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The Power of One

Pikachu's Rescue Adventure

In it...Pikachu and his little friends let Togepi roll down a hill and hit Meowth, which made Meowth fly away and Togepi fall into an Exeggcute nest. Well, then all the other Pokemon fell through a LONG tunnel and landed on some leaves...and then a welcoming party greets them. ^_^ They meet a new Pokemon that looks like a miniture Electabuzz. Well, then the Mini Me of the Electabuzz tells them to follow him, 'cause he knows where Togepi is. On the way to Togepi, they get greeted by these weird flowers (which reminds me of those dancing flower toys...) and they start dancing and it's like a whole Pokemon water show. They then get blasted away by Clefairys and land on some springy leaves. They bounce on the leaves and finally with a lotta hard work, find the Egg Pokemon with a bunch of Exeggcute who think Togepi is one of them. Somewhere along the line, they hit a Snorlax and make Meowth blast off (mean Pokemon!!) Then the wind starts blowing and a storm's coming...and the Exeggcute nests start blowing away. Lighting starts flying and Snorlax gets scared 'cause trees are falling which makes no sense (you'll find out at the end) Pikachu and the Mini Me Electabuzz blast away the blue lighting but one hits a tree and it catches on fire. Squirtle and Marril blow out the fire with their water power. But then the nest with Togepi in it starts flying away again (I wonder what happened to the other nests...) Bulbasaur uses its vine whip to get ahold of it, but then Bulbasaur starts flying away, so all the Pokemon grab onto each a congo line or something, and Snorlax is at the end. BUT, then apples start flying by (I dunno why) and Snorlax lets go so everyone's flying away. Well, Snorlax finally gets to his senses and pulls everyone back. The storm magically goes away and the lost egg from the Exeggcute comes back, 'cause Chansey stole it and it evolves into an Exeggcutor. And everyone dances happily in the ONE tree. Horrah.

The Power of One

A Pokemon collector is trying to catch all three of the legendary birds in this huge machine of his, 'cause according to this transcript (that they say over and over and over in the movie) if all the legendary birds come together, they sea beast, Lugia will come out. So he catches Moltres first, and then says it's like chess. ^_^

Meanwhile, Ash and his friends are on this boat with some girl and the get caught in a storm and get blown to an island that's right in between the Orange Islands. The people there have a tradition that a Pokemon trainer's got to get these crystals from the three birds. A girl named Melody gets to do the tradition...and she's making Misty jealous!! LOL. Anyway, Ash decides he can't wait to find the orbs so he goes out in the storm to get them. Well, Melody and Misty and Tracey decide to go save them and they get caught in the storm too. BUT, Team Rocket's hiding out in Melody's boat!! ^_^ They're hiding under a blanket.....I wonder what they're doing under there...

Anyway, everyone finally reaches the Fire Island and Ash gets the fire orb. Then, along comes Zapdos and it claims that the Fire Island is his. Well, the Pokemon collector then sends these flying triangles to catch Zapdos AND Jessie and James hug!!!! For a long time too... Anyway, the flying triangles catch Zapdos but they also catch everyone else. (Ash, Misty, Tracey, Melody, the other girl, and Team Rocket, plus a boat).

Everyone meets the Pokemon collector and Misty says that no trainer would catch Pokemon for collecting and the guy says, 'I'm no trainer, I'm a Pokemon collector' lol, that shut her up. Hehe...anyway, the Poke-collector leaves to catch Articuno and everyone else decides to free Zapdos and Moltres. Well, they do and everything goes crazy. Articuno comes along and all 3 of the birds are trying to kill each other.

And a little before that, Zapdos and Moltres start attacking the Poke-collector's big machine and everyone comes running out and they jump into a boat. And in the back of the boat, Team Rocket inflates a raft, and says 'We might need this'. But then the ship becomes airborne and Team Rocket flys out and land behind a mountain.
*Note: I'm not sure how eveyone got in the boat

Well, then somehow, Ash gets the lighting cystal and they land in front of a Slowking who tells Ash to put the crystals on this stand thing. And then Lugia comes out and then Articuno, Zapdos, Moltres and Lugia are trying to kill each other or something. Lugia falls into the water (probably dead) and Melody plays a song with her seashell flute and he comes back alive.

Then there's story-telling time where Ash learns he's the 'chosen-one' but then he doesn't wanna be the chosen one. He wishes his mom had named him Bob... Well, he crys 'cause he's afraid he's going to fail but then Misty tells him to suck it up. And un-beknownst to Melody, Ash, Misty and Tracey, a plane carrying Professor (Samuel) Oak, Mrs. (Delia) Ketchum and Professor (Voileta) Ivy crashes behind Team Rocket.

The chosen one's supposed to get the ice crystal so he goes and gets it...BUT (here's the best part) he can't get to the Ice Island because of all the fighting..SO along comes Team Rocket with their good-guy speech (and during it, Jessie and James hold hands 2 times) and fan-powered raft which brings Ash to the Ice Island. Ash gets the ice orb and they're about to head back when Moltres blasts their raft and they're stuck. And then Articuno falls down and dies. Well, then along comes Lugia and picks up Ash and flys away, and Team Rocket grabs onto Lugia's leg. Well, the other two legendary birds try to blast Lugia and Team Rocket realizes they're slowing Lugia down. They decide to let go and 'Protect the world from devastation' literally and they first hold hands and then hug each other while they fall. ::sniff:: They're so brave...well, they think they're going to die but end up falling in the water. But no one sees them, 'cause everyone's looking up.

Well, after lotsa fighting, the other two legendary birds are dead and Lugia falls in the water with Ash, and everyone dies...kinda. Misty swims out and brings Ash back and he comes alive, and puts the ice crystal next to the others. Green water comes flowing out and Melody plays her song which makes everyone who died, alive again. (must be some power in her song) Well, then after that, there's peace. Hoorah.

And Team Rocket's sad 'cause for the first time they were good, but no one saw them, but then Slowking says everyone out there saw them. (was Slowking referring to us?) AND the movie once again ends with Team Rocket!!! ^_^

Team Rocket was so brave!!! ^_^ I think I admire them even more that possible? Anyway, throughout the whole movie, they hugged two times and held on to each other's hands three times. And during one part, they say:
Jessie: Getting involved with the oppposite sex means trouble.
James: And that's the kinda trouble I wanna stay out of.
Meowth: You's two don't need the opposite sex, you got each other.

And then Meowth laughs his head off and so was I! There were also lotsa other parts that were hilarious....I just can't remember them...I guess I'll have to wait for the movie to come out on DVD and find out. And I thought it was real cool when the legendary birds were fighting..beams of!! KABAAM!! Like Team Rocket says:
Jessie: I'm afraid to get hit by their fire.
James: I'm afraid to get hit by their lightning.
Meowth: I'm just afraid to get hit by their...(he covers his head) droppings!!

Also I learned a bunch of lessons from watching this movie.
1. All the legendary birds care about is power.
2. Never make fun of tradition.....look what it got Melody and everyone else into.
3. Always get Carp Insurance. ^_^
4. Team Rocket's so brave!!!!
5. The most important lesson:
Disturb not the harmony of fire, ice or lighting,
Less these Titans reek disturction upon the world in which they clash...
Then the waters great guardian shall rise and quaile their fighting,
But its song alone will vanish, unless thee earth shall turn to Ash.