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By: Ruby D.

Do any of you know what its like to wear the R. What am I talking about you ask, well the R, do you know what that cursed letter makes you? It’s a symbol for evil, a symbol for hate, it means your heart less and cruel and you’d have no good feelings. That’s what most people think…

Don’t you understand, we rockets aren’t heartless beasts, if I wasn’t a rocket, would you feel the way you do now about me? The truth of it all is you’re the cruel ones though of course you don’t know it. Why you’re the cruel one? Well, for not understanding us lets say. It wouldn’t matter to you what we do, how we act, our style, our hearts, all that matters to you, is the R we wear…. Don’t you see, if all of us wouldn’t have such screwy lives we wouldn’t probably be here now, would we?

Team Rockets like a family for us sometimes. Sure we might not all get along, but that’s what families are like. Many of us joined this organization for adventure and excitement, thinking this was all just a game. Some were forced to join for their own personal reason, commonly its always lack of money, but now they are stuck here and must continue their lives of crime for the sake of their lives. And other needed a replacement family, or just a plain old family. But whatever the cause we all have to stick together, whether we like it or not even on hard times.

The bad side is that some of us rockets are really evil, not the evil many of us claim to have, but true evil. Those are the people that joined to cause terror in others lives, the real heartless beasts of Team Rocket that most people believe to be all of us. But I didn’t join to cause terror around the earth and to plan world domination. And most Rockets can agree with me because they know that if life hadn’t been so cruel they wouldn’t be here now. Most of them probably won’t accept it but deep in their heart they know it’s the truth. If it wasn’t for their hard lives and misunderstood ways they wouldn’t be here know wearing this R as I am now.

So what if we steal, even good “normal” people steal. Some rockets kill and those might be the truly evil ones, but you must also realize that not all murders and robberies are rockets fault, so why are we the only criminals? Why are we to take the blame for everyone else who breaks the law? Why rockets? If you would actually take in consideration our screwed up lives, you would realize why we are the way we are. And why many of us would feel like getting revenge on a world that forces us to wear the R….

Authors note: Like it, hate it well? Its one of my firsts so be gentle on me.