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“A one way ticket"/ _Jessie_

Author’s note: NOTICE ! My hotmail address is soooo dead. Use my new one-

Part 3

Jessie laid in her sleeping bag, awake. It was the 3rd night that she didn’t get any sleep. She looked over at James, who was sleeping peacefully In his sleeping bag, and Jessie felt so sorry for him. She knew he liked Amy a lot, and now the only two women that he trust are going to betray him. Amy didn’t have a problem with that, she was a professional, but Jessie was going through hell. And the weekend was over.


Jessie woke up with a scream. She had a nightmare. In her dream, she was pointing a gun to James’ head and just before she pulled the trigger, her face changed and she saw Amy’s face in them.

“Jess, are you ok?” She saw James’ face and felt his hand on her shoulder.


“You had a nightmare, I think. It’s ok now.” Jessie looked at him and almost cried. It wasn’t just a dream.

“It’s time to get up anyway, breakfast is ready”, He smiled at her.

“Meowth is getting his breakfast first!” Meowth jumped out of his sleeping bag. Jessie couldn’t get up that quickly. She had only two-three hours of sleep that night, and James noticed that something was wrong with her.

“Jessie, please tell me what’s wrong. You don’t look too good lately.”

“I guess I’m coming down with something,” She lied.

Then she looked into James’ green eyes and felt her heart breaking. “James?”

“Yeah, Jess?” He brought his head closer to her.

“Come here”, she pulled him closer and gave him a big hug. He was surprised but he hugged her back, real tight.

“You know I love you, don’t you?” She whispered in his ear.

“Jessie!” He broke away from her and grabbed her shoulders, shaking her backwards and forwards. “What are you talking about? Why are you hugging me like that? Are you going to die or something?!” He yelled hysterically.

“I’m not dying, you fool. I’m just trying to be friendly and that’s how you behave? Just forget it!" She walked away and was immediately sorry for saying all those things, but her pride didn’t let her go and apologize.

“He really likes dat Amy girl, ya know?” Meowth scratched behind her.

“Yeah, so?”

“Just thought it will ruin your plans to be his girlfriend”


“Ya know, if he’s with Amy, he can’t be with you...” he smirked.

“Oh, shut up, stupid fur-ball!" she screamed and pulled out her mallet, but Meowth was already gone.


“So what are we going to do today?” Asked James while they were eating.

“I think I’ll go to the HQ today, Da boss asked me to do a few things for him”, said Meowth. Jessie wondered if that was the boss’ plan to keep Meowth away from them so he won’t interfere with what Jessie was about to do.

“What did he asked you to do?" James asked with his mouth full of bread.

“Hmmm... non o your biz!”

After breakfast Meowth took off, heading to the HQ. James and Amy packed their stuff and put them in the van. Suddenly it started raining.

“Oh man, It’s raining!” Shouted James, “We better go inside the van or we will all get wet!” And he jumped into the van.

Jessie and Amy stood in the rain. Jessie was about to jump into the van after James, when Amy pulled her sleeve and stopped her.

“It’s time, Jessie.” She said in a cold voice.

“Why? Why now?” Jessie cried helplessly.

“It’s time.” Amy pulled a gun out of her pocket and handed it over to Jessie. “Do it.”

“How can you be so cruel? He loves you, he trusts you! Please, don’t do this!” Jessie cried, her tears and the rain drops running down her face. Her face and hair were wet and she looked so miserable.

“It’s my job. You heard the boss- You have to kill him now or you both die. Now take the gun!”

Jessie didn’t want to take the gun. She just stared at it and didn’t move.

“Take it!” Amy pulled Jessie’s hand and put the gun in it. “Now stop crying and do what you have to do.”

“I can’t... His my best friend, I love him... I can’t...” She cried. She didn’t feel her legs and she was about to collapse, but Amy held her and slapped her face really hard.

“You go there and do what you have to, or I swear to god, I’m going to kill you and James *now*!” Amy screamed and pushed Jessie into the van.

“What took you so long?” asked James. “You got all wet!”

He didn't notice Jessie's tears because her face was wet from the rain. Jessie came closer to him and looked into his eyes. It made her cry harder and James gave her a worried look.

“Jessie? Why are you crying? What’s wrong?”

Jessie didn’t answer. She just looked into his eyes and pulled out the gun.