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Episode Five: No Need for War

Washu threw open the door that connected her lab to the Masaki house. The rest of the extended family were all in the living room, chatting, snacking and squabbling.
"Hey there!" she called. They looked up from what they were doing. "Well, group, I've got some good news and I got some bad news."
"Yes, Miss Washu?" Aeka asked.
"Ah-hem," she cleared her throat. "First of all, the dimension portal is all set up and ready to go!"
Mihoshi fell off Takeshi's lap as he jumped up. Both Musashi and Ryoko glared daggers at the scientist. Kojiro's mouth formed an "o" of surprise.
"WHAT!?" Musashi and Ryoko shouted.
"It's only been a little over two months!" Takeshi protested.
"Huh? Takeshi's leaving? Wha?" Mihoshi asked, looking from her love to Washu.
Washu nodded. "That's right! I finished early! After all, this is ME we're talking about! Wanna hear the bad news?"
"You mean that WASN'T the bad news!?" Kojiro demanded.
A shake of the head. "Nope." She turned suddenly serious. "And once you hear the bad news, this won't seem like anything at all."
"What is it, Washu?" Tenchi asked, more calmly than the others.
She jerked her head back into the lab. "Follow me. I'll show you everything."

"That's what I said, isn't it?"
"But Washu, what in the world would a bunch of, uh..." Kiyone paused.
"They're called Terans. They're a nomadic race that travels from planet to planet. Remember when we saw that movie Independence Day, the one with subtitles from America?" Nods from Tenchi and the girls, shrugs from the D-Space Travellers. "That's sorta how these guys are. Once they find a planet, they kill all of it's inhabitants, then absorb everything and leave it behind. They're ruthless killing machines, and have the technology of a hundred planets under their belts. And there next target... is Earth."
"But I don't get it!" Tenchi exclaimed. "Why would these Terans be after Earth? It's not like it's the most advanced planet, or the cleanest, or anything like that."
"The Terans aren't idiots. Before their victims die, they absorb all their thoughts, memories, and knowledge. Then, when they mate, it gets passed on to their children. This makes them very smart, and very deadly." Washu paused to type in a few things on her keyboard. "They know that the Juraiian princesses, along with Lord Yosho and Lord Tenchi, not to mention the space pirate Ryoko, two of the most famous Galaxy Police Officers, and myself, of course, are staying here. If they take Earth, they'd take us, and that means literally nothing could stop them from destroying Jurai. So you see, Tenchi, this place has been targeted not only for it's abundance in life, but also because of us. Earth is in danger, and we're the only ones who can stop it."
"But what can we do against these guys? They sound really scary," Mihoshi wondered.
"I shall inform Jurai of the danger. They will send out battle ships immediately," Aeka decided, beginning to go to Washu's interspace transmitter; a machine she had had for just these sort of problems.
"It's too late for that, Aeka," Washu stopped her. "They were flying here under a cloak that not even my sensors could pick up until the last minute. They'll be here in a few days. Even Jurai's fastest ship's can't travel across the galaxies in less than a couple months. By then, there'd be nothing left of Earth than a charred rock."
"So it's hopeless," Kiyone concluded.
"Not exactly. We can fight them," Washu whirled in her chair to face the group. "They know this, I'm sure; chances are they'll attack the Masaki shrine first to finish us off, then go on to the rest of the planet. If we can hold them off long enough for Jurai's military to get here, then maybe..."
"So, there's still a chance," Tenchi put in.
"Were you about to fight a war without telling me?" it was Lord Katsuhito. "Ah, no matter. Tenchi, you'll need to get the sword. It's up at the shrine. Ryoko, could you take him there via teleportation?"
She nodded, grabbed Tenchi's arm, and disappeared.
"Kiyone, Mihoshi," he addressed the two Police Officers. "Go to Yugami, and get all the weapons you have. We'll be needing guns for those who cannot use power like Aeka and myself." Now Katsuhito turned to the Juraiian Princess. "Princess Aeka, would you call Jurai and tell them to fly to Earth for battle? Make sure they come with utmost haste."
"Yes, Grandfather," Aeka bowed hastily, then rushed to the transmitter.
"What about me, Lord Katsuhito?" Sasami asked. "I want to help, somehow."
"Ah, Sasami. You are young, yet, and should not be tainted with the blood of war. You shall remain in charge of the normal things- cooking, and cleaning- but we will need someone to tend for the wounded. Something tells me you would make a wonderful infirmary nurse; and you will get help from Nobuyuki, too. Now, go get all the clean towels and bandages in the house, and set up the hospital in my room. I will be spending a lot of time down here, with Washu."
Sasami ran off as he told her, eager to be of some assistance in this battle for Earth.
Katsuhito turned upon the three dumbstruck D-Space Travellers. "Now, what to do with you?" He glanced at the mad scientist. "You're portal is ready, is it not, Washu?"
She nodded. "I've even pin-pointed the exact spot and time. They can go now, if they want to."
"Hm. Then, it seems like you have a choice. Would you like to stay here, and risk your lives in this battle? Or, would you prefer to go home to the safety of your own planet?"
Musashi, Kojiro and Takeshi looked from one to the other. A period of silence followed, then Katsuhito's: "It is a tough decision; you don't need to decide right at this moment. We have a few days, so I suppose you have tonight to think about it. The choice is yours, so I will not try to make an impression either way." He began to leave. "Now, I need to speak to Washu. I think you will find a bath the best thing in these times. You're dismissed."
Temporarily speechless at the normally quiet (but aparently very observant) Katsuhito, the trio bowed low and walked out of the lab. Without a word Musashi retreated to the hot springs, Kojiro to the bath, and Takeshi to his room. The decision they were going to make was a tricky one, and could change the outcome of their lives -or deaths- forever.

Everyone met down in Washu's lab the next morning, directly after breakfast, to plan for the war ahead of them. Musashi, Kojiro, and Takeshi nodded to each other, already knowing what the other's would say when asked.
"Ah, our D-Space companions," Katsuhito greeted them like he had the others. "I take it you've made your choice."
"I'm staying here," Musashi told him.
"Me too. This is like a second home to me," Kojiro added.
"I'm in it 'till the end," Takeshi put in. "If they took Earth, what would stop them from taking Nomékop?"
"You realize that some of us, if not all of us, may not make it out of this alive," Washu warned. "By staying here, you run a high risk of being killed."
"I couldn't live with myself knowing that I deserted the people I cared about just when they needed as much help as they could get," Musashi said decisively.
"There's no talking us out of it," Takeshi spoke up.
Washu couldn't help but smile. "You've got spirit. I knew I built that machine to pick up strong personalities for a reason. All right, then, if that's what you're doing then we'd better get down to business." Washu walked to the front of the lab and turned to face the miniature army. "Welcome to our council of war. The situation isn't the prettiest, but we still have a chance." Washu, always thinking ahead, had created a slide show to help explain herself. She clicked once, and a picture of a vicious-looking alien appeared. "This is a Teran. They are about 5 feet tall, with a giant wing-span that nearly defies the laws of nature. They have hands, like we do, so they can maneuver space ships and handle weapons relatively well. Over the years, they have developed Jurai-like powers. Namely, creating shields and blasting powerballs at their enemies. To top this off, their hands are armed with ripping claws, as are their feet, and teeth made for slashing. They are intelligent, well-developed killing machines, and we're going to have our hands full." Click. "This is their fleet. Nearly twenty ships, all housing over a hundred fighting-worthy Terans. They won't risk landing them all on Earth, though. It's not their style. They'll send down small cruiser ships filled with Terans to take care of us, then very slowly destroy every city on Earth."
"But Washu, if they're so powerful then why don't they just blow up Japan in one shot, and kill us quickly?" Ryoko questioned.
"I told you, they absorb the knowledge from their prey. And if they absorbed all of ours- especially mine- they'd have almost unlimited power. Besides, these are creatures of death. They relish the kill, it's practically what they feed on." A few of the members of their council shuddered at the thought.
"Anything else, Washu?" Tenchi wondered.
"Lord Katsuhito?" Washu stepped out of his way to let him speak.
He nodded his thanks. "The battling shall take place away from the home, so as not to damage our only means of protection. We are surrounded by woods, and with Ryoko's teleportation, we can move into the mountains quickly and leave just as fast." Click. "This is the spot where we will meet them. They are able to monitor Aeka's, Tenchi's and my own Jurai power, so they'll know where we are. Ryoko, do you know where this is?" A nod. "Good, good. Then we will head out now."
"Now?" Kiyone queried. "But I thought you said we had at least a day!"
"Yes, before the main fleet got here," Washu said. "They're already sending out cruiser ships to land here. Those ships, some of the fastest in the galaxy, will hit Earth's atmosphere in about five hours. Which means we don't have much time. I want everyone to suit up in their most maneuverable outifts, then we'll meet back here in a few hours."
The group split up to go to their rooms. In less than ten minutes all of them were ready for battle. Mihoshi and Kiyone were in their Galaxy Police attire; Ryoko had the outfit she normally wore while flying Ryo-Ohki (the skin-tight red and black one); Aeka was dressed in a thinner dress than her usual three-layer ones; Tenchi was wearing the same thing he had worn when defeating Kagato, hoping it would give him good luck; Musashi and Kojiro were in their Rocket uniforms, being used to moving around a lot in them; Takeshi, Washu, Sasami, Nobuyuki and Yatsuhito had remained in what they had.
"Ryoko, how many people can you take at a time?" Washu asked.
"Two," was the reply.
"Aeka and Tenchi, then Kiyone and Mihoshi, Musashi and Kojiro, Takeshi and myself, and Lord Katsuhito will be last." Washu turned to the older man. "You sure you want to do this? You aren't as young as you used to be."
"I'll be fine," Katsuhito said calmly.
Kiyone tossed Kojiro, Musashi and Takeshi a pair of laser guns. "You do know how to fire one, right?"
"Yes," Musashi and Kojiro said immediately.
"Yeah. I never have, unless you count video games, but... you just pull the trigger, right?" Takeshi asked, pointing it right at Kiyone with his finger pressing in on the trigger.
"Ah-heh," Kiyone giggled nervously, gently pushing the gun away from herself, "you got it, Takeshi. Good luck, all three of you."
"Oh! I almost forgot!" Washu pulled out some round spheres and handed them to the trio. "Here are your Pokéballs. You never know when you might need them."
They stuck them into their pockets. "Thanks."
Ryoko, who had already delivered Tenchi and Aeka, now came back for Kiyone and Mihoshi. Two-by-two, they were transported to the battle spot. The last group got there just as a bright pin-point of light shone in the sky, indicating where the cruiser was coming in.
"Is everyone ready?" Washu asked.
Tenchi gripped his sword; an orange ball was forming in Ryoko's hands; small version of her guardians surrounded Aeka; Kiyone and Mihoshi cocked their guns to the sky; Takeshi, Kojiro and Musashi held a Pokéball in one hand and their gun in the other; Washu herself had a small cannon hoisted on her shoulder- her own invention; and last, Katsuhito held a wooden sword deftly in one hand and a Jurai-Powerball in the other.
"If anyone's going to turn back, this is the chance." No movement. "I thought so." Washu stared into the sky. "There's two ships coming down- they're expected to launch their attack in less than two minutes."
"For Earth!"
"For Jurai!"
"For Nomékop!"
Suddenly one of the ships flew in low over the group. The hatch was opened, and out flew nearly twenty Terans. Each held a powerful-looking gun. One shouted something in an unintelligable language, and the fight began.
Everyone was causing considerable damage to the enemy. Several fell to the fight tactics the group used- Ryoko or one of the gunmen would shoot the Terans, causing them to lose their one advantage (flight), then Tenchi, Katsuhito, Aeka, and occasionally Ryoko would finish them off. Washu's deadly cannon was doing plenty of damage, and Ryoko was becoming quite a thorn in the Teran's sides. Darting here and there with her teleportation, she was always one step ahead of them. The Jurai bloodline, too, was incredibly strong. Tenchi used the sword and his own power well, as did Aeka, and Katsuhito showed that a wooden sword can be just a deadly as a Juraiian weapon or lazer gun.
Even so, they were outnumbered, and beginning to exhaust. They had kept up this neverending battle with the tireless Terans for nearly five hours. The sun was just starting to go behind the trees when the apparent leader let out a screech of Teranese. A small group of the creatures came together, and all began to form powerballs in their clawed hands. They let out a blast that shook the forest, pummeling the group with rocks and dirt and leaving a crater in the ground. Another call from the leader, and within seconds the whole living fleet was back in their ships and gone.
Ryoko wiped hair and dirt from her face. "That was a fast exit."
"But they left us a nice present right before they left," Washu remarked, a hand clapped over one of her eyes, which had gotten hit by a rock.
"It was... almost like... they were afraid of the darkness," Kiyone panted.
The sword in Tenchi's hand disappeared. "Is everyone okay?"
The small group heard a scream from Mihoshi. "Ah! Takeshi, you're bleeding! Medic! Medic!"
"Mihoshi, it's all right... it's just a scratch."
Ryoko disappeared, then came back with Mihoshi and Takeshi by the hands.
"You okay, Takeshi?" Kiyone asked.
"He's fine, other than the fact that he's getting smothered by Mihoshi," Ryoko chuckled. "Like he said, it's just a little scratch on the arm."
Aeka looked around. "Oh, where are Musashi and Kojiro?"
"Last time I checked they were up ahead a little- you don't think they got blown up by that last shot, do you?!" Kiyone exclaimed.
"Hey! Hello?! Anybody?!" a familiar voice called.
"We're over here! We can't get out!"
The group rushed over to the crater, where the voices came from. At the bottom of the hole were Musashi and Kojiro, rubbing sore body parts.
"You guys okay?" Tenchi wondered. "Anything broken?"
"No," Kojiro told him as Ryoko flew down and pulled them up. "We were standing by the edge when the explosion came, and the ground collapsed. But we're all right."
"We've mastered the Art of Hole-Falling," Musashi said jokingly, popping her neck.
"Very well, then, everyone seems to be in one piece," Katsuhito spoke up, once again taking control. "Shall we go home and get cleaned up? I doubt that they will attack tonight, and if they do Washu will tell us."
"Good idea, Grandpa," Tenchi agreed. "Ryoko, you'd better take Washu and Takeshi back first, since they're hurt."
Ryoko followed Tenchi's directions. A few moments later she was back, "Musashi and Kojiro, right?"
"Exactly. After that hole scare I should think they would like to go to bed early," Katsuhito nodded. "Next will be Aeka and Mihoshi, then Tenchi and Kiyone, and I will be last again." Ryoko was gone in a moment. "Ah, she'll make a good granddaughter-in-law."
Tenchi blushed; Aeka looked away. "Grandpa..."

"What was the death toll for them?"
It was the next day. Washu, one eye swelled shut, had called a small meeting with the others.
"Fifteen, and two others were fatally wounded," Kiyone replied.
"Only seventeen?" Ryoko questioned. "I know I hit more than that."
"They took care of their own," Katsuhito said. "Those that were only minorly injured were carried back to the ship."
"So exactly what percent of their numbers did we destroy?" Takeshi asked.
Washu looked down. "Not even one." Back up, to face them. "But that's the least of our worries. They underestimated us the first time; they won't do it again. Next battle, they'll come back for blood, and they'll have better weapons and better war tactics. We won't be as lucky as we were." She grinned. "Speaking of which, don't I look pretty!?" She pointed to her swollen eye. "Blue and black are my colors, doncha think?"
"This isn't the time for jokes!" Aeka growled. "Really, the entire planet is in danger and all you can do is laugh about it."
"Washu has done much more than that, Princess Aeka," Katsuhito explained. "She has been up most of the night trying to get a reading on these creatures to find their weaknesses, and why they disappeared right at dusk."
Aeka hastily apologized, but Washu ignored it and told all she knew. "I was able to get a DNA sample after the battle, and now that I've seen them face-to-face, I can tell you a little more than I could. They have excellent hearing and smell, but their eyesight is very bad, and in the dark they're nearly blind. Finding a spaceship- which has nearly no scent, as you know- would be like finding a needle in a haystack."
"Which is good news, because that means they won't fight unless there's light," Tenchi concluded.
"When are they gonna come back?" Musashi asked. "It's daylight now, and your little computer hasn't beeped yet."
"I don't know, Musashi. I honstly can't give you any answer at this point. But I would guess that they have to tend to the wounded and recharge, so they probably won't launch an attack for at least a few days."
"Recharge?" Mihoshi pondered.
"I don't really get it either," Kojiro agreed.
"Well, unlike our good friends Aeka, Ryoko, Tenchi and Lord Katsuhito," she nodded in their direction, "these little guys don't have power in unlimited amounts. Once they use a lot of it, they need to recharge."
"Sorta like a battery!" Mihoshi broke in.
Washu sweat-dropped. "Eh, yeah. So, anyway, that's to our advantage too, 'cause it gives us a little time to heal from our own bumps and bruises. And by the way, how are you all feeling?"
"Never better!"
"A bit tired."
"I'm okay."
"Not hurt or anything."
"A couple scratches, nothing to worry about."
"Little sore from the fall, s'all."
"Same here."
"Nothing my old bones aren't used to."
"Meow!" That coming from Ryo-Ohki, of course.
"I figured as much! Now, why don't you all go out and relax a little? We've got some time on our hands, so you oughta spend it having fun!" Washu decided, ushering all but Katsuhito out of her lab.
"You coming, Li'l Washu?" Tenchi queried.
"Nah, I got some stuff to do, ya know. Just a little work, to see if I can learn anything else about our enemies," she said, waving a quick good-bye and closing the door.
"It's worse than it seems." Katsuhito stated.
No answer.
"Am I right?"
The slightest nod from Washu. "Like I said, they aren't idiots. The next time we meet them they're gonna pull out the heavy artillery. And they won't be taking prisoners."

Six days later.
The group was once more stationed on the hillside, guns and swords ready to take on their deadly enemy. Washu gripped the cannon nervously, the only one besides Katsuhito who really knew the true danger of the situation. The first ship's hatch opened, and out flew the Terans, this time each carrying a large weapon similar to Washu's own blaster.
The substance inside was anything but Washu's machine. The first ball to whiz by near Ryoko proved that.
"It's acid!" she cried, rubbing the part of her ear that had been barely touched by the liquid. It was already starting to bleed- a lot.
The battle broke out. Before long the Earth defenders weren't just fighting- they were fighting for their lives. The powerful guns were more than they could handle, destroying everything they touched. Trees, grass, even rocks melted underneath the extreme heat and poison.
Ryoko, still untouchable, was as usual causing the most damage with her flit in-and-out tactic. Tenchi, Aeka, and Katsuhito held their own, what with the powerful Juraiian shields protecting them.
The more mortal members of the group were having problems. The blobs of "acid" rained down on all sides, and it was hard enough just to keep from being hit, much less fire a shot. As a shot hit the ground, Washu quickly scooped up a sample in a test tube that wouldn't melt even if lava was put in it. She wanted to see exactly what they was up against.
Musashi stopped for a moment to fire. As she looked up, she saw one of the deadly "acid" shots hailing down upon her. It was coming to fast- she knew she'd never be able to get out of the way. Musashi threw up an arm, hoping to protect some of her face.
Musashi felt a very small drop of something burning hit her on the forehead. That was it? She looked around, to see tiny droplets of the once-acid cloud scattering to the ground. Glancing back, she saw Kojiro and Ryoko on either side, both aiming at where the ball had been. She smiled, wiping sweat from her head. The duo gave her the thumbs up sign, then ran off to handle other problems. Musashi couldn't help but smile, running her hand once more across her forehead. It was nice knowing you had friends watching your back.
In another area of the clearing, Mihoshi and Kiyone were having problems of their own. A few of the aliens had landed, and were now surrounding them. They fired without effect- the Terans had shields to absorb the gun's energy.
"Sorry, it has to end like this, Mihoshi," Kiyone said, ceasing fire after realizing it was pointless.
"Oh Kiyone I don't wanna die!" Mihoshi wailed. "I wanna date Takeshi and throw parties and- and- WE'RE TOO YOUNG FOR THIS!"
Suddenly one of the five Terans disappeared. He just... wasn't there anymore.
"Huh?" the officers gaped, unsure of what was happening.
The ground below another caved in without warning. And another, until the entire group had fallen to the Lord only knew where. A stony head popped up out of the dirt, and atop it sat a familiar figure.
"Hello ladies. In need for assistance?"
"Takeshi! You saved me! Oh! Takeshi..." Mihoshi threw herself around his neck, kissing him first on one cheek, then the other.
Somehow the young breeder managed pull himself away from Mihoshi. "Hey, it's no big deal, Mihoshi. Onix did most of the work."
Nothing could stop the over-joyed Galaxy Detective. "Takeshi you're so sweet, and brave, and just the best guy I've ever known! I thought I was gonna die for sure but you saved my life!"
"Mihoshi!" Kiyone snapped. "Those five may be out of the way for now, but there's still plenty more in the sky. If you're not careful both of you will get killed by that acid stuff!" She turned to Takeshi. "What about those guys down there?"
Takeshi snapped his fingers, and Onix immediately filled in the holes he had dug. "We don't need to worry about them anymore."
The sun began to sink behind the clouds. Just in time, too, for some of the group felt as if they would collapse from exhaustion. After the same power-shot as they had fired yesterday, the remaining members of the Terans fleet escaped into their ships and back into the sky.
"Head count!" Katsuhito called. "Ryoko, Tenchi, Aeka?"
"All present and accounted for," Aeka answered.
"Kiyone? Mihoshi? Takeshi?"
"Here!" Kiyone replied.
"Washu? Kojiro? Musashi?"
"Uh, I'm here," Washu said. "But I don't see Kojiro or Musashi anywhere."
Ryoko thought for a moment. "Now, I saved her from that acid-ball... oh, right! I saw Kojiro just as the fight ended. He told me he was gonna go find her, 'cause he hadn't seen her since."
"Everyone look for them," Washu commanded. "If you find them bring them back here and wait for the rest of us. If no one sees any sign in, say, fifteen minutes, come back. Got that?"
A nod, then the group split up to find their friends.

Musashi watched as the last Terans ship flew off. She wiped sweat out of her eyes for about the fifteenth time. "Geez, I haven't been this hot in years."
Musashi rubbed her glove on her skirt. As she looked down, she jumped slightly. Her skirt was covered in blood! The Rocket put a hand to her forehead, then pulled it away. With a start she realized that it hadn't been sweat at all.
"Must've been when that glob hit me earlier," she decided, suddenly noticing how much it hurt.
Just then Kojiro came around a tree. "Musa-chan, are you- oh! You're bleeding!" He started to run to her.
"Yeah. I think it was from that acid ball," she told him, ripping off part of her uniform and tying it around her head like a bandana. "I oughta be okay, though-" Musashi stumbled, but Kojiro got their in time to hold her up.
"Oh, yeah, you're fine," Kojiro said sarcastically. "Did you just now tie that up?"
She nodded, leaning on him for support. "I didn't notice it until now. I didn't have a chance."
"Lord, that was nearly three hours ago. You prob'ly lost a lot of blood."
"Hey, you know me, Kojiro, I'll live. I am kinda tired, though..."
"Well, yeah, we all are."
A voice through the woods reached their ears. "Musashi? Kojiro? If you're not here, then at least tell me!"
Kojiro waved an arm. "Ryoko! We're over here!"
In a few moments the space pirate had flown to where she'd heard his voice. "There you are! Everyone's worried! Hurry up, let's get back to the main clearing..." she landed next to the two. "Hey, Musa, you're bleeding! You gonna be all right?"
"When has a little cut done anything Musashi Mahiru?" she asked rhetorically. "Yeah, you guys oughta stop worrying about me. It's nothing."
Ryoko let out a short laugh. "Oh, yeah, and the blood all over your skirt encourages that, too." She looped an arm around Musashi's side, opposite Kojiro. "Hang on, I'll teleport us back and get you home ASAP."
In half a second they were back in the clearing. Musashi leaned hard on Kojiro, complaining about being dizzy.
"Nice going, Ryoko," Kojiro chided. "That weird feeling during teleportation got to her."
Ryoko shrugged. "Would you have preferred to walk her back? You were pretty far from 'Home Base.'" She stopped when she saw the look on his face. "Wow, you're really worried about her, huh?"
"Uh, well, you could, um, say that..." he muttered, looking away.
"You're sweet, Kojiro," Musashi said, yawning and rubbing her forehead. "That's nice of you to care like that."
There was an awkward pause on Ryoko and Kojiro's parts- Kojiro was wondering exactly how much blood she'd lost to make her say that, and Ryoko was curious if she'd finally beaten her RDS.
"Musa-chan..." Kojiro began, hoping he wasn't about to say what he thought he was. "I..."
"Ryoko? That you?" Tenchi wondered from between some trees. "Did you find Musashi and Kojiro?"
"Got 'em!" Ryoko shouted back. "Come on back, we'll wait for the others!"
In a few minutes (and after much fussing over Musashi) the whole gang was back together.
"Without a doubt the young lady Musashi will go home first," Katsuhito said quickly. "Take care of her, Ryoko, and make sure Sasami and Nobuyuki clean that cut out well."
"Oh! Kiyone, are you limping?" Mihoshi asked suddenly.
All eyes focused on the police officer, who had been the last to return to the main area.
She grinned wryly. "Just being a clumsy fool. I twisted it in a rut when I was dodging one of those acid things. I ought to be fine."
"But Kiyone, you were limping pretty bad and it looks all swollen-"
Kiyone clapped a hand over her partner's mouth. "You talk too much, you know that?"
Katsuhito nodded decisively. "I appreciate your tough act, Miss Kiyone, but even my old eyes can tell from here that that is a nasty sprain. You'd better take her home along with Musashi."
"But if someone else is in worse condition I-" the sentence was never finished, as Ryoko teleported away.
"Who else is hurt?"
They looked from one to the other, laughing nervously. The rest of the group looked pretty much the same- battered, brusied, scratched and exhausted. Washu was the only one who didn't join in the tension/relief giggle; she seemed to be in another world, mumbling something unintelligible under her breath. In one hand was the tube filled with the acid-like material.
"What's that, Washu?" Tenchi asked.
"Hm?" She looked up, caught by surprise. "Uh, just some of that stuff they were shooting at us. I need to... study it..." and she was gone again, lost in thought.
Ryoko appeared. "Who's next?"
"Um, Washu, so she can get to work on that..." Tenchi was about to call Mihoshi next, but saw the anxious look on Kojiro face. Tenchi bit down a smile- Kojiro was worried. "Kojiro, too."
They were gone in a moment.
"Grandpa, I want you and Aeka to go home next," Tenchi said. Before the elder man could protest, Tenchi added, "I want you to give Washu a hand with that stuff. Between the two of you you'll probably be able to figure out what our enemy has in a couple days."
Katsuhito nodded, glad to see his grandson assuming command.
Little by little, the group was taken home, until Tenchi was the only one left. Ryoko found him, leaning against a tree and looking up at the night sky.
"You think we can beat them?" Ryoko whispered.
"No," was the blunt reply. "I don't know if we can hold them off long enough for Jurai to get here. They're powerful, Ryoko, and if they get even more powerful weapons then they had today... two people are already out of commision, Kiyone for at least a few weeks. How much longer till we're all unable to fight? Then we'll be easy pickings."
"Tenchi..." Ryoko put an arm around him and hugged him close from behind. "When have we ever lost? Together, our group is unstoppable. I know it."
He sighed. "I hope you're right." Seeing Ryoko's worried look, Tenchi quickly put on a smile. "I'm sure you're right! They don't have a chance! Now, let's head back home. I bet Sasami made a nice dinner."

"How hopeless is it?" Katsuhito asked as soon as he closed the door to Washu's lab.
"Very, very bad," came the reply. "But all hope isn't lost." She held the tube in front of her, studying the liquid. "It's not acid, that's for sure. But... I've never seen anything quite like it."
"Yamanna Fluid."
Washu looked up. "Lord Katsuhito, this isn't the time for jokes."
"No joke. I recognized it immediately. I've only seen it in science books, but we were taught how to recognize it. That is Yamanna Fluid, for certain."
A pause, then, "You're right. I'd never even considered that an option before, but upon closer inspection... how did they ever get ahold if it? And in such large amounts?"
"No doubt they captured a few of the creatures. All you would have to do was rile one up. Once it spit out enough of the liquid, you could collect it and use it in guns." Katsuhito took the vial from Washu's hand and held it to the light. "Our enemy's have travelled quite a few places, haven't they?"
"Yamanna Fluid. Carried by Yammanas, a race of non-sentient, but aggressive aliens," Washu said to herself, trying to remember everything she knew about it. "Contains high levels of acidity, which is why it destroyed so much and burns right through human skin... Lord Katsuhito, I'm 700 years rusty, but doesn't it also have a deadly poison?" A nod. "Who all was hit?"
"Ryoko and Musashi is all, I believe. It's a slow type of poison, though- our friends still have time." Washu stood up fast. "How much longer do they have?"
"Maybe an hour, an hour and a half," Katsuhito replied evenly. He didn't seem as disturbed as Washu- in fact, he seemed almost to think this nothing to worry about.
"How can you be so calm?!" Washu snapped. "They're going to die soon!"
"Relax, friend," he said, putting a hand on her shoulder. "There is an antidote. Oddly enough, it's the same poison that could mean their doom. All you need to do is mix in some sap from Ryu-Oh, then put it on the wound. I'll get the sap; do you think you can tell Tenchi to lay Ryoko and Musashi down? Tell them to stay calm- everything will be fine if we work fast."

Kojiro leapt off the floor, practically running into Washu. "Well? Is Musashi going to be okay?!"
"Everything's under control," the scientist said. "She got the antidote in time."
"And Ryoko?" Tenchi asked just as anxiously.
"Safe, too. Both of them are asleep, as is Kiyone, and it'd be in your best interests to do the same," Washu smiled as both boys let out a sigh of relief. "It's so sweet to see to young men worried about their girlfriends." She cupped her hands under chin, eyes going googly. "Ah, to be a teen again!"
Kojiro blushed. "Girlfriend? Er..."
"Washu, you're a mess," Tenchi chuckled. "I'll take your advice and get to sleep. We have six days, right?"
"Yes." Washu started to walk off. "Enjoy them- they might be your last."
Kojiro and Tenchi grimaced at the last comment, looking nervously at each other.
"She doesn't sugar-coat stuff, does she?" Kojiro asked.
"'Fraid not," Tenchi groaned. "I'll see you tomorrow. Good night."
Kojiro turned to go to his room, Washu's last words ringing in his ears. "Final days... worst part is... she could be right."


Washu: Okay team, it's either killed or be killed, and it ain't gonna be the second one! So here's the plan...
Ryoko: Just leave it to me and Tenchi...! Oh, Aeka, you can help too.
Aeka: Tenchi, please be careful! Don't you dare get yourself killed!
Mihoshi: This is too scary! I can't watch!
Kojiro: Next in the PokéMuyo Series: No Need for Spaceships!
Musashi: It's unquestionably dangerous!