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The Day I Joined TR
by Lita

I walked down a long and...RED...hallway, towards the TR meeting room. I opend the door slightly, checking myself in the shiny door handle. HEY! There could be a really really cute guy in there...I opened the door wider and saw about six teens standing before me.

"This is Sundance, Kid, Butch, Cassidy, Jessie, and James. It's your choice of who to join," said a dude with freaky black eyes.

"Oh great! What are you? Old western villians?" I cracked up.

The teens stared blankly at me.

"Oooookay. I'll join Jessie and James."

The others finally moved something other than the 'eye blinking' and walked away. I stood, looking at my new partners.

"Hey, Jessie? The '70s called me. They want their hair back..." I said.

James laughed.

"You're NOT funny." Jessie said, while James tried to keep down laughter.

"Are you laughing at me?" she threatend.

"Oh...You're gonna LET her talk to you like that?" I asked.

"Uh...yeah." he answerd.

"Boy she is NOT your momma!"

He flinched. "Oh GOD! Don't remind me of that women!" James yelled.

"Tramitizing childhood?" I asked, stroking his back.

As we walked down a lond and dirty dirt road, I tried to memorize the TR motto.

"Your dumb motto's too stinkin' long!" I yelled.

James put a hand on my shoulder. "I went through the same thing...I mean, come on! My brain can only hold so much info!"

We both laughed.

"By the way...what the heck is your name?" Jessie asked.

"Lita. Call me Lita." I responded.

"Hey look! It's a funny lookin' hat bobbing up and down! The Stupid Squad!" James said, pointing.

"Wake up!" James whisperd into my ear cheerfully.

"What time is it, James?" I asked, irritated that I had been interrupted out of such an intense dream with me and James in it...

"Five A.M.!" he wisperd again.

"Good night, James." I said. I went back to sleep, but was interuped minutes later by Jessie kicking me.

And that, folks, is the very tramatizing story of how I joined Team Rocket!

The end

Was it good? Oh did you guys see the previews for that movie with Tom Greene in it? It looks HILARIOUS!