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Team Rocket Campaign

Okay, this is a campaign for the toy company people to make more merchandise with Team Rocket on it. I've seen T-shirts with Ash, Misty and Brock. Bookbags with Ash-tachi. Hats, notebooks, folders, pencils, hats and underwear!! I've seen stuff with different Pokemon on it, too. Pikachu, Charizard, Squirtle, etc. But what have I seen with Team Rocket?? The figurines of Jessie and James and a lunchbox with a picture of them on it. The pic doesn't even look like them!! And of course, the Japanese Rocket cards. In other places, they might have more stuff, but where I live, there's so little. I know there's some kind of puzzle with James on it, but I haven't seen it. Compared to what I've seen with the good guys, the Team Rocket stuff is like nothing. You really think I'll go around wearing a T-shirt with Ash and Pikachu on it?? I don't think so!!!! I wanna wear a T-shirt with the one and only, Team Rocket!! But, nooo. They don't have stuff like that. Any true Team Rocket fan would want stuff with their idiols on it. I already have the Team Rocket figurines and a bunch of Rocket cards. (I am not buying the lunchbox!!) There's like nothing else left to get. So support Team Rocket. We all want more Team Rocket merchandise, right?? Course we do. Right?

Put this GIF on your website, if you have one. If you don't, you can still support TR by telling everyone 'bout this. And please e-mail me if you agree, okay??
