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Pokewars - Invader Strikes Back
Author: Katie (

/Beginning paragraph/
A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away. . . The Rebel army was on the ice-planet, Viridian. Darth Invader’s search for the hidden base persisted. The Emperial army was making a new weapon called a “Death Staryu”. His evil scheme to take over the universe must be foiled by the Rebels quick, to keep peace in the galaxies.

PokèWars -Invader strikes back

/Ash & Brock ride through the snow on creatures called “PonyTontos”. They are heading back to the hidden base./
Brock: It’s getting cold out here, let’s head back.
/A meteorite hits the snow & draws Ash’s attention./
Ash: You go ahead, I’m going to check this out.
Brock: You sure?
Ash: Yea, I’ll be right with you.
/Brock heads back and Ash looks into it. It wasn’t a meteorite, it was a Sith Droid, sent to spy on the base. Ash sliced it in half with his light sabre and it blew up. Ash was nearly knocked unconscious, and then attacked by a Big Foot-like snow monster. It hung him upside down in an ice cave. The Jedi was able to kill the monster and escape, only to be over taken by the cold. Ash holds on as Oaky-Wan’s voice commands him to find the Jedi Master, Yoga./

*Back at the base*
Misty: Brock,where is Ash?
Brock: He was right behind me! I gotta go get him!
Misty: Stop! It’s 100 below at least out there! You’ll die!
Brock: I can’t let Ash freeze to death!
/Brock gets on the horse-like creature & races for the door./
Alpha: But, your PonyTonto will freeze before you get there.
Brock: Then I’ll see you in Hell!
/He runs out the exit to find his companion. In the snow, Brock finds the Jedi slowly freezing to death. Brock takes Ash’s light sabre & kills the PonyTonto. He slices it in half & puts Ash inside to keep him warm. After a while, a plane comes & pick them up, they go back to the base. Ash is submerged in a tank for a while, until he was fully healed. When he is totally recovered, he tells the princess that he needs to go find Master Yoga./
Ash: Oaky-Wan told me that I have to go see Yoga on planet Fuchsia. I am going to take Toge2.
Misty: (holding Togepi) No, I won’t let you take my old droid!
Ash: Okay. Brock, can I take Pikachewy?
Brock: (to Pikachu) What do you say, pal?
Pikachu: (nodding) Pi, Pika!
Ash: Okay, you're my co-pilot on this one.
/They head off to the planet to try & find the Jedi Master. Ash needs his help to finish his training. They land on Fuchsia, only to be attacked by 4 Sith Rockets./
Jessie: Ha, ha! Did you think you got rid of us that easy?
James: We were just getting warmed up!
Cassidy: And this time, they can’t mess up!
Butch: They have us to help them!
/Ash fights them off, but they manage to push his fighter jet into the swamp. Before any further damage could be done, Pikachewbacca hurls a bomb at them. Stupidly, Darth James sets it off by hitting it with his lightsabre./
SithRockets: We’re blasting off again!
Jessie: And we didn’t even get to say the motto!
Ash: C’mon, Pikachewy, let’s go find Yoga.
Pikachu: Chu?
Ash: (looking around) Do you see any one?
/Just then, a short, pointy eared, energetic creature jumped on Ash’s back./
Meowth: Help you, I will.
Ash: What?
Meowth: To find Yoga.
Ash: You know where he is?
Meowth: I do.
Ash: Let’s go!
/Ash got a better look at the creature. It was a creamish color with blue eyes. It had pointy ears & a tail that curled at the end. Ash began to get restless./
Ash: Where is Yoga?
Meowth: Far from us, he is not.
Ash: How much longer?
Meowth: Not much.
/Ash is getting very tired, so he grabs the cat by the collar of it’s robe, holding him up to his face./
Ash: I’m sorry, little guy. I don’t want to be mean.
Meowth: Wha? (he starts kicking & waving his arms) Let me down!
Ash: Where is Master Yoga?
Meowth: He’s here!
Ash: (looking around) Where? I don’t see him.
Meowth: Oh, yea you do.
Pikachu: (pointing to Meowth) Pi, Pika chu, Pika!
Ash: Little guy, are you Yoga?
Meowth: You better believe it!
Ash: (lowering the cat) Oh, sorry, Master Yoga. Oaky-Wan sent me to learn from you.
Meowth: Why would he do dat? (hesitates) I mean, teach you I will.
Ash: Oh, thank you, Yoga!
Meowth: Welcome, you are. (with a big grin)
/Ash begins a tough training process. He goes through difficult tasks to learn how to use the force. Ash learns how to lift heavy objects using the force. He pulls his jet out of the swamp by putting his hand to his forehead & thinking hard./
Ash: Master Yoga, thank you for teaching me the ways of the Jedi.
Meowth: You will need it when you fight Invader.
Ash: He’s the one who killed Oaky-Wan. (lowering his head)
Meowth: Kill you he will not! You will not fall in battle with Invader. You aint gonna die.
Ash: You talk like I am going to fight him tomorrow.
Meowth: (holding his head) MMmmmn.
Ash: Master, what’s wrong?
Meowth: Your friends are in danger.
/The ice-base had been destroyed. Brock & Misty escaped on the “Fearow” only to be captured by Invader & Brock's old friend, Lander. Misty was taken to a cell & Brock was painfully questioned about the Rebels & his debts to Pizza. A bounty hunter was going to freeze him in Moonstonite & give him to Pizza Da Hut. Pizza had put a large price on the captain’s head. Ash would need to save them from Invader & that ‘friend’ of Brock’s. Lander was the one that betrayed them & gave them to Invader. He was known as “Senator Lander” on his planet. He was actually sad to see Brock sold, but he feared the Sith, so he obeyed them. Lander felt that it was his fault, because he was to frightened to stand up to Invader, so he secretly made a plan to free Brock & his friends. Sadly, by the time his plan was complete, Brock had already been frozen & taken to Pizza. Meantime, Ash met up with Darth Invader. Darth sent out 4 of his Siths to fight the young Jedi, I bet you can guess which ones./
Jessie: Prepare for trouble, Jedi!
James: And make it double, kid!
Butch: (to Jessie & James) You 2 step aside & let us take care of him.
Cassidy: To Infect the worlds with devastation!
Butch: To unite all planets into a dark nation!
Cassidy:To announce the rise of evil & the fall of love!
Butch: To extend our wrath to the planets above!
Cassidy: Darth Cassidy!
Butch: Darth Butch!
Cassidy: SithRockets, conquering the universe day & night!
Butch: Surrender your planet now, or you will surely lose the fight!
/They draw their light swords & Cassidy steps up to Ash & turns on her Lavender sabre. Ash quickly draws his green one & the fight begins./
Ash: Evil will never win.
Cassidy: We already have!
/Vroom, bang! ZZzap/
Ash: No mater what, I will destroy you.
/Zap, zzsnap./
Cassidy: We may have lost the Princess, Droids & Copilot, but at least we got Solo.
/ZZap, Ssnap./
Ash: I’ll save him!
/Vroom, crash. Zzzzzzap. Ash slams his sabre into Cassidy’s. He eventually grabs her arm & flips her over the railing to fall & be sucked out of the ship./
Butch: No!
/Darth Butch turns on his Orange sabre & attacks Ash./
Butch: You devil!
/Vroom, Zap! ZZZZ, Pop./
Ash: I am no devil, I am protecting the galaxies.
/ZZZap, ZZZ./
Butch: The force is weeker on your side!
/Zzap! Snap, Zz/
Butch: Join with darkness, you will have more power.
Ash: I don’t want power!
/Vroom,. Zzap, Pop!/
Ash: I want peace.
/Ash grabs Butch’s arm & flips him over the rail too. Darth Jessie & James turn on their sabres & charge at Ash./
Jessie: You will pay for that, you little pip squeak!
/Vroom, vroom/
Ash: It’s not my fault!
/Vroom,zap, Zap! ZZz./
James: You made a big mistake, Twerp!
/Vroom, zzsnap. Pop./
James: You should have joined us.
/Ash shoves Darth James over the rail & Jessie charges towards him. Ash ducks, & she falls too./
Jess&Jim: Look’s like SithRockets are blasting off again!
/Invader looks at Ash & turns on his sabre./
Giovanni: You will fight me, Jedi.
/The fight goes on. Ash has trouble against this one, he’s a lot faster than he looks. They start using ‘The Force’ to tear the ship apart & throw the pieces at each other. Ash gets cornered by the rail, If he moves, he could fall over it. Instead of killing him, Darth Invaderspeaks./
Giovanni: You must join with me, Ash. You will be strong & powerful.
Ash: I’ll never join you!
Giovanni: Ash, (pause & deep, frightening breaths) I am your father.
Ash: No!
/Taken by the shock of learning that the leader of the universe’s most wanted gang, Ash jumps over the rail & is sucked out of the ship. Instead of soaring through the darkness, he grabs onto the bottom of the ship & the “Fearow” comes. Lander gets out & pulls Ash in. Pikachewbacca is flying the plain, but is devastated that Brock is gone./
Lander: Don’t worry, I’ll make sure we get him back. (patting Pikachu on the shoulder) I got Brock in this mess, I’ll get him out.
Misty: We will all go to Pizza’s planet & try to get him back.
Ash:But, We’ll need a plan.
-The End- ~To Be Continued~