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Last Thought

By: Sailor Calisto

Disclaimer: I do not own Pokemon or any of that wonda'ful shtick. I am not getting money from this. The only thing I own is Tears.


With the hot tears dripping down my face I relized.... I relized I would never see her again.

Her wounderful smile, her joyful laugh.... her inosence that will most likly be destroyed.... by THEM.

Just as I caught up with her, the majestic queen of all that is living.... with her.... with the damnable Mew..... I relized.... I would never see her again. I relized that my baby would grow and forget me. She would probably grow to hate me. Despise me.

That thought would torture me, always... through the last remaining minutes, maybe even seconds of my life.... and probably even in death.

I looked up at my killer, my murderer. Some how I managed one. Last. Cry. "Why?" I sobbed as every thing grew darker. Darker. Darker.....

As I slipped away, I heard her responce. It was almost as jagged and hate filled as mine.

"Why? Why?! Who said you should even DARE to think of taking me from my home? Who said my life should belong to you? To THEM? Who said you should even contemplate the hate for me you have now? It is your fault. Your fault that your daughter will grow and blossum with out her mother! It is your fault she will choose your path! Your fault.....! Your fault.....! YOUR FAULT!!" The totured scream of her soul filled me, consumed me.

As the snow wrapped around me even tighter then before, all I could think of was her... My daughter... My baby... My angel... My Jessie.

~Fin~ ******


...Of the past
...Of the present
...Of the future

...Of Joy
...Of anger

...Of fear
...Of pleasure

With all of them comes a hope
when they slide down my cheek
But almost always
no good follows

For my tears come with
a hurt pride
a fear
and of anger

Left to cry in a world
with only my tears

Of the past
Of the present
Of the future
