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Disclaimer: Blah blah blah blah blah. *yawns* You know the deal. Remember to send me mail! Oh and one more thing, the Emperor, Sachiko, the Empress, Garuda, Saikobi, and the Black Thing are owned by me. If you want to include them in any of your stories, you have to ask for my permission first. Have a nice day!


The floor of the hallway vibrated under the weight of 150 charging beasts. No one dared to stop their rampage, for caged beasts are easily vexed and once let loose they seek vengeance on those who suppressed them. The swarm thundered their way to the temple with only one thought on their minds. Justice.


Saikobi stared skywards, paralyzed in fear as a black shadow seeped up from the well and drifted languidly toward her. The chanting from the black robed guards was beginning to drive her insane. Apparently, the ancient tongue gave this shadow creature life and power. And no doubt it was as evil as evil could get on earth.
“You’ve brought me a sacrifice,” it seethed though no mouth could be found on it’s body. “How generous. I’m so very hungry. I haven’t eaten in five hundred years.”
Saikobi cried out and tried to pull away even though she knew it was futile. She gave a pleading look in the direction of the shackled prisoners. The shadow looked as well and made a sound of twisted delight as it slithered over to examine its prey.
“Mmmm. A bit thin, they are, but any meat will do for now.”
Apparently forgetting that they were supposed to be enemies, Satoshi, Kasumi, Musashi, and Kojiro latched on to each other.
It laughed. “You have due right to be afraid. Sakaki has been my most trusted, my most loyal advocate. He’s never failed me. You I shall deal with later. Now, for this one.” It moved sinuously back to the poor girl. “How delicate. Delectable.”
It dropped down on top of her, four legs forming from the black mass.
“What a wise choice you’ve made with this one,” the thing said to Sakaki. He bowed in reply with a sinister smile.
“And now, my dear, beautiful flower, you shall answer to me. Tell me your secret. Since you’ve resisted Sakaki, you must either tell me of your power or die. What have you?”
Saikobi glared at him with disgust.
“I won’t tell you anything, “ she said heatedly, turning her head away from it’s fetid smell. “Even if you torture me! Even if you kill me! I’ll never tell you!” “Oh but there you’re wrong,” it snapped. “You appear to be defiant, but you can’t even look me in eye..” at that a glimmering red orb appeared. “You’re afraid. I know it.”
It made a low guttural sound in its throat as it brushed its head over hers. Saikobi spun around and spat in it’s face, or what she assumed to be it’s face.
“ Auugh! Wicked girl!” it fumed. “For that I’ll take your life!”
It reared it’s head back, bearing rows of teeth as long and as sharp as steak knives. But before it could act, the western wall of the chamber crumbled and Garuda burst through, followed by Meowth, Pikachu, and the other furious Pokemon.
“Ack!” the black thing shrieked. It jumped off the dais to face them. Sakaki looked on in horror. How did his collection of rare creatures evade him?
“You can’t defeat me,” the hideous beast challenged. “You’re too late!”
Garuda stepped forward to accept the challenge. The wave of Pokemon surged and thrashed the guards and Sakaki. Lighting flickered from electric shocks, red and blue beams exploded from psychic attacks, claws flew, flames gushed forth, and water spewed. Garuda and the beast took their battle above the others, staring intently in each other’s eyes. It moved first, aiming for the most vital point on Garuda, the Eye of Shiva. Garuda slammed into it and sent it hurtling backwards. But it was as quick and agile as a snake and was back in a mere second. It flashed its fangs and attempted to bite Garuda’s throat, but the bird was an immortal being, a fact found out too late.
“No...” it stammered in shock. “ It can’t be! The bearer of the Eye! You are the servant of the Mistress of the Destruction of Evil!”
The Eye of Shiva opened slowly, blinding the beast with its intensity. While it was distracted, Garuda took the opportunity to free Saikobi and the others. It crushed the iron chains with its mighty beak and resumed its fight. Get them out of here! Hurry! It screamed at the princess.
Saikobi threaded her way through the small revolution to Musashi, Kojiro, Satoshi, and Kasumi.
“Come on! We’ve got to get out of here!” she shouted, pushing them ahead of her. “Do you know a way out?”
“There’s a way through the ventilation system!” answered Kojiro.
“Let’s go!”
They raced away from the horror playing out behind them, out the giant door that had opened a chapter unimaginable to them. They climbed into the vents and scrabbled their way outside in the dark. Kojiro tumbled out first, followed by Musashi who just happened to land on top of him, Kasumi, Satoshi, and Saikobi. The princess pushed herself to her feet and ran to the shelter of the forest. The others followed after her and discovered that she was hyperventilating, her eyes wide in shock.
“You’re okay now, Saikobi,” said Kasumi softly, taking her by the shoulders. “You’re okay. Don’t worry.”
“You’re telling me worry...” she spoke in a shaky voice. “ whole family is gone....and..and..I almost died...and I almost got you all killed....and now....” she choked, “You’re Pokemon might die!”
Saikobi sank to her knees and wept. Kojiro, Musashi, and Kasumi knelt down beside her to comfort her and wait out her tears.
Suddenly the roof of the palatial building exploded, and the sleek form of a triumphant Garuda could be seen, carrying several Pokemon on it’s back. Other Pokemon that could fly carried the rest. Garuda landed a few feet away from them and let the Pokemon off. He spread his gigantic wings over Saikobi.
“PIKACHU!” shouted an exuberant Satoshi as the electric mouse jumped into his arms.
“Pika,” it squealed.
Meowth loped over and was immediately swept up into the arms of Musashi and Kojiro.
“Oh Meowth we thought we’d never see you again!” cried Kojiro.
“That’s very charming,” the cat wheezed, “but Meowth can’t breathe!”
“Oops, sorry,” Musashi apologized as she put him down. Meowth coughed and inhaled deeply.
“Hey, what’s happening to Saikobi?” asked Kasumi, who now cradled her beloved Togepi.
A faint shimmer of light had encircled the princess, and she had stopped crying. She looked down at herself, trying to make sense of what was happening. The light grew more intense, more bright. It flashed and pulsed as though it were a living thing. A gentle echo emitted with each palpitation, like notes form a song. Saikobi was lifted off the ground by the glowing orb, much to the astonishment of all who watched. Whispers fluttered back and forth. Saikobi stretched her arms over her head and arched her back, aiming at Rocketto-Dan Headquarters. Her hands drew in dazzling sparks of colored light until her body was completely charged with its energy. Down below, everyone shielded their eyes as the ball began to dance and flare more quickly. *Think of the Porygon episode.* With a loud blast, Saikobi hurled the light forward. It flew out from her arms in tendons, and crackled like lightning. The building that had once served as a vessel for evil went up in a blindingly brilliant circle of light and fire. The orb surrounding Saikobi disappeared and she fell to the ground unconscious.


The nation mourned at the loss of their beloved sovereigns. An opulent funeral and cremation ceremony was held at the Great Temple of Buddha. Saikobi stood at the head of the coffins, forcing her tears back, trying to remain strong for her people. Musashi and Kojiro stood behind her, heads lowered respectfully, reflecting on the past 24 hours and all they had lost. Meowth, silent for once, sat at their feet. Kasumi and Satoshi were invited to come, but they chose to return home to rest and overcome their narcosis.
“May the journey into the next realm be peaceful,” chanted the priest. “May your memory be upheld forever. And may your daughter serve this country with the same strength and dignity as you have.”
Saikobi stepped up to the caskets and placed a lotus blossom on each before they were lifted and carried away to the furnace in the inner sanctuary. They were gone forever. Wails rose up from the crowd as the princess and her entourage departed.


Ever since the destruction of the Rocketto-Dan headquarters, Garuda had mysteriously disappeared. Perhaps the only reason he had ever come to her was to serve his duty and then return to whatever realm he was from. Saikobi, now the Empress of Japan, sat in her throne of ivory lined with burgundy velvet. She faced the giant moon window, gazing thoughtfully out over the land she was to rule. The pressures were intense so far, and would only get worse as the years passed. Treaties, negotiations, reviews of military troops, schools, and Pokemon Centers, as well as formal state dinners kept her busy and cliched her schedule. She may not have much political power, but her presence was required almost everywhere. The people still wanted to see her even though she didn’t get to make many desicions.
“Your Highness,” said an important looking man garbed in silk as he entered the Throne Room. “Senator Kobayashi,” she answered without turning around. “What have you come here for?”
“Your Majesty, you have visitors,” Kobayashi said with a bow.
“All visitors must have and appointment before seeing me,” she replied sternly. “You know as well as I do despite these modern times, there are people who want to kill me.”
“But, Majesty, they said it was most urgent.” She relented. He sounded pathetic. She didn’t care for the way he groveld so overdramatically. She was only a human being.
“Who are they?”
“I do not have their names, but they are a young man and a woman.”
Saikobi started, and gripped the arms of the throne.
“Send them in at once!” she ordered.
“Yes, Your Highness! I’ll send them in immediately!”
He bowed deeply even though she could not see, and scurried off. The exhausted young empress was suddenly alive and anxious. Had they come to tell her how much they hated her? Had they come to assassinate her? They had every right. Why on earth did they want to see her? Why did they even bother? The sound of timid footsteps forced her to draw in a deep breath and relax her death grip on the chair.
“Uh...Your Highness?” came Kojiro’s akward voice.
The throne swiveld slowly to reveal a lady resplendent in twelve fold silk robes, her hair beaded and swept up in an elaborate chignon, and her face masked in imperial duty with traditional white makeup. The stares from the utterly stunned couple and the Meowth didn’t help.
“Please, you know my name,” Saikobi started. “Don’t rely on formalities. Come, sit.” She gestured with her hand. A hand dwarfed in the butterfly sleeves.
They sat, without taking their eyes off of her.
“Is it really you under dere?” Meowth asked, with an inquisitve expression.
She smiled in embarassment.
“Yes. I’m afraid a heavy station carries a heavy burden. I’m surprised to see you again. I thought know...that you all had come to hate me. I see no reason why you shouldn’t.”
“We don’t hate you,” answered Musashi, exchanging a nervous glance with Kojiro. “We just wanted to know how you were.”
She smiled again truly touched.
“I appreciate that. It’s been very hard with no one to talk to, but I do not deserve your gratitude. I owe you thanks. It is only because of your courage that ultimately the world has been prevented from harm. You have the world’s blessings.”
Saikobi looked knowingly at Musashi and Kojiro.
“And mine.”
She noticed the releif in their faces.
“We thought you were going to banish us or execute us,” Kojiro revealed.
She shook her head, causing the beaded suspensions to clink.
“No. I couldn’t. You saved my life! You are to be commended. I will grant you anything in my power.”
“Really?” drooled Meowth. “I sure would like to have a....”
“Hush Meowth!” Musashi scolded and struck him on the head.
Saikobi quietly covered a laugh behind her pale hand.
“Well, we don’t want anything,” said Kojiro.
“We have...other plans...,” Musashi said slyly, eyeing him lustily, a seductive smile curling on her mouth.
“Oh...” the empress replied with new understanding. She laughed.
“Very well. I wish you all good fortune. Be happy in what “other plans” you have.” They rose and tried to bow but she raised her hand to stop them.
“Aww, do we have to leave now?” whined Meowth, giving his two human companions a plaintive look.
“Yes,” the said in unison. With one more glance at the newly transformed girl, they departed.
On his way out, Meowth called, “Be expecting plenty a visits from me!”
Saikobi smiled and shook her head. For some reason Buddha had meant for her to run into them, and she couldn’t have been more grateful.


It was unbearably hot, one of those sticky southern summer days. The sun blazed down on a sprawling Victorian mansion of palatial proportions surrounded by gardens. In one of these gardens sat a young woman, garbed in Victorian, if somewhat gaudy clothing, a parasol blooming over her head to protect her tender fair skin. A newspaper was spread open before her, covering her face. She scanned the international section of the news, and her eyes widened with surprise when she caught a familiar name.
“Ahh, so now Ah’ve found you, my beloved,” she said in a sinister southern accent. “You helped save the Empress of Japan. Well, ain’t that sweet? Ah’m comin’ Kojiro. And this time you won’t escape me.”
Her deranged laughter floated into the air. Servants scattered, afraid for their lives. As anyone should be when she was after you.


What a twisted ending. Heh. Sorry if I offended anyone by destroying Team Rocket headquarters, and killing Sakaki, Kosaburo, and Yamato. I just don’t like them. Musashi, Kojiro, and Meowth are the only ones I really care about. Also sorry if I had too much Ash-tachi in there. Oh well. At least I portrayed him as he truly is. Arrogant, stupid, and crazy. E-mail me if you want to bitch or something.