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6: Rocket Slayers Destroyed

Butch had gotten up and was putting on his shoes. Jessie got out of her bed, away from Bobby.

"So... you're Butch's cousin, hm?" Jessie walked to Chelsea.

"Yeah. And what's it to you anyway?"

"Nothing to me. I could care less," Jessie crossed her arms.

"Are you his girlfriend?" Chelsea asked. Jessie looked at her, confused, and blinked. Then she burst out in laughter.

"Me?! His girlfriend?! That'll be the day!" she continued laughing.

"Then, I bet you're no one's girlfriend..."

Jessie stopped laughing and growled.

"Actually, Chelsea... her boyfriend should be dead just about now," Bobby began. Jessie looked up at him.

"What? W... who's dead?"

"James, of course..."

Jessie slowly began lowering herself to the floor. Her eyes were filling with tears. "James is dead?"

"Yup! I killed him," Bobby smiled proudly. Jessie burst out in tears.

Butch walked in. "Did you say, James is dead?!"

Jessie wailed, "Nooo! He can't be dead! He promised me he would come back!" she grabbed Bobby by the collar and shook him violently. "Anything! I'll do anything to have him back! Kill me instead! Go treat him before it's too late! Just kill me now! As long as James is okay... I don't care what happens to me!" she cried even louder. Butch went over to hug Jessie, but she pushed him away. "Butch! Don't you realize I never liked you?!" she yelled at him.

"Well, yeah. But guess what! Same here! You were right, Jessie! I do like Cassidy! I was just trying to get her back for something she said once. I thought I could force myself to like another girl. I guess it worked, only for about a month. I've been chasing you all month, and I hate myself for doing it! I guess, when it comes to you though, any guy can get... more than a little crazy..." Butch sat on the bed, next to Chelsea.

Jessie glared at him. "So, this whole week, you were only using me? Only deceiving me?!"

"No, Jessie! All of my feelings were true... at the time. I mean, it's ju-"

"Um, excuse me. But, can we get on with what we came here for?" Bobby interrupted.

"Bobby! I'm not killing my cousin!" Chelsea screamed.

"Fine, then I'll just finish off the idiot duo," he grabbed Jessie and wrapped his arm around her neck.

Jessie screeched. "Oh my god! Let go of me!" She kicked at him. Then, Bobby pulled out a gun and held it to her head.

"Relax, girly. You'll join your James soon. You and him can spend eternity together in hell!" Bobby laughed. Jessie tried everything to get out of his arms, but he was too strong. Butch wanted to help her, but Chelsea held him back.

"Butch, I'm not letting you be killed..."

"Someone! Anyone! Help me! James! Help!" she screamed. She bit Bobby's arm, which made his grip a little looser. She kept wriggling around. Bobby shot the gun. Jessie screamed. He missed. Butch was horrified. He didn't know what to do. Chelsea wouldn't let him up to do anything. She was just holding his hand. "Ow!" Jessie screeched. Bobby was beating her back. He was enjoying this very much. Jessie kicked at him. "Stop it!" she demanded, which only made Bobby put the gun to her back.

"Hey, I'll be the one who makes the orders around here! Got it?!" he pulled at her hair. Butch couldn't take it any longer, but didn't know what to do.

"How can you find so much enjoyment in killing and hurting people?! The members of Team Rocket may be bad, but we're not murderers!" Jessie yelled. "I mean, think about it! How would you like it if the members of Team Rocket were searching down all of your members, just to kill them for fun?!"

"That's a good point, Jessie..." Chelsea said, amazed at how stupid she'd been all this time. She had almost killed her cousin, her best friend. She had killed hundreds of innocent people, only to gain wealth and power. Now, she realized what she had really gained. Stupidity. She wanted to die right then and there.

"Well, Jessie," Bobby pushed her face into the bed. "Doesn't look like Team Rocket is searching my down..." he laughed.

"Oh... I wouldn't say that exactly, Bobby." A man busted through the door. Giovanni!! He held a gun up and aimed it at Bobby. "Leave Jessie alone..."

Bobby froze. "B...b...but, Giovanni?! How did you get here?!"

"Well, let's just say that the members of Team Rocket aren't as stupid as you've made them out to be all these years," Giovanni walked towards him.

"How did you know to come?" Jessie asked, gasping for air.

"Well," Butch began, "it was me. When I went out to get my shoes on, I did one other thing. I called the Boss."

"And I'm glad you did. Now I can dispose of this trash that I've been meaning to do for a while. Officer!"

Officer Jenny walked through the door. "Yes?"

"He is one who is killing my members," Giovanni pointed at Bobby.

"Hey! I'm not the only one! She's the one who got me to join!" Bobby yelled as Jenny and two other officers dragged him off.

"Yeah?! Well, guess what, Bobby! I quit the Rocket Slayers! Mr. Giovanni, sir... would you take me into Team Rocket?" Chelsea stood up.

"Of course. If you are related to Butch, I can probably trust you. But, if you double cross me in any way, you'll get what's coming to you," he pointed the gun at Chelsea.

"Yes sir!" Chelsea sweatdropped.

"Sir, what happens if Bobby gets out of jail?" Jessie asked.

"He won't have a chance. He has the death penalty," Giovanni smirked. "Okay, everyone, go back to sleep. I want to see you all outside of headquarters tomorrow morning," he turned and left.

"Ya know... he should take me, too. I definately deserve death..." Chelsea began to cry. Butch hugged her tight.

"And I'll give you the death penalty if you don't tell me where James is!" Jessie screamed, violently shaking Chelsea.

"I... don't... know...! Stop... shaking... me...!"

"Where is James?!"

"He's probably back at the Rocket Slayers Headquarters! But, I don't know if anything happened to him...! Just let go!" She pulled Jessie's hands off of her.

"What about Cassidy?" Butch asked.

"I locked her in a jail cell... The people locked in the cells aren't killed for three days after they've been put in. She'll be okay for another two days..."

"Take me to the headquarters! I've gotta save James!" Jessie yelled.

Chelsea sweatdropped. "I'd take you there, but we wouldn't make it back in time for, whatever your boss wants us for..."

"I don't care about the Boss! James is more important than my job!" she started to cry.

"Jessie, I don't want to loose the Boss's trust on my first day," Chelsea said.

"Jessie, even if he is dead, what do you care about him for anyway? You're always yelling at him and downing him for everything he does. And anyway, death is just another part of life. You've gotta keep moving on," Butch tried to calm her down.

"Just another part of life? You've obviously never lost a family member!"

"You mean... you actually consider James as a family member?"

"No, you idiot. I'm talking about my mother! But, since she's gone, yes. Yes, I do consider James as a family member. He is my family. Now that he's gone, I've lost my whole world," the tears became heavier.

"Oh..." Butch and Chelsea said quietly. Everyone was quiet for a long time. Jessie eventually cried herself to sleep. Butch and Chelsea fell asleep soon after.


"Oh, crap! Clint?! Isn't there another way out?!" Cassidy yelled. The walls fell in front of them.

"I don't know! Um... try this way!" Clint led them back and down another hallway. The ceiling broke through, falling right on...

"Cassidy!" Meowth, Mondo, and James shrieked. Clint turned around.

"I got her!" he dove into the burning pile of what used to be the ceiling. The flames were growing, fast. Cassidy suddenly appeared, pulling herself out of the firery pile. Clint also appeared. He was helping her out. Cassidy grabbed onto Mondo's arm, and pulled herself out the rest of the way, then ran and stood behind him. As Clint was trying to pull himself out, the walls began to cave in. Clint grabbed his backpack.

"You guys go now!" he threw the backpack at Mondo. The walls fell a little more.

"Clint! No!" James reached for Clint's hand, but Clint smacked it away.

"Go now! You can make it!" Clint yelled. The walls gave way. Cassidy wrapped her arms around James' waist and pulled him back, just in time.

"But, Clint!!" James yelled. Mondo was silent.

"Come on! There's a window! We might be able to get through there!" Cassidy pulled James along. Mondo and Meowth quickly followed.

As soon as they reached the window, Cassidy tried to open it.

"Urng... It's locked! Mondo... help me!"

Mondo tried to help Cassidy, but it was no good.

Mondo sighed, "I guess we'll have to use a pokemon..." he reached for the backpack Clint had given to him.

James stopped him. "Mondo, I'll just get this over with..." He lunged at the window and puched through it, making glass shatter everwhere. His hand and arm were a bloody mess. "We can fit through that..." he said weakly. Meowth jumped through first. Then Cassidy. Mondo helped James out before he got himself out.

"Hey, James..." Cassidy began.


"Well, wouldn't it've been alot better for your hand if you were wearing your gloves? Oh well... it was your dumb decision..."

James sweatdropped. "Well, yes, I suppose it would have been better. But, for what I thought we were actually doing today... er... yesterday... or... whenever... I thought we were going back to Team Rocket Headquarters. So, I never bothered to put them on..."

"Whatever..." Cassidy sighed. Suddenly, Pikamew appeared.

"Pikamew!" they all yelled, happy to see it. Pikamew giggled, then flew away.

"What the? Why does it always fly away like that?" James asked.

A few moments later, Pikamew appeared again. This time, pushing Officer Jenny towards them.

"Officer Jenny!" Mondo said, relieved.

"Are you three members of Team Rocket?" she asked. They all nodded. "Okay! We have a helicopter that will get you all to the nearest hospital. You all look like you need to get there, desperately!"

Everyone sighed in relief.

"You have no idea..." James said quietly. Pikamew flew up behind James and opened his backpack. "Hey!" It took out an empty pokeball and handed it to James. "Huh? What is this for?" James was getting confused. Pikamew giggled. It nudged the pokeball out of James' hand, making it fall on the ground. Then, picked it up, and gave it back to him. It started jumping around, like it wanted to be captured. "Oh! Pikamew... do you want me to capture you?" James asked. Pikamew giggled and nodded. "Ah! Okay! Pokeball... go!" he threw the pokeball at Pikamew. He waited for a minute, then jumped up and cheered. "I caught a pokemon! I caught Pikamew! Jessie's going to be so proud of me! I... caught... a..." he ran out of breath, then fainted.

"James!" Mondo gasped.

"It's okay... the helicopter is right over there," Officer Jenny pointed out. Two guys ran out of the helicopter with a stretcher. They carefully put James on it, then made their way back into the helicopter. Mondo, Cassidy, and Meowth followed.

When the helicopter took off, it had to fly right over the, now on fire, Rocket Slayers Headquarters.

"Wow..." Meowth said. "We were in dat?!"

Cassidy nodded. "Yeah. I don't beleive it. Hey! Look!" Cassidy pointed.

"Look at what?" Meowth asked.

"Officer Jenny is arresting a bunch of the guards! She even has their boss in handcuffs!"

"That's great!" Mondo replied, sitting near James. Everyone laughed. For once, they actually could be happy about something.

When they got to the hospital, a bunch of nurses and doctors rushed them to the emergency room. Meowth was taken to a small pokemon room.


beep beep beep beep

Butch sat up and yawned. He looked around the room. "What the heck is that noise?"

Chelsea shot up to her knees. "I'm on it!" she snapped her arm back and punched Butch in the nose.

"Ow! Chelsea!" he held his nose.

Chelsea opened her eyes and stretched. "Butch," she whined, "I was having such a good dream... Why'd you have to wake me up...?" She yawned. Butch sweatdropped. "It's 8:00?! Stupid watch! I had the alarm set for 8:30!" she tapped at her watch and growled. "Oh well... hey, whatcha holding your nose for?"


Jessie turned in her bed.

"Uh oh... let's get out of here before Jessie wakes up..." Butch stood up.


"She fell asleep crying. She might wake up in a weird mood..." he walked over to his clothes and grabbed his Team Rocket uniform.

"Is that the uniform I'll be wearing?" Chelsea asked.

"I don't know," Butch shrugged. "Hold on. I"ll be right back," he left to change.

He came back into the room and gathered together all of his things.

"Come on, Chelsea. Let's go to the cabin I was supposed to stay in this week," he picked everything up and walked towards the door.

"Okay..." Chelsea followed.

About a half hour later, Jessie woke up. She fluttered her eyes and slowly sat up.

"Butch?" she yawned. "You here?" she stood up and stretched. "Butch?" She looked around the cabin. "Okay... he's not here..." she sighed. "Well, I guess I'll just head down to headquarters now. I'll wear my uniform," she took her uniform and put it on. Then, she was off, making her way to the headquarters.


"Excuse me, James? Cassidy? Mondo?" a nurse walked into the room the three Rockets were in. They all looked up at her. "How are you all feeling this morning?" the nurse asked with a bright smile on her face.

"I'm feeling great!" Mondo smiled.

"I'm fine, thanks," Cassidy replied.

James raised and eyebrow and stared at the cast on his leg. Then, he raised his sleeve and gently rubbed over his bandaged arm. "I guess I'm okay..." he said.

"Good! Your Meowth is waiting for you all outside. We are flying you back to your Team Rocket headquarters by way of one of our private jets. It'll be ready for lift off soon, so you should begin to make your way down there," the nurse said.

"Oh!" Cassidy gasped.

"Thank you!" James and Mondo smiled.

"It's no problem!" the nurse giggled. "I'll show you the way."

Mondo and Cassidy walked to the nurse. James took his crutches and hopped over to join them.

When they got outside, Meowth was very happy to see them.

"Hey! Dis is great! We all made it out alive!" he cheered. "Well... except for you, James. You could almost pass as a mummy. Ya got bandages everwhere..."

"That's not funny, Meowth," James growled. "And, I don't have bandages everywhere. Only my head, waist, and arm. Then, there's also a cast, but try to ignore that..." James sweatdropped.

Mondo laughed. "Poor James!"

"Hey! They're saying we can get on now!" Cassidy inturrupted. "Come on!" They all hurried to get onto the plane.


As the headquarters came into veiw, Jessie began to think of the day she had to say good-bye to James. She had thought it would be their final good-bye, but she didn't really believe anything would actually happen. Tears began to fill her eyes. James was dead! He was gone forever. She would never again be able to feel his protection when she was in danger, never have him to hold onto in fear, never able to laugh and joke with him again, and lastly, never be able to tell him how much she loved him.

"I hope the Boss isn't bringing me here to hook me up with a new partner," she thought. A tear escaped from her eye. Then, she spotted Giovanni. She walked quickly to him. "Good morning, sir," she said quietly.

"Good morning, Jessie. I will begin my little meeting with you as soon as Butch and his cousin get here."

Jessie turned and looked into the forest. "Well... here they come now..." Jessie pointed. Butch and Chelsea ran to Giovanni.

"We're here, sir..." Butch said, trying to catch his breath.

"Very good. Now, the reason I had you all come here today, is because, both of your partners, I haven't heard from. So, I assume they didn't survive."

Jessie's face fell.

Butch's face turned white. "I... see..." Butch tried to hide his feelings.

"So, because of this, I have decided to team you two up together. You will both be in charge of training Chelsea," Giovanni explained.

"Woo hoo! I get to be with the coolest cousin in the universe!" Chelsea cheered. Then she looked at Butch and Jessie's faces. Jessie was crying, but trying to stop her tears. Butch's face was as white as a ghost. He was staring into nowhere. "Butch? Are you gonna be okay?" Chelsea rubbed his back.

"Yeah, I'll be okay..." he answered weakily. "Jessie, how do you feel about this?"

Jessie looked at him coldly. "If I answer that question, I'll be fired..." she snapped.

"Okay. All three of you, come inside. I need to show you something," Giovanni said. He led them inside.

When they got inside, Giovanni pulled out one of the black Team Rocket uniforms, the kind Cassidy wears.

"Jessie, since you are now Butch's partner, you will have to match him. This was one of your mother's uniforms, so it rightfully should be yours," Giovanni handed Jessie the uniform.

"This was my mother's?" Jessie stared at it in amazement.

"Yes, Jessie. It belonged to your mother. Now, change into it. I want you and Butch to begin training Chelsea today," Giovanni instructed.

Jessie sighed. "Yes sir..."

As she turned to leave, there was a loud roaring noise. Everyone froze.

"What was that?" Jessie asked.

"I don't know, but it doesn't sound good. It might be an attacking plane!" Giovanni ran out of the office.

Butch gasped. "A war plane?!"

"Oh dear god, no..." Jessie trembled. "First, I lose my best friend. Then, on the same day, I lose my job. I can't take it anymore! I'm losing everything that makes up my life!" she dropped her new uniform and ran into a storage room. She began to messily dig through everything.

"Jessie! What the heck are you doing?!" Butch yelled.

Jessie came out holding a gun and smirked, laughing a crazy, evil laugh. "If people think they can just ruin my life, then I can ruin their's!" She ran out of the office.

"Great... an escaping lunatic. Come on, Chelsea. Let's see what's going on outside..." Butch and Chelsea walked out of the office.

"Anyone who tries to stop me gets it!" Jessie yelled as she ran down the hall. The other Rockets standing in the hall gave her weird looks.

"I knew she was crazy, but this is rediculous..." one whispered to another. The other nodded.

Jessie ran outside just in time to see a small jet plane make its landing.

"Okay you jerks! Come out now so I can blow your heads off!" she aimed the gun at the plane.

"Jessie! You fool! Put the gun down! That is not an enemy plane!" Giovanni snatched the gun from her hand.

"Huh?" she blinked. "Then... what is it?"

Someone jumped out of the plane and was running towards her, fast.

"Jessie!" It was Mondo. He wrapped his arms around her and hugged her, tight.

"Mondo?! You're here! You're okay!" Jessie hugged him back.

"It's so great to be back!" he said, breaking the hug. Butch and Chelsea walked out of the headquarters.

"Mondo?! You're back?" Butch asked.

"Yeah, I'm back," he smiled. Oh no! What is SHE doing here?!" he shreiked when he saw Chelsea.

"Huh?" Chelsea sweatdropped.

"You're one of the Rocket Slayers!"

"Oh... yeah... but, I'm not anymore," Chelsea replied.

"She is now a member of Team Rocket! And don't worry. She's my favorite cousin. You can trust her," Butch said. Then, he looked at the plane. "I wonder if anyone else is in there... Come on, Chelsea. Let's go see." He and Chelsea walked to the plane.

When they got to the plane, Meowth was walking out. He looked at them.

"Who ya waitin for, Butch?" he asked.

"No one. I just wanted to see who else was on the plane..." Butch sighed.

"Oh! Okay!" Meowth smirked. "Hey, Cassidy! Someone's out here waitin for ya!" he yelled.

"Shut your mouth, Meowth! The person can wait! I'm talking to someone!"

Butch heard the familiar voice of Cassidy yell back out to Meowth.

"Nah, I don't tink it can wait..." Meowth replied.

Cassidy stormed to the door. "Okay, Meowth... how important... can... it... Butch!"


Cassidy jumped out of the plane and landed in Butch's outstretched arms. He let her feet on the ground, then hugged her tight.

"Cassidy. I was beginning to think I'd never see you again..."

"You have me now, don't you?" she returned the hug.

Jessie and Mondo sighed.

"So..." Jessie began.


"Nothing. Nevermind..." she looked at her feet. "I'm glad you're back..."

"Me too," Mondo smiled.

"Hiya, Jessie!" Meowth snuck up behind her.

Jessie smiled. "Meowth! You're here, too!"

Meowth nodded happily.

"That's great," Jessie sighed. She looked at the plane. A guy appeared in the doorway of the plane. He was going down the steps using... crutches? She stared a little longer until she could make out who it was. "James!" she gasped. In an instant, she was out of there, running to him as fast as she could.

James stepped onto he ground.

"Wow... you look like you were hit by a train..." Butch mocked.

"Worse than that!" James replied. Cassidy broke her hug with Butch, turned around, and crossed her arms.

"Oh! That's James..." Chelsea blushed. "You're the cute on..."

James shreiked. "What are you doing here?! Don't hurt me!"

"James, don't worry! She quit the Rocket Slayers. She's now a Team Rocket member," Butch smiled.

"Oh...?" James sweatdropped.

"Ya know... you still look cute, even with all of those bandages on your head. The cast, too..." Chelsea stared at him.

James blushed. "Thanks."

"Uh oh! James! Watch out!" Cassidy yelled.

"Huh? Ahh!!!"

Jessie dove at him, knocking him off his feet. "James! Oh my god! You're here! I missed you so much! I thought for sure you'd die!" she hugged him very tight and cried into his shoulder.

James wheezed, but was still able to smile and hug her. "How could you doubt? I promised that I'd come back, didn't I?" he rubbed her back. "Jessie... could you get off of me?"

Jessie quickly stood up, then growled. "Hmf. So that's the thanks I get for welcoming you back?" she snapped.

"No, Jess. My body really hurts, that's all. I'm not supposed to be shoved to the ground..."

"And I'm happy to see you, too.." she said sarcastically, turning her head. James looked into her angry eyes and smiled.

"Could you at least help me to stand up?" he asked, reaching out his arm. She grabbed his arm and pulled him to a stand.

"You probably don't have a clue as to how worried about you I was! And you probably didn't even think about me once!"

"That's not exactly true, Jessie," Mondo interrupted. "You were all he would talk about..."

"Really?" Jessie slightly blushed. She met her eyes to James' eyes.

"Jessie, you were the only thing I *could* think about..." James blushed and smiled. He stared directly into her eyes. "Jessie..." he took her hands and held them to his chest. "There's something I have to tell you..." he looked down.

"What is it, James?"

James took a deep breath. "Well... I... I lo..." he hesitated.

Jessie looked at him, confused. "James? Is it that horrible? Tell me..."

He sighed, then took another breath. He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close to him. "Jessie... I love you..." he squeezed her. "I love you soo much."

Tears came to Jessie's eyes. She was silent. James let go of her and looked her in the eyes. He blushed deeply.

"I'm sorry, Jessie. I shouldn't have said that. Now you only hate me more than you did before..." he stared at her feet.

"James..." she said softly. She gently rubbed over James' cheek, making him look at her. When he saw the care in her eyes, he managed to make a weak smile. As more and more tears gathered in her eyes, she spoke. "There is no power in the entire universe that can, or will ever stop my everlasting love for you..." She gently place her arms around his waist and layed her head on his shoulder. Tears began to gather in James' eyes. He gently smoothed his hands up and down her back.

"Jessica... I love you more than... life itself. My love for you is stronger than death."

They were silent for about five minutes, staying in their embrace. Then suddenly, they both burst into big anime tears.

Mondo started laughing. "It's about time you two told each other! I was getting worried!" he continued laughing. Meowth, Butch, Cassidy, and Chelsea sweatdropped. Meowth jumped up and scratch attacked Jessie and James' faces.

"Stop your cryin and let's get outta here! I'm starvin!"

Jessie pulled out a large mallet and held it over her head. "You mangey alley cat! How dare you scratch my beautiful face!"

James raised one of his crutches. "Stop doing that! Leave us alone!"

At the same time, they both whacked Meowth, making him fly into a tree. Then, they crossed their arms and nodded in satisfaction.

James quickly looked to Jessie. "Hey, Jess. I got you something..." he smiled.

"Really?! What is it?!" Her eyes got wide in excitement. "What is it?!"

"If you don't want it, just tell me. Okay?"

"Okay! What'd you get me?!"

"A kiss..." he said shyly.

Jessie smiled. "James, how did you ever know I wanted that? But, I only want the best."

"I can do that."

They got into their hug again and slowly moved their heads closer together. And just like that, they were kissing.

A few moments later, Giovanni walked up to them. "Okay, you two. Time to split up." They didn't hear him. They continued kissing. Giovanni pulled Jessie off of James. "Enough!" he yelled in her face. Jessie and James both blushed, deeply.

"Sheesh..." Cassidy rolled her eyes.

"You two looked like you were trying to eat off each other's faces or something," Butch laughed.

Giovanni cleared his throat. "James, Mondo, what has happened to the rest of your group?"

"Um..." Mondo hesitated.

"Kazuyuki and Clint were killed..." James looked down.

"I don't know what happened to Bobby..." Mondo sweatdropped.

"Oh, I took care of Bobby," Giovanni snickered. James, Mondo, and Cassidy gasped.

"You killed him?" Cassidy asked.

"I didn't. The police are taking care of it. He has the death penalty."

"Oh..." Mondo and James sighed, relieved. They were so happy that Bobby would never be able to bother them anymore.

"Well? Do you have the pokemon I assigned you to capture for me?"

Cassidy shook her head. "Sorry, sir. There wasn't enough time. As soon as we started searching, we were kidnapped."

"James? Mondo?"

"Um, well..." James hesitated.

"By the look on your face, I'd say, you caught it, but you don't want to give it up," Giovanni eyed James. "Am I right?"

James sighed, "Yes sir..." He took out Pikamew's pokeball. "Pikamew, come out!"

Pikamew appeared. "Pikamew!" it said happily.

"James?! You caught a pokemon?!" Jessie gasped. James nodded and smiled.

"That is the pokemon?" Giovanni looked at it, discusted.

"Yes, sir. This is it. Psycic and electric. Exactly what you said," James replied.

"It may be, but I only want the best. This scrawny little cat is not what I would call the best!" Giovanni yelled.

"You have no idea how great that 'scrawny cat' really is," Cassidy, James, and Mondo all thought.

"You may keep the pokemon, James. As for the rest of you, I'm done talking to you. You are dismissed," Giovanni walked back into headquarters.

"Oh, James! I'm so proud of you! You caught a rare pokemon!" Jessie cheered. She picked up Pikamew and danced around with it.

Butch sighed. "Come on, Cassidy. Come on, Chelsea. I gotta introduce you two to each other."

"Okay," Cassidy turned and followed Butch. "Chelsea, you coming?" Cassidy called to Chelsea, who was busily staring dreamily at James. "Chelsea!"

"Oh... what? Okay, I'm coming," she glanced at James one last time, then ran to catch up to Butch and Cassidy. They walked into the woods.

"Hey, guys..." Mondo began. Jessie and James looked at him. "I'm gonna leave you two alone. I'd like to get some sleep anyway, okay? I'll see you guys later," he turned to leave.

"Bye Mondo," they said. Meowth ran to Mondo. "I'm comin wit ya! I don't wanna be around two love boids right now..."

Mondo laughed. "Okay! You can stay with me."

"You're coming back, right Meowth?" Jessie asked.

"Of course I'll come back. I'd never wanna leave my friends forever!"

Jessie and James smiled.

"Have fun!" James yelled after him. "So, Jess. What do you want to do now?" James asked, after returning Pikamew

"I don't know..." She placed one arm around his shoulder and pulled herself closer, lying her head on his shoulder. "I just want to be with you."

James put both of his crutches under one arm. He put his other arm around Jessie's waist, pulled her close, and gently kissed her head. "That's exactly what I want."

Jessie giggled.

"What Jessie?"

"I'm just so glad you're back. I was afraid that we'd never be together again," a tear slowly fell down her cheek.

James smiled, "Don't worry, Jessie. We will always be together. We'll be together forever."

They slowly turned towards each other and stared deeply into each others' eyes, this time, knowing neither one would be in danger any time soon. Before walking into the forest, they tightly hugged, kissing each other, deeply. They were sure now that they'd never be apart. They would be together for life.

The End