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Just A Day In Team Rocket...

Rating: PG??

Author's note: I am not a rocketshiper (Ahh! don't kill me!) So this story is not really that shippy, but it does have one thing in it. Also, Ash is a little gruff in this one.

Chapter 1

Cheezy voice that you always hear in the begining of the show: "As you see, our heros are walking through the woods." (Duh!)

"I want to go beat the 8th gym leader!" Ash said, taking out a Pokeball and fiddling with it.

"Oh! look! A Pidgey! I must draw it!" Tracy pulled out a notepad and sat down.

Ash screamed, and grabbed the notepad, and ripped out the paper. "Hey, my drawings!"

"LET'S GO!!"

"Fine, grumpy." Tracy muttered.


"Togepi is acting really strange, I wonder whats wrong?" Misty wondered.

"I want to be a gym leader again! I am getting sick of this!" Brock said, throwing down a map.

"Look!" Ash said.

"At last! Viridian city!"

"I wonder if there are any good Pokemon to draw.........."

"AHHHH!!! TRACY! YOU ARE MAKING ME GO NUTS!!!!" Ash yelled, and grabbed a stick of the ground, then hit Tracy in the head.


"Pikachu really made you go nuts, huh Ash?" Misty asked.

"Pikachu is weak. I......."

Ash stopped, he suddenly reached in his bag, and pulled out a ball.

"Come out."

"Pikachu. pika."

"Pikachu I'm so sorry. Please be my friend again!"

"Pika. Pii." Pikachu looked at Ash, then at Tracy, who was rubbing his head where Ash had hit him.


Pikachu and Ask were friends again.

"Darn....." muttered Brock.

Meanwhile in TRHQ.....
"Jesse! what do we do now?" James asked, now they did not know what to do.

"Lets go ask da boss, he will tell us what to do."

"Lets steal somthing, we need to find somthing rare, how about a Drangonite."

Lately, Jesse had been very obbsessed with stealing somthing rare.

James sighed, and walked over to Jesse, and kneeled next to her.

"You know what? Let's take a break." James leaned closer to Jesse, so that there arms were touching.

Jesse stared at James, and moved away.

"You are acting wierd. Is somthing wrong?" Jesse asked.

James stood up, sad at being rejected.

"No. I'm just tired. I think i'll take a nap."

Back with Ash........
"Ahhhhh! Squirtle! noooo!" Giovanni had beaten all of Ash's Pokemon.

"I have somthing to tell you Ash."

"My Pokemon....." Ash was not lisoning.

"Listen kid."

Ash looked up at last.

"I am your father!"


"Gee. this is so Star Wars. Almost." Brock said from the side lines.

Ash ran from the gym.

"Ash! help me find Togepi!" Misty yelled, looking around.

"Nooo........." Ash sat down on the ground.

"Ash! Get up!" Misty said, pulling on his arm.

"My dad, the most evil guy in the world, no, it can't be........"

"Fine! I'll find him myself!" Misty ran back in the gym.

Meanwhile, in J/J room.....
"Ahh! It's the little egg!" Jesse yelled. Togepi had found the room.

"Toprrrrrrreeee!!!" Togepi walked over to Meowth.

"Togipiiiiiiiiiiiii....." Togepi happily jumped on to Meowth's arms.

"Fried eggs anyone?" James asked.


"Ahh! Togepi! Why are you in here!?!?" Misty had found him.