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Team Rocket was having a party. Jesse was sick, and could not come. All the boys were talking in one corner.

"So, I heard the boss was going to give us new partners again." Tracy, a new member of TR said. He had already been moved up a rank, because he had stolen a Pinsir from a kid.

"I hope so." James muttered, glancing at Ash.

"I hope that is not true." Mondo said. "I want to stay with Jesse."

"Hump." James turned away from Mondo.

"I wanna be with a girl!" Brock whined.

"Meowth. I don't like Butch. He is borin'." Meowth said, yawning.

"Be quiet cat." Butch muttered.

With Jesse...

"I don't like anyone, I just pretend to like Mondo to annoy James."

Jesse was talking with Cassidy in her room.

"Yeah, well. I am geting bored. Nothing is ever going on." Cassidy said.

James was talking with Meowth about Giovanni, when suddenly...

"Hey, ain't that Tracy and Mondo fightin' over there?" Meowth nodded at them.

Tracy had shoved Mondo into the wall, and now Mondo was attempting to choke Tracy. Brock was trying to pull them apart. James and Meowth walked over to see what was going on. Mondo was talking to Tracy.

"I like Jesse, you big show off!!"

"Yeah, I think she likes me better! Why else do you think that I keep asking to draw Arbok??"

"Why you....."

Mondo punched Tracy.

"Stop it you two!" Brock said.

"Dis calls for a fury swipes attack!"

Meowth scrached up Mondo and Tracy.

"You furball!"

"Stay out of this!"

"Quit it! I like Jesse!" James yelled.

"Oh yeah??" Mondo grabbed one of his pokeballs.

"Go Ditto!"

"Go Scyther!"

"Ha! You want to fight me? Go Victreebell!"

After that, it was crazy. Almost everybody got in the fight. The real punching bag, (And bad at fighting back.) was Tracy. He was a bully magnet. Scyther was soon knocked out by dozens of Pokemon. Tracy was punched, kicked, and getting attacked by Pokemon. Mondo was also having a hard time. James was another bully magnet.

Brock was scared, and ran out of the room yelling, "Crazy! I'm getting Giovanni!"

"Pikachuuuuu!!!!" The fight ended when Pikachu shocked everybody.

Jesse was confused. She had just taken a walk and had seen Tracy, James and Mondo with black eyes, broken jaws, and knocked out teeth.

They had all told the same story.

Tracy had said, "I 'ell 'own in 'a 'hower." (I fell down in the shower).

James had said, "I triped in 'a 'ink." (I triped in the sink) and Mondo had said, "I 'ell in da bathtub." (I fell down in the bathtub).

"I know they are lying. I wonder what happened....You can't smash up your face by falling in the shower."

Jesse had a plan. However, she had to do somthing that she did not want to do....

First, she called James.

"Oh James??? I want to know if you want to have dinner, sweetie? Hmm??" She made her voice sound lovey dovey, and tried to sound romantic.

"Huh? 'hut are you takin' 'bout?"

Jesse hung up. She knew he was going to come.

James came about a half hour later. At first, she just talked, and slowly began to ask about his injuries. He was not telling though. Jesse was fed up by the time he left.

"I suppose I have to call Tracy now."

She called him and said the same thing she had told James. After Tracy came she tried to get info out of him too. No luck.

"If I can't make Mondo tell me, I'll go nuts."

She picked up the phone, and started to dial.

Jesse was disgusted. No info out of any of the boys. "I give up. Dumb boys. They musta gotten into a car wreck or something."

She got into bed and never found out.