devastation , to annoy all peoples within our nation, to annoy the world without truth and love, to annoy the world to the stars above, CAtsable! Megaweird! WE annoy at the speed of light, surender nown or prepae to be annoyed!”
“Zubat!!” shrieked two awfully familiar high voices.

“Oh no, it’s the anoyance duo!” groaned James who had just woken up.

“Oh Meowzy. I remian faithful to you in the face of torture itself” said Meowth in a dreamy voice.

“Now I know how Ash feels!” said James.

“Are you saying that we’re annoying how da......” Jessie started than was cut off by a sudden idea.

“James, i have the perfect plan!” she yelled.

“What?” asked James.

“They annoy the twerp while we snatch Pikachu! For once James you did something right!”

“What did I do?”

“Oh never mind!”

Jessie walked over to where the annoyance duo was standing. THey had gotten bored and had decided to go back to annoying the warden. He was firmly refusing to let them paint his nails, no matter how strong the argument that lime green and orange look good together was.

“Hey. um, Annoyance Duo?” said Jessie. They whirled around, and the warden shot Jessie a look of deep gratitude.

“Yessssssssss?” they trilled.

“WE’re going around trying to catch this Pikachu from this stupid twerp named Ash and his stupid friends Brock and Misty. I think you could help us.” explained Jessie.

“Annnnnnd hooowwwwww?” they asked.

“You could annoy the twerps and we catch PIkachu.”

“Noooooooooooooooooo” they said.

“Why not?’ yelled Jessie, getting mad.

“Cause you asked nicely! Say you don’t want us to do it and we’ll do it!”

“ Okay, I don’t want you to help us at all!!!” said Jessie.

“WE’re gonna help! WE’re gonna help! WE’re gonna help!” screamed the annoyance duo and they ran around the cell.

“Okay, it worked! Now we gotta get out of here!” said Jessie to James.

James went over to the annoyance duo.

“How are we going to get out of here?” he asked.

“Oh we know!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” they trilled. “Oh look at the pwetty kitty!!!! He would look so nice if we dressed him up in a wiittle pink lacy night gown and put him in a baby carriage and hug him and squeeze him and kiss him and love him and......"

They were inturrupted by a sudden scream by Meowth of course there was a small cloud of dust and after it settled it revealed a big hole. The perfect escape.

“Let’s go!” Jessie turned around, and James was sitting there busily eating the donuts left behind by the warden. She slapped him over the head.

“Ow!” he whined. “Jessie, that hurt!”

“Hurry up, you numbskull, before we get caught!” she yelled. He followed her whining all the way.

It turns out Meowth had a ballon waiting for them, and he WAS NOT expecting the annoyance Duo. It took several bonks over the head from Jessie before he agreed to it with many little cheerful little remarks like..

“Water torture would be betta”, and “oh Meowzie, the vision of your lovely face keeps me strong!”

Jessie knocked him out for that remark. They flew over Pallet Town and Ghost Town until they reached Viridian City. The annnoyance duo annoyed Meowth to wits end and he jumped out of the baloon and landed right on Pikachu who almost imediatley shocked him with a jolt of over 1000 volts.

Jessie landed the balloon and the four people descretely hid behind some bushes watching Ash question Meowth. All Meowth did was ramble about a fate worse than death the annoyance duo!! But it was mumbled and Ash didn’t have a clue what he was talking about. Just then they saw these two wierd looking people.

"Team Rocket!" Ash exclaimed. Misty butted in by saying even Team Rocket wouldn’t wear those out of fashion clothes.

"To annoy the world with this dumb motto
To annoy the world in devestation to annoy all people within this nation



The annoyance duo anoying at the speed of light

Surrender now or prepare to be annoyed!!



Meowth ran for cover. “Aww, Ash, your hair is a mess!! We have to fix it! and get rid of that awful hat!!!“ They shrieked. They grabbed his hat and threw it into a nearby stream.

“Noooooooooooo!” Ash screamed. They started messing with his hair. Pretty soon, his hair was in 14 pigtails with pink bows. Misty laughed her head off, and started rolling on the ground she was laughing so hard.

Ash dived in after his hat. Gloom set off a terrible smell, and Brock ran for cover. Team Rocket ran in and grabbed Pikachu. Pikachu was not able to shock them because the were wearing rubber gloves wich don’t conduct electricity. The annoyance duo gave a loud shriek and dashed to the balloon.

Ash finally recovered his hat but his happiness turned to anger as he saw that his Pikachu was mising. He saw the Team Rocket ballon in the sky and knew exactly what to do. He grabbed his Pokeball and released Pidgeotto boarded him and followed Team Rocket. Unfortunetly for them it was once again Butterfree’s mating season and there many other ballons in the sky and once they finally got out of the mess of ballons Team Rocket was long gone not a trace of them anywhere.

They went back down to Misty and Brock. Meanwhile Team Rocket was congratulating themselves. They happily went to the boss and showed him the Pikachu but he was not impresed. He took them to a testing room where they hooked Pikachu to a tube of some sort it was incased in a glass jar where they put the Pikachu. The boss pushed the red button and a mallet was released and wacked pikachu in the face. Pikachu then became angry and gave a big thundershock that broke the scale. The boss congratulated them for there good work.

Team rocket started dancing around cause they were so happy. And the annoyance duo began to shriek in happiness. The boss got annoyed and told them to do that out side while he put Pikachu in a Pokeball. They went outside, the annoyance duo still shrieking. Their shrieking could be heard from a mile away. In fact Ash heard the shrieking of the two awfully familiar voices and used it to find Team Rocket and his Pikachu.

He reached the Headquarters and saw the boss right about to capture Pikachu when he jumped and grabbed the Pikachu right before Giovanni got it. (Pikachu's jolts didn’t hurt Giovanni in case your wonderring if Pikachu put up a fight. It didn’t hurt him because he was in a rubber suit). He quikly ran to his Pidgeotto and soared back to where Brock and Misty were. The boss was very angry and told Team Rocket if they wanted to keep there jobs they would once again have to capture Pikachu. Meowth was still in the forest hiding from the annoyance duo.

The end (at least until the next one we do)

Waadda ya mean it’s the end! It can’t be the end! It can’t end now, this is the story that never ends, it goes on and on my friends, some people started writing it not knowing what it was, just because this is the story that never ends, it goes on and on my friends, some people started writing it not knowing what it was, just because this is the story that never ends, it goes on and on my friends, some people started writing it not knowing what it was, just because this is the story that never ends, it goes on and on my friends, some people started writing it not knowing what it was, just because this is the story that never ends, it goes on and on my friends, some people started writing it not knowing what it was, just because this is the story that never ends, it goes on and on my friends, some people started writing it not knowing what it was, just because this is the story that never ends, it goes on and on my friends, some people started writing it not knowing what it was, just because this is the story that never ends, it goes on and on my friends, some people started writing it not knowing what it was, just because this isn’t fair, hey where are you going?!?!