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Title: My Biggest Mistake
By: Cerulean Shadow
Summary: Sort of Meowth's point of view of when he took his cousin stantler hunting. Thanks to Comedy Central, this was a success ( I guess ^_^).


Just when I thought I done da stupidest ting a cat could do, I surpassed it. I took my cousin, Missy, stantler huntin'. Big Mistake. I should have known dere was gonna be trouble. We're walkin' on da side of da highway and we were passing dese stantler crossin' signs. Now my cousin was da smartest kitten I ever met in my life. She literally said, " Why do they put those out there? Stantler can't read."

"No, but dey do recognize pictures of demselves." Let me set da scene for ya, I got on camouflage pants, got on a camouflage jacket, got camouflage paint on my face. I have got a 1997 30 ot six with a laser scope. She, is in a yellow joggin' suit, white tennis shoes, and brought a small poise (purse). I'm gonna get a stantler, she's gonna take it shoppin'. Now let me clarify somethin' for ya, I study stantler. I know for a fact that dere are over 60 types of stantler on dis great Eoith of ours. One of 'em's called da Mutjack. It's somewhere around the dark woods it stands 20 feet high at the shoulders, it has no antlers, and when it's scared it gets real skittish. Where I'm from dats a poodle.

I know dere are basically three ways to hunt a stantler. You can do da stalk, dats where you get on your feet and you walk up on dat stantler of your choice. There is da stand hunt, dats where you sit up on a tree and you wait for it to walk under it. Dere's da drive hunt, that's where you hit da stantler with your truck. For you hunters taking notes, da thoid one's da easiest.

So me and Missy were up at da stantler stand, you hunters out there, you know what I'm talkin' about, It's da poifect time of day. It's still morning, it's dark, it's cold, you're making steam with your breath. Off in the distance, a doduo gobbles as it wakes up for the morning. In the distance, a pikachu scampers through the dead leaves; It's da poifect, time, of day.

It's quiet.....

Cause in da darkness I keep hearing this:

"......................What are we doing?"
"...We're uh... we're waitin' for da stantler to show up okay? Shhhh...."
"................................What time do they show up?"
"..........Uh....I dunno. They didn't retoin da phone call TO SET UP DA MEETING!!!!! Now please, be quiet!!!"
"..................Meowth............... I've gotta go..."
".....Dere's a coffee can. Here's a wake up call."

The sun has come up and in da clearing stands a male stantler eatin' the grass and I'm just: "Tank You God... You are on da wall!"

And dis is what I hear:

"Awwww........ Ain't he cute? He looks like Bambi's dad, remember we saw that with my kittens-"
" Yes I remember! It's a cartoon so SHUT UP!!!"
"Well you're not gonna shoot him are you?"
"What do you tink I brought this gun for? PROTECTION!!?? Do you think dat stantler's gonna come up dis tree and rob us??"

"Run Stantler! Run!! Run!!! RUN!!!!!"

That is the only time I ever heard a stantler laugh at me. I sure did loin my lesson dat day.