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Links to the Past
Author: Lora Hood (

part 1: Walking Home

As I walked down the street my thoughts focused on Team Rocket. I usually drifted back to my past on my way home from work. It has been 8 years since I last saw James & Meowth, but not a day has gone by when I haven’t thought about them. It wasn’t anything new, wondering where they are, who they are, if they miss me. I always wind up pushing those thoughts aside, too painful. I started asking myself “how much money did I make today?”

Just as I had turned the corner on Mew Street to head down Spearow Road, a clumsy man bumped into me. “Watch it!” I yelled as we both dusted ourselves off, & then I turned my head to see who it was. I couldn’t believe my eyes! (No, it wasn’t James, even though I expected it to be him just as much as you.) the young man didn’t recognize me, & whispered “I’m sorry.” as he turned to walk away.

(I know you want to know who he is, & I’m getting to that, but it’s my story & I'll tell it how I want, okay?) I grabbed his coat & he looked at me like I was nuts. I was positive who he was, so I asked “Don’t you recognize me?”. He wasn’t sure at first, but then he looked hard. His eyes widened & he asked “Jessie?”. “Yes,” I said, “it’s been a while, hasn’t it?”.

He looked about the same as he did when I last had seen him. He still wore his hair short, but he was taller. He didn’t look to well, so I offered to let him stay at my house for a while. He didn’t want to at first, but I finally convinced him, & he followed me down the road.

As we approached my house, my Arcanine’s ears stood up, & his tail wagged. “Hi, boy, I’m home.” I said, & Archie followed me in the door. “Mommy!” my son ran up & hugged me. “Hello, Jimmy.” I said as I stroked his hair. “It was a struggle getting him to eat his vegetables, but I can handle anything.” Tiffany said. (I was married to a man named William, but when Jimmy was born, he left us alone, & we divorced. Tiffany is my neighbor's teenaged daughter, I used to baby sit her all the time, so she is like a daughter to me. She is so independent, & she reminds me of me.)

“Who is that man, Mommy?” Jimmy asked with a big grin. “This is my old friend, Butch, honey.” He was being awful quiet, like he felt that he didn’t fit in. “Butch, this is my son, Jimmy.” (Yes, it was Butch, & he is my friend. When we were 18, James, me, Butch, Cassidy, & Meowth were fired. We were penniless, but I’m glad that we were fired, because two weeks later Rocket Head Quarters blew up, & everyone inside was killed, including the Boss. The thought of it still brings tears to my eyes. I married a man with money, & named my son after my old partner. When William left me, I began to work as a Cosmetician, & I didn’t know what happened to James & Meowth.)

Tiffany hugged me, & said “come over any time, & bring Jimmy.” I nodded. She picked up her books, said good bye to my son, & happily left through the front door. I smiled & turned my head towards jimmy. “That was tiffany, my baby sitter, she’s nice.” he explained to our guest.

“Jimmy, I’m going to make dinner.” I told him “get your toys put away.”. He ran upstairs & into his room. “I’ll be done, & ready for dinner.” He reassured me. I went into the kitchen & got the pans & things. I nearly forgot about Butch, he is so quiet. When I had dinner ready, him & Jimmy were talking in the living room.

Jimmy went to bed, & left us two alone to talk. Butch & Cassidy had been neighbors, until she moved to live closer to her cousin. He had to sell his house, to pay the TR fines. ( when Team Rocket fell apart, the names of the members were released. We had to pay fines as an apology to the trainers that we hurt, & to the citizens for having to deal with us. William & I were only friends then, & to prove to me that he loved m, he paid my fines, & I moved in with him.) Cassidy became a trainer, & Butch became broke.

Butch came to Fuchsia city looking for me, he got lucky. He told me that he had seen James back in Celladon, & we got into a big conversation about James. I knew that I missed him, we were best friends for years. I was so depressed by the time I got to sleep, I wanted to see my old partner at least once again.

I woke up at about 5:02 that morning. every one was still asleep. I just sat on the couch & wondered about my old friends. I needed to see them because I missed them so much. ( I know I’m being repetitive, but that’s how I felt.)

I made breakfast for Jimmy & told him that we were going to visit my friend. “Isn’t he your friend?” he asked pointing at Butch. “Yes, & he’s going to help us find my other friend.” I explained. Butch looked confused “ I am?” he sounded concerned. ( I guess I should have asked him first, but it’s too late for that, now.)

Part 2