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Pokemon GS - Prelude
By: Ryan

As cherry blossoms fluttered through the wind, all in Wakaba were reminded of why the town's theme was "The place where the winds of new beginnings blow." Though this was a normal autumn day for most people in Johto, the residents of Wakaba Town could sense a stronger breeze in the air. This breeze never truly stopped blowing, but rather could be felt more intensely to some people who were susceptible to it.

Tetsuo was one of the few who sensed this eternal wind, though it was stronger than usual on this day. Ever since he was a child, Tetsuo had admired the wondrous creatures that thrived throughout this world, one day hoping to be able to control the powers of these creatures so that they could be harnessed for good purposes. Today, Tetsuo's first step to his dream would begin.

Given a choice of three of these creatures - Chikorita, a Grass Pokémon, Hinoarashi, a Pokémon of fire, or Wanninoko, a Pokémon able to control water, Tetsuo thought carefully about which of these creatures would be best to realize his dream. He came to the laboratory of Professor Utsugi, a renowned Pokémon expert and entered the facility.

Inside the Wakaba Laboratory was a library filled with shelves each having an uncountable amount of books as well as a state-of-the-art research facility rivaled only by that in Masera. There, Tetsuo watched as Professor Utsugi analyzed a rather large document. As Tetsuo glanced at the paper, he noticed that the author was none other than Utsagi's old teacher, Professor Orchid.

After a moment, Professor Utsugi noticed Tetsuo and apologized for keeping him waiting. Tetsuo then announced that he had made his decision. Professor Utsugi waited anxiously to find out which of these creatures Tetsuo would choose to begin his eternal quest with.