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Discaimer: Do I REALLY have to put this everytime? I don't own anything, and everybody knows it!

Rating: PG-13, just to be safe WARNING! Those of you with sick, twisted, and corrupted minds could take a lot of this the wrong way. I just thought I should warn you.

Dedicated to Josh, whose insanity is obviously rubbing off on me.

In the tradition of Unaired Episodes by Zelda... Jayhawkfan13 is proud to present...

Pokémon Love Boat

"Brock, I can't believe you dragged me onto this boat!" Misty complained.
Brock, scanning the crowd for hot and single girls, told Misty, "You'll thank me when you find the boy of your dreams."
Misty rolled her eyes, "Whatever."
As Brock eyed a pretty blonde, then groaned as her boyfriend walked up, Ash whispered to Misty, "Humor him. The guy hasn't seen us in six months. This is just Brock's crazy way of saying we need to make up or lost time."
Misty sighed, "You're right. At least one good thing came out of this. Tracey had to stay behind."
"Amen to that," Ash agreed, "I thought he'd never leave."

Or had he?
"Think they can get rid of me that easily? Haha, guess again!" Tracey said to himself from his hiding place.
"Are we ready?" Cassidy questioned.
Tracey nodded, "You know what to do."
Butch grinned, "Lure the spiky-haired one away from his friends, steal is Pokémon and toss 'im overboard."
"And you don't get paid till ya do," Tracey said, "Prove you're the most successful members of Team Rocket!"
Once the two Rocket members had left, Tracey chortled evilly, "Looking for love Brock? You'll find it... at the bottom of the sea! Bwahahahahahaha!!!!" Scandelous, isn't it?

There were some more stowaways on board. Guess who?
"I wonder where the twerps are?" Jessie commented, looking through her binoculars at the passing crowds.
"Who cares where they are? Let's just keep our eyes open for dat Pikachu," Meowth was also looking for the kids.
Jessie noticed that James wasn'thelping them search. Rather, he was eyeing a beautiful girl sunbathing.
*Wack!* Jessie slapped James hard across the face with her kitchen utensil of choice, "Stop gawking and start helping us!"
James rubbed the spot on his face that seemed to always be sore, "You should be looking too. It's not everyday we get to be on the famous Love Boat. You could find your true love!
'I only have eyes for you,' Jessie thought. Out loud she said, "I'm more interested in getting rich and keeping my job. Now get to work."
Sighing, James began scanning the deck.

"Hi there honey," a pretty carrot-top smiled at Brock, "You look like you could use a sweet girl like me."
Brock could only nod dumbly.
"Why don't we go somewhere where we can be... ALONE?" the girl cooed.
"Sure," Brock sighed, following her around the side of the boat.
"Was there something weird about that girl?" Misty wondered.
"Like what?" Ash was clueless.
"What do you mean like what?! She LIKED Brock, isn't that enough?!" Misty exclaimed.
Ash nodded, "You're right. We'd better make sure this isn't some crazy trap!"
The two ran after Brock and the girl. Would they be too late??

James pointed towards Brock, who was being led by a girl, "There she is!!!"
Jessie looked over, "Who?"
"The girl of my dreams!" James squealed.
*Wack!* This was getting repetitive, "Who CARES about her, there's Brock! Let's get him!"
The trio scrambled out of their hiding place from underneath a bunch of boxes towards the love-sick couple.

"Look at this view," Cassidy (because, duh, that's who it was) said, "You can see for miles."
"I only wanna see you," Brock grinned stupidly.
Inside Cassidy was barfing, "Yuck! Er, look. What kind of fish is that?"
Brock leaned over to see.
"Haha! Bon Voyage!" Cassidy snickered.
She grabbed hold of Brock's bookbag and pushed him over. As she reached down to pull off his Pokéballs, her hand got stuck in Brock's belt!
The two plunged into the water!!

"Eeee! That girl just went overboard!" James shrieked. Without a second thought he leapt over the side to save her.
"James!" Jessie cried.
*Splash!* James hit the water. He spluttered up to the surface, screaming, "Oooo! I can't swim with boots on! Jessie Jessie help!"
Jessie, who, as we all know, was madly in love with James, flicked off her boots and dove after him.
Just then Butch and Tracey arrived.
"Seems like Cassidy's plan didn't work," Tracey smirked, "Oh well. She got rid of Brock. Too bad she got rid of herself."
Butch gasped, "Hold on Cass!" He too plunged into the water.
Tracey grinned, "This is great. Now I won't have to pay anyone!"
Ash and Misty came running around the corner to see Meowth looking over the rail and Tracey laughing hysterically. Talk about your surprises!
They rushed over to the side of the ship and looked down. Jessie was hauling James up the ladder, a soaked Brock close behind. Cassidy and Butch were kissing passionately in the water.
"What the &%$#!?!?" Ash shouted.
"Brock was right. The love boat IS cool!" Misty laughed.
Tracey stopped laughing, "Blast! Foiled again!"
Once Jessie reached the top Meowth helped her pull James over. They began to push the water out of his lungs. When James regained consiousness, he sighed heavily, "Jessie you saved my life."
He looked up into two beautiful blue caring eyes (or two evil blue conniving eyes, whichever way you look at it). He brushed a strand of hair from her face, "I never realized what beautiful eyes you have."
"Oh James!"
"Oh Jessie!"
The two walked off, arm over shoulder.
Meowth groaned, "I guess dey'll wanna be alone for awhile. I'd better find somethin' ta eat."
Brock came up over the edge, Butch and Cassidy close behind.
"I fell in love with a Rocket!" Brock moaned, "How low can I go??"
*author's note: don't take offense Rocket fans! That's from the opinion of the "good guys"*
"Your eyes are like sapphires, your hair a gorgeous sunset..."
"Oh Butch!"
"Did I ever tell you that you have the best schemes I've ever heard?"
"You rock my world baby!!"
Butch and Cassidy walked off, sopping wet.
"Gag," Ash half-snickered.
"I think it's beautiful," Misty retorted.
"Geez Mist, I was only kidding. Wadda ya want?" Ash complained.
Misty swept Ash off his feet, "I want you to kiss me you big bad Pokémon Master."
Ash became, surprisingly, serious, "Why didn't you say so sweet cheeks? We can have a little Pokémon battle."
"You can train my Pokémon anytime," Misty said.
Try not to think of the nastiest scenario. Remember, they're only pre-teens.
As the two left, Tracey grinned slyly at Brock, "It's just you and me now."
"Oh my gawd!!" Brock yelled, running off.
Tracey stuck out a hand, "Hey wait! I didn't mean it like-- oh forget it!"
And so three couples help the love boat live up to its name. But will Brock ever find love? Will Tracey ever succesfully dispose of the squinty-eyed sidekick? Most importantly, how will the creators of Pokémon keep the rumors about James alive? All this and more on the next exciting Pokémon Adventure!