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Photo ~ By RB


Disclaimer: Uh, I own them, I'm so rich!! Ok, seriously, someone will take that as an offense. So before I get killed, I don't own them, and if ya think I do, bite me. Oh wait, I own the term Evilshippy. ^_^

Rating: Geez, I dunno! PG, maybe, it's kinda deep and tragic.

Summary: I person tells his story. Pretty deep, and of course, it involves flashbacks. It gets better as it goes along, just read the whole thing and you'll see.

Note from mwah: Don't hurt me!! Flame me, but just don't bash mah head in!! Oh, and that last fic was an inside joke, sorry if ya hated it, you were supposed to. That *was* the idea!!!


Failure. The story of my whole life. Yes, perhaps my plan isn't such a waste, but the rest of my tiring life was, is, and will always be. Why, you ask, would a rich, famous, and powerful leader think so low of himself? The answer is of course, quite complex. I'll start back, to the day I was young, that fateful day.


My mother had just passed away, and I remember the shock of the rather large inheritance I had received, and the feeling of greed. I was only 17, and I was too young to understand. I had always rivaled against my mother, trying to escape her anger. For I was in love, a love that was not permitted in my mother's world. The woman I loved was a simple town girl, with no power or money. She worked in a hospital for sick pokemon, which I where I had met her.

I remember the first day I met her, the day I store into her gorgeous brown eyes. My mother had sent me on my first mission, to capture rare pokemon from the nearest hospital. And so I went, totally unprepared for what I would fall into. I had made a pathetic attempt to capture a pokemon, with complete failure. Then that pretty girl walked up to me, smiling sweetly and asking if I needed any help.

I needed help at that moment, because my body was shaking with fear, I thought I had been found out. But I hadn't, and I then discovered the girl wasn't the most intelligant person in the world.

She gave me a tour around the hospital, and before long, I had completely forgotton about my mission, all that mattered to me was Anna, that beautiful girl. I had mustered up enough courage to ask her out, and we spent endless hours at movies, and pizza parlor's, talking and laughing.

Months passed, and I soon knew that this was my soul-mate. I asked her to marry me, to love and cherish me, till death do us part. And to my surprise and delight, she simply burst into tears and kissed my neck.

But this love was not ment to last, because soon after, my mother died and the empire was now under my ownership. Anna still had not found out, and that was my mistake. I had never told her my background, in fear she'd leave me. But now I had to tell her. But everytime I looked into her eyes, felt her loving stare, I couldn't tell her. And yet I was leaving during the night, with her still in bed, to go to the HQ, and run the job. I was beginnning to enjoy the rich life, the money and power. The power began to seep through my veins, and I was now overcome by greed. And my wife, she would sit there in tears, begging me to come home at night, to hold her in my arms. Sadly, no guilt was felt for her, because I had changed, both in appearance and soul.

My usually young face was now creased with lines of anger and worry, and my eyes were dark and bloodshot from staying up late in the office. And my soul was now clouded with hate, hate of my mother, and myself. I was beginning to be so into receiving more, and my wife was now last in place.

I'd come home only for a meal, and the occasional relaxation, always in a separate room from Anna. And I can still remember, eleven years from today, my wife coming in telling me she was two months pregnant. The horror and shock overwhelmed me, and I left her. Left her alone, to fend for herself in her most needed times. But it was for the best, I see that now. The words she spoke to me, however, will always be in my memory.

"Whats happened to you?! Why are you so evil?!" Anna had whispered in tears, wondering what has become of her best friend, her lover, her husband, her child's father.

And I remember my heart melting then, but only for a moment, for the thoughts of money and power flooded my mind.

I turned my back, leaving her in despair. And yet, she is happier now without me, so perhaps this was all for good. And I remember picking up two lost teenagers, who were hand in hand, trying to decide on my offer. I was in need of scouts, and I was picking up kids on the streets the night I found them.

The redheaded girl jumped at the chance, though the boy seemed as if he was doing it out force.

And I remember receiving the Persian, from one of my hauls, and seeing it's beauty as I stroked it, and it reminded me of Anna, which is why I still keep it today.

My collegue reported to me that Anna had had the baby, and it was a handsome boy. I do not know the name, for I did not care to hear, for the sake of his well being.

And yet I still remember pride, to think I was a father. But what I can't remember is why I didn't go visit my family, to see what my wife and I had created. But I didn't and that's what I still regret today.


Time passed, and my organizated weakened, and I wish now that I could take it all back, never to head Team Rocket, never to leave my wife, to just be a happily married man with a son. But it's too late now, I can not change the past.

And so I have nothing to live for, nothing at all.

Anger and hate build up within me, and I am sick of failing!! It's the whole story!! I've failed as a husband, as a father, as a leader, a trainer, and most importantly, a person. I am no longer in a sane sense of mind, and tears blind my eyes as I open a draw to my desk, revealing a gun.

Lifting up the gun, a picture slips out of the drawer. Picking it up, I start to smile.

I suddenly feel elated, and my soul seems to be free. All the pain and anger is lifted from my heart, and I slowly drop the pistol.

"I'm through." I whisper.

Standing up, I pat my Persian, and climb out the window.

Walking down the road, I am prepared to go back to my hometown, Pallet Town.


Three days later, I am knocking on a door, and I am staring into her beauitiful eyes once more.

"You?" she whispers.

I simply nod, and take her hand in my own, kissing it.

Fearful, she simply kisses my cheek in a friendly gesture.

"May I come in?" I ask.

She smiles. "Of course, Ash."


A red-headed girl with green eyes peeked into her bosses office. Seeing it was empty, she picked up a photograph lying on the floor. Grinning happily, she ran out the door to show it to her brother. When he saw the picture, his blue eyes light up and they walked quietly out of the HQ, back to their home, to live with their parents.
