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Media Player is truly truly evil... It wouldn’t let me listen to Hit That, which is one of my favorite songs EVER... but I got Hamster Dance, so... (lol) If it tells you how bored I am, I’m poking the vein in my hand for fun because I can feel it in my pinky >.<Â O.o and now I’m scratching the green rust off my cheap little toe ring that I’m having to wear as a pinky ring cause I have webbed feet and therefore cannot wear toe rings. Um, so... yeah... ^^, I don’t usually find myself in the kinds of situations I put in my fics, but this time, I am bored as a 2x4 myself, so this undoubtedly HORRIBLE fic will be strictly as we go. Nothing is mine, as I couldn’t POSSIBLY own these wonderful, talented people, with their talents of anti-gravity hair, breaking the language/species barrier, and being that d&mn attractive. (guess who that last one was about?) Oh, however, I did borrow one or two things from Roy, so. ^//^ She just doesn’t know about it yet, so shh! (lol) Just a few little tidbits here and there, though.

“I don’t know, what do you want to do?”

James asked. Team Rocket was in something of a predicament. They had the day off, but nothing to do.

“I dunno, what do you wanna do?”

“I dunno, whadda yous wanna do?”

“Stop asking that ridiculous question, that would be nice... if only we had something to do... what can we do today...?”

He asked Jessie.

“Hmm... I dunno... what do you wanna do?”

She asked Meowth.

“I dunno, whadda yous wanna do?”

They both looked to James.


“It was your idea to stop asking that question... so, what do we do?”

“Oh... right... well, I didn’t know you’d look to me for help in this kind of situation, but okay, I guess.

Um... I don’t know, what do you want to do?”

“Charades, maybe?”

Jessie suggested. James jumped up.

“Ahh! No! No charades! I was online once and I read this thing about these people who were playing charades, and then some stuff happened... O.o”

He said, eyes wide in fear.

“Stuff? Like what?”

Jessie asked.

“I forgot, but it involved vodka...”

“Ooo... yeah, we better not risk that...”


Meowth smirked when he heard this.

“What, ain’t afraid of wakin up under circumstances you might not like, are ya?”

He asked. Jessie and James glared at him, both of them blushing.


They shouted at him.

“Yeah sure.”

He said, walking off. They glared off in the direction he left, as if expecting him to go any faster than what he was. When he was out of their sight, they sat back down and tried to stop blushing.

“The nerve of that cat...”

Jessie grumbled.

“I know. Disregard the fact he’d still be on the streets if not for us!”

James agreed. There were a few minutes of silence before Jessie spoke up again.

“Dinner or supper?”

She asked.


“Some people call it dinner, some call it supper. Which is it?”

“Oh. I don’t know... They always called it dinner back home... but then, I was adopted by a bunch of southerners, so...They always said that the ‘yanks’ called it supper...”

Jessie laughed at him.


“You! You just said yanks. That’s funny.”

“Well, that’s what they called them... it’s like they have their own language, southerners...”

He said vaguely. (((Note: we kinda do... ^^, oh, and, pwetty pwease, nobody take any offence to this. O.o I’m bored and need something to ramble on about...)))


She asked.

“Yeah. It’s a wonder I don’t start speaking it, really... stuff like... well, stuff. They said stuff a lot, just not when they thought I was listening. What else... ya’ll... ain’t, sometimes... yanks...I’m sure there’s more, but... Oh! And the days of the week were said differently... It wasn’t Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday etcetera etcetera, it was Mondee, Tuesdee, Windsdee... the days of the week ended in dee, not day. And it wasn’t Saturday, it was Saderdee.”

He said, almost struggling with the words. Jessie kept laughing.

“This is so funny!”


“Hearing you talk like that! It’s hilarious!”

She said, almost in tears and doubled over in laughter on a white picnic blanket.


She said, brushing a tear from her eye and handing him a mirror.

“Now say something like that.”

She said, waiting.

“What do you want me to say?”

“Um... say... just say Saturday.”

She said. He looked at his reflection in the mirror and said “Saderdy”, and almost died laughing.

“It’s just so funny!”

Hearing someone with a British accent, trying to talk with a bad Southern accent is more entertaining than you might think...

“What about you being British?”

She asked.

“What about it?”

“Well, don’t you guys have your own little words and stuff? Like the Southerners do?”

He looked up and smiled, and eventually lied down on the blanket.

“Oh, do we have our own words...”

He said.

“Like what?”

Jessie asked.

“Well... wonky, I’m pretty sure... right bubbly sounds British, at least...”

He started.

“Sorry, You have to remember I was just born there, the rest is purely what comes to me.”

He said.

“Now... where was I...”

“Right bubbly.”

“Oh yes. Um... posh, you’d know all about that one...jumper...”


“Yeah. See, in England, that’s a sweater.”

He explained. Jessie nodded.


“What else... Oh well. I’m sure more will come to me later on.”

He said. Jessie pouted.

“Awww... I was having fun, too...”

She said. Again, there was a long period of silence.

“So, now what do we do? Oh! I know! Let’s compare each other to people in movies!”

She said. James sat up.

“That came out of nowhere...”

He said.

“But alright. You go first. What movie?”

He asked. Jessie got up and went back to the balloon and came back with her beloved frying pan and a bunch of little strips of paper folded up inside. She moved them around with her hand blindly and then picked one up and unfolded it.

“Van Helsing.”

She said.

“Who would I be?”

She asked. James thought about it for a moment or two and finally said,

“Anna. You’d be Anna without a doubt.”

She blushed.

“Oh, thank you!”

She said.

“And what about you? Who do you think you would have been?”

James smiled proudly and said

“Dracula, of course.”

Jessie stared at him.

“And you figure this... how?”

He smiled nice and big at her.

“Because! You saw how those girls were all over him!”

Jessie reached over and tweaked his nose.


He whimpered.

“I think you’d be Van.”

She said, smiling at him. He blushed.


He asked.

“But... but you know that... Van and Anna.. You know they fell in love, right?”

He asked. She blushed and leaned forward a little. She made sure that while she was doing that, she kept her arms relatively close together to make certain things look bigger. *cough*

“Yeah, I remember that...”

She said quietly. She reached up then, slowly, and gently caressed his cheek. Then, she flicked his nose, hard.


He cried.

“I actually just said that to be nice. You’re more like Carl.”

She said, letting him go. He whimpered and rubbed his nose.

“I am not Carl...”

He pouted. Jessie just stared at him.


She asked. He nodded.


Jessie sighed and stood up, stretching.

“James, there’s something I have to tell you. I’m not really Jessie. My real name is Vanessa Helsing, and I hunt vampires for a living at night, and I need you to help me. Now get up, we’re going to Transylvania.”

She said.

“Oh, the hell to dander I am!”

He said. She sat back down.

“I don’t want to go to Transylvania!”

He pouted.

“See? Carl.”

Jessie said. He just stared blankly for a second.


“Oh, just shut your poor confused mouth and pick a paper.”

She said. He rubbed his nose and picked a slip of paper from the frying pan.

“Interview With a Vampire.”

He looked up.

“What’s with all these vampire movies?”

He asked. Jessie shrugged.

“I like vampire flics.”

She said. He let it go and thought about what he remembered from the movie. It had been a while since he’d seen the movie, but he remembered parts of it.

“Hmm... Well, I forget her name, but the best I can figure you’d be the little girl. Only, of course, you’d never accuse anyone of treating you like a doll, and that’s all you are, just a little pretty thing to dress up and play with etcetera etcetera... And as far as I can tell, I suppose that leaves me as being Lestat. Back again in another movie, live to die another day...”

He said.

“Yeah, that’s what I was thinking. Only I can possibly see you as Louis, too, you know.”

Jessie commented.

“How do you get that?”

“Well, I know how confused you can get sometimes, so I can see you burning down your own mansion.”

“Oh, why thank you, Jess, I love you, too.”

He said sarcastically. She smiled, taking another piece of paper from the pan and looking at it.

“Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory?”

She asked.

“Don’t remember putting that in, but okay.”

She said.

“You’d be that Varuca girl.”

James said. Jessie glared at him.

“Excuse you?”

“Yeah. Remember the golden goose eggs? Now replace those eggs with the ear rings you saw in that store window 3 days ago.”

Jessie blushed.

“And the only one in that movie eccentric enough to be even relatively close to you would be Wonka himself...”

She said vaguely. After that, they got bored again, and put aside that game to try and find something better. Jessie smiled and ran back to the balloon again and came back with a pink and black box.

“WHat’s that?”

James asked. Jessie held the box up and dropped it onto the white blanket they were sitting on.

“Happy Bunny checkers set.”

She said, sitting down and throwing the lid off and setting everything up, giving herself the pink checkers with the bunny flipping you off, and gave James the black ones with the evil vampire-looking bunny. They started playing then, when James noticed the little writing along the edges of the bored, reading some out loud.

“hi, dorkwad’ Heh... ‘Hello, retard’ These are funny!”

“Yes, now go.”

He looked back to the game to see that he had a nice little triple jump that Jessie didn’t see. He smiled and took it, collecting his pieces. However, Jessie then jumped his piece diagonally.

“Hey! Oh, wait... that is a king, isn’t it...”

He said. (This was a few minutes into the game) He dropped one of the pieces he had just picked up, though, and it landed on the back. He picked it up and read what it said.

“Hey! The checkers say stuff, too! ‘king any one of your pieces’. Huh... do they all say something?” He asked, turning over the other 2 pieces.

‘you’re ugly. Please die today.’ I like these! ‘If you want you’re a** kicked, just ask.’ I really like these!”

He said, smiling. After a few games, they were, amazingly, still bored. So they came up with a rather perverted idea.

“Okay what we do, is end every sentence with either ‘naked’ or ‘in my pants’.”

Jessie said, snickering. James blushed.


“Only you can only use each one a certain number of times. Let’s say... 25.”

She said. Well, they quickly ran through their turns. Unfortunately, they were both out of the use of ‘naked’ to end the sentences with, which was horrible timing for James. They were hungry, so she sent James back to the balloon to bring back whatever they had. They quickly picked through most of it, save for one banana. Only, Jessie hadn’t noticed it. James was starting to panic now. He thought she might want it, but she wouldn’t look back at it, and he wasn’t going to ask if she wanted it, because he would have to end the sentence with ‘in my pants’, and you can only imagine how well THAT would go. Granted, yes, that was supposed to make things perverted, he didn’t want things to be THAT perverted, considering what Meowth had said and what happened with the mention of Van Helsing earlier that day. Trying to bring her attention to it, he cleared his throat a few times, and nudged it closer to her. However, when she still didn’t look up, he had no choice.

“Um... Jess? Do you want, um... the, um... banana... in... in my... pants...?”

He nervously asked, his face red as anything. However, it only got worse when she answered.

“Sure, I’d LOVE your banana... in my pants...”

She said, taking the yellow fruit that was in front of him. She peeled it and made a few random comments on how good it was... ‘in her pants’, just to watch James blush. Just then, Meowth came back. James panicked again as Jessie looked over and started talking to him.

“So, what’ve yous you been doin?”

He asked. James was somehow blushing and going pale at the same time as Jessie answered him.

“Oh, we found a whole bunch of ways to have fun, in my pants.”

Meowth stopped what he was doing to stare at them.

“Say WHAT?!”

He asked. Jessie looked to James and nudged him.

“Tell him, we had a lot of fun today, in my pants.”

He lied down on his back, then, and kept his hands over his pale, yet pink tinged face and tried to block it all out.

“Yeah, we played games and stuff, like Happy Bunny checkers, in my pants.”

She kept going. Meowth looked horrified as ever.

“It’s one ting at hear what ya did, but I didn’t need to know what you CALL it, too!”

He whined. Just then, a faint ringing was heard. Meowth went to the balloon and brought back a little walkie-talkie with a big red R on the back.

“It’s da boss.”

Meowth said, handing it to Jessie. Naturally, he expected her to drop the jokes and seriously talk to the boss about whatever he’d called for... and she did, getting a sigh of relief from Meowth and James. She turned off the radio then and looked at them.

“What? Did you expect me to tell the boss what we’ve been doing all day, naked, in my pants?”

She asked.