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Mugen Yukute
By: Ryan

Roketto-dan is walking down a path.

Musashi: Kojiro, why do we fight against those brats? We always lose, but even if we ever did capture Pikachu, what would be the point?

Kojiro: The point is so that we can give lots of Pokemon, including Pikachu, to the boss.

Musashi: We've used that as an excuse for too long. What will the boss do for us if we capture Pikachu? His greed for power will just grow and he'll make us capture even more Pokemon. What would happen if we just stopped? If we stopped stealing and started leading honest lives like Satoshi, Kasumi, and Takeshi.

Kojiro: The boss might come after us. We still owe him quite a lot of money for everything we bought.

Musashi: I think that he wouldn't bother looking for us if we left. He'd enjoy it to see that we've stopped wasting his money.

Kojiro: If we leave Roketto-dan, then the boss may actually be able to control all the Pokemon and then the world. If that happens, places like this beautiful meadow couldn't exist without oppression. We have to keep failing for the sake of the world. If that reason isn't good enough, then consider this one.

Kojiro kisses Musashi very gently. To both, the moment is in slow motion. A feeling that will never die no matter what. Softly, the two pairs of lips leave each other and the bodies of the lips continue walking down the eternal, futile path of love.