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Gallery 2

Artist: Megs973
James watching/waiting. cute
James in a cute costume.
James, an angel.
Poor ol' Butch, the frog.
The whole team.
James is such a sweetie, helping Jess out with her hair.
Hiking just isn't as fun as it used to be.

Artist: Growlithe Gal
From 'Love, War, and Roses' - The family
A cute Mewtwo.

Artist: Shaini
James doing his ever cute pose.
Jessie and her pose
And another drastic pose from her.

Artist: Amanda
Sweet dreams Cassidy.

Artist: HuyCurlyGurly
Jess and Jim holding hands.
And with their family.

Artist: Tracewski7
Good ol' Mewtwo
Arbok and Ekans
Jessie's Lickitung
James's Cacnea
James and Silver Bandit
Handsome James
Gonna get Pikachu
Meowth balloon
Good ol' Meowth
James as Moltres
Wedding day

Artist: Josh & Jenny
Christmas and mistletoe.
Together forever.
The duo: James and Jessie.
A shippy pic.

Artist: Kally
Love and role-playing Meowth.
A kiss at sunrise.
Just cuddling.

Artist: Liss
The whole gang: Ash, Misty, May, and Brock.
The Rocket gang: James and Jessie.
Frying Togepi vs. Evil Togepi.
James dreaming of his favorite girl.
Team Rocket

Arist: Ashley
Goth Guardian Angel James

Arist: Lamees
James talking to Meowth
Moltres and Eevee
Jessie and James with wings
A Rocketshippy pic.
Pokemon/Powerpuff Girl crossover: Butch and Jessie
Jessie and bottlecap *NEW*
Brushing her hair *NEW*
Just James *NEW*
A little Rocketshippy action. *NEW*
James and his temper *NEW*
Jessie and Harley *NEW*
Dustox *NEW*
Dustox 2 *NEW*
Dustox 3 *NEW*

Artist: Dandy_Rocket
The team together

Artist: Eternal Ivy
Jessie and Giovanni

Artist: RocketKitty
Collage of Team Rocket
Ekans and Koffing