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"The No-Name Story"
By Lita
as told by me! Stormy!

Once upon a time...oh wait...scratch that thought...One morning, our heroes woke up to a damn good day!
"No I want the shower first!" I yelled at Jessie, my public enemy number one.
"Screw you bitch I gotta wash my freakin hair!" Jessie and I got into a bitch fight...again.
A few seconds later, here comes Meowth with an obviously very cheerful James.
"Happy happy joy joy!" James sang.
"James I'm worried about you." Meowth said, shaking his head.
As Jessie and I Celebrity Deathmatched each other, James walked right by us and into the shower. Mewoth stood and watched us fight.
"Bitch fight! Bitch fight! This is better than TV! Woooo! Somebody's underware! Pink Clefairy...ok!" He was enjoying the fight. We must of been going at it for ten minutes when James walked by...again.
"Which one of you is gonna take a shower next? I think I just used up the hot water." He stated, brushing his hair. We both stoped punching each other's lights out and stared at him.
"I'LL KILL YOU!" I yelled.
Maby I should tell you about me:
My name's Stormy, I'm 5' 10'', I was born December 5th, I have a major crush on James, I've got brown hair and green eyes.
Jessie and I ended up in the shower together, in our bathing suits.
"Stormy if you make one crack about this hair, I'll make you wish you didn't." Jessie said. Her hair was down and full of knots.
"I'd like to see you try." I laughed.

"So what's your big plan of action today?" said Ash, the looser with the bad hair.
"It's easy really. You give us Pikachu and we leave. Even an idiot like you could figure it out." James explained.
"Go moon Misty! You belong together!" I joked with Ash.
"Not a bad idea...I mean! You'll never get Pikachu!"
Now how many times have we heard THAT line?

Part two

"" James said. He walked in to the room in a hotel we were all staying in.
He stared at Jessie in dark red lipstick and black eyeshadow all the way up to her freakin eyebrows. He turned a little too fast...and whacked his head into a door....
"Yes James, there's a door there..." I said, rolling my eyes. So adorable, yet so stupid.
Here's what happend at the big battle:
Ash and co (Misty and Tracey), me, James, Jessie, and Meowth got into a battle. I called out Arcanine, frying poor, sweet, innocent Tracey. (Ya gotta admit, he's a cutie) James called out Victreebell, which got baked by Ash's damn Charizard, which means (scene James always ends up in Victreebell's mouth) that James also got baked. Poor sexy adorable baby...Misty and Jessie ended up knocking out each other, while Meowth sat on his miserable little ass and watched.
"Oh, James it's alright! You won't go blind! You might if you see Jessie in a two peice, though..." I comforted, giving James an ice pack.
"That was SO not funny." Jessie walked in and pulled a huge peice of cake out of the frige.
"Good God Jessie!" she shot me a dirty look and shoved THE WHOLE THING in her mouth.

Later that evening...
I had just gotten in bed when I pulled out a peice of paper, that was where my copy of "How to Steal Pokemon and Get Away With It" was. I opened it:
Dear Stormy,
Hi it's James. You know, the guy with the big black eye? Well I wanted to tell you that I think you're sexy. God it feels good to get that out! You're alot better lookin than Jessie, with that bad hairstyle.
Oh my God. Finally! I folded it up and quietly made my way to his bed. What a damn sight that was. God he snores like a freakin lawn mower! I layed beside him, laying my head on his chest...and falling asleep to the sound of him snoring.

In the morning, James woke up before me.
"Morning Stormy! Have nice dreams?" He asked me, coming out of the bathroom in eevee boxers.
I climbed out of bed and kicked Jessie's bed. "RISE AND SHINE!!" I yelled, making her jump twenty feet into the air.
"I'm gonna kill you one of these days..." She threw what was left of her blankets onto the floor.

We appeared out of no where, freaking the shit out of the Looser League.
We began the famous motto...welllllll you know how it goes....
"Here we go again." Ash rolled those hideous brown eyes.
"Oh shut up you jack ass and give me you're freakin' Pikachu!" I demanded.
"Screw you bitch you have mental problems." Misty got into my face.
"Fight 'er, Stormy! Beat her little ass!" urged Tracey.
"Girl you're GONNA have mental problems when I'm done with you!!" I threw myself at her, knocking her to the floor. We continued to knock the shit out of each other, while Tracey urged me on.
" heard what she said! Now give us you're damn mother fuckin rat!!!!" James yelled, waving his arms around. Just then, a blur of brown and orange hair flew by.

Jessie and Meowth set up a table and played cards.
"Got any Lapras?"
"Go Pokemon."

End part three

"So do ya wanna? It'll be really fun!" I beckoned to James.
"Oh...ok...Let's do it. OUIETLY." He gave in
We got up...and froze Jessie's underwear. (what'd ya think we were gonna do?)
We ended up laughing all night. I'm not sure, but I think we got drunk on something from the fridge...rare candy and beer....
In the morning, we woke up at the same time. We were both...uh...well, naked.
"James what the hell happend last night?!" I woke up Jessie and Meowth.
They both stared at us.
'Come on, get up. get up.....' Jessie thought.

One hour later, we were all packed up and flying in the tacky god awful balloon. James and I were in one corner, making out. Jessie watched for the Looser League, while Meowth jabberd on about "The time he hid a Rattata under the Boss's sofa at head quarters". Nobody listened, though. Figures.
Then Jessie spun around. "I'm still pissed at you. I'm wearing frozen underwear thanks to you're crap!" She said.
"Hey I'm not finished with my story! And so anyways..." Mewoth told the rest. Nobody cared, though.
"Would you two SHUT THE FUCK UP!"James yelled, while I slobberd all over him...
Turns out there was this BIG tree. We collided, and went flyin up into the air. "I wanna fly like an eagle! To the sea! Fly like an eagle, let my sprit carry me!" I sang.
"Don't let go Stormy!" yelled James, who had his arms around my legs, who had Jessie hanging onto HIS legs, who had Meowth holding onto her boot.
"Ok. On the count of three, we're all gonna yell like hell. One...two...three...HEEEEEEELLLLLLPPPPPPP!!!"

End part four Ok so eventually we all got down when Meowth fell, who broke Jessie's fall. Then James fell, and was too stupid to move, so I fell on him. It was a classic scene!

Anyways, when we all went walking down the road, we turned around some kind of building (yes, a building in the middle of nowhere). And we ran into (literally RAN INTO) Cassidy and Butch.

When Cassidy sucessfully pulled out a huge chunk of Jessie's hair and James got knocked to the floor (or road, whatever) by Butch's fists of steel, Meowth and I watched from a distance. A very FARRRR distance.


"WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Wha'd ya do that for!?!?!? I'm gonna sick Stormy on you!!" James cried.

Butch laughed. "Wait wait wait! Her parents ACCUALLY named her STORMY?!?! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! That's way tooo funny!" he laughed, as I came charging in his direction.

I threw a fist at him and knocked the living day lights out of him.


I looked him straight in the eye. "Don't mess with my man. You do, you get you'r hair torn out. Luckily you're too cute..." I held out a hand.

James looked confused.

I helped Butch to his feet, and James went out of his mind. "Hey you're sopposed to kill him, not make friends!"

"And Tyra, that's the story of how mommy and daddy were Team Rocket members. Now go to sleep you freakin two year old." I said, and tucked my daughter in for the night.

The End

Ok did you like it? Was it corny? I wrote most of it when I was on sugar high. Send your comments to: