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Meowth's Story - Chapter 3

In the morning, I felt that I could not move. I slowly opened my eyes, everything was going in slow motion. I was covered with snow, and was so cold, I did not know that anything could be this cold.
"Wake up, please!" I saw loudmouth looking at me.
"Whaat?" I said, surprised that I could talk. I stood up weakly, "Were is baby?"
"Someone took him."
"Oh." I saw a girl coming to our box. "Mommy! baby Meowth's! Can I have one?"
"I guess."
"Goodie! I want this one!" the kid picked up Loudmouth.
"Don't leave, I can't stay here alone." I tried to say, but insted I fell down, and went to sleep again.

When I woke up, I was warmer, and looking at me was a,
"Ahhhhhhhhh!" A Ivysur was looking at me.
"Calm yourself." A Persian said, leaping off a box. "This is your new home."

Then I looked around. A alley, this was my new home. I looked around and saw that there were outher Pokemon staying in the alley. A charmander was keeping a fire lit, and a Meowth was eating a Pidgey.
"This is the place that Pokemon come to when they are abandoned, as you can see, there are alot of Meowth's here."
He was right. Meowth's were in almost every corner.
"I got the fire lit." The charmander said, pointing to the fire.
"Good, introduce our new friend to everybody." Persian said.

Soon I met everybody in the alley, There wern't only meowth's, there was almost twenty different kinds of Pokemon. I saw a weak and starving Raichu. It had about five newborn Pikachu's next to it. Then I saw a machop that had a sling on.
"It broke it's arm when it was fighting a machamp, then the owner got rid of it." charmander said.

Soon I found my sleeping spot.
"This is your spot to sleep, in the day, you can do anything you want. good night." Charmander said.

In the morning, I went to see if Persian had anything to eat. I found Charmander puting the baby Pikachu's in the basket.
"Pika! Pika! Pika!" All of them said.
"The Raichu died today." charmander said.
"That's too bad." I looked at the Pikachu's. "They are kinda cute."
"They won't live long without there mother."
"I know."

Persian had no food.
"Darn" I said.
I decided to go back to sleep. I saw Charmander holding the last Pikachu.
"It's the only one left."
"Kachuuu!" It sneezed.

That's how I lived almost every day. No food. no family.

A year later.
"I hafta find a way to live my life! I can't stay here forever!" I said to Persian.
Persian sighed. "I understand, you can go, but you can always come back."
I went to pack my bag.
"Where are you going?" I turned. Pikachu, my best friend was standing behind me.
"I gonna find a way to live my life, I'm leaving."
"WHAT?! you can't leave!" Pikachu said.
After that, we had a fight, and broke up.
"Fine! Leave! I'll go too! I'm going to find a trainer! Someday you will fear me!" Pikachu yelled.

Part 4