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/Beginning Paragraph/
A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away. . . Brock was in Pizza’s restaurant on the Planet, Pallet Ash’s home land. Lander promised to help our heroes retrieve the captain. Ash & the others devised a plan to save Brock Solo from the moonsonite. Meantime, the sinister Darth Invader has assembled a new Death Staryu & the rebels need a plan to destroy it before it is too late for Planet Cinnabar.
/C3Meoth & Toge2P2 are in front of Pizza’s Hut./
Meowth: Are you sure dis is da place, Toge2?
Togepi: Togggee!
/A robot head pops out of the wall/
Robot: Ekenssss?
Meowth: Oh, dis is Toge2P2, & I am C3MeOwth. I am required to say dat I can translate over 500 Million forms of communication, includingJapanese.
Robot: Kansss. Ekannsssss!
/The door opens & the 2 PokèDroids go inside/
Meowth: I have a bad feelin’ about dis.
Togepi: Pprrrrreeee, Toooge!
Meowth: I am not bein’ a wuss!
/a Pokèmon grabs Meowth’s tail./
Meowth: Wait! Toge2, help!
/They walk up to a large, & I mean large, Pokèmon. He was sitting on a chair with dancers & singers to entertain him./
Meowth: Hiya, we’re here ta see Pizza Da Hut.
Pizza: Wanga ne de boola (I am him)
Togepi: Toge!
/Togepi’s eyes glow & a holographic message is played. It is from Ash toPizza/

*Ash’s voice is with the hologram*
Ash: Greetings, exalted one. . .
Pizza: Wabbo?!
Ash: I wish to offer a trade, mighty Pizza. In exchange for Captain Solo’s life, I offer you. . . (pointing to Meowth & Togepi) These two PokèDroids. . .
Meowth: Wha? No Way! Why dat double crossin’, two timin’ son of a. . .
Pizza: Pokawappe a neypa wattoo! (take the PokèDroids to get jobs)
Meowth: When I get my paws on dat kid. . .
Pizza: Nooba renoo a nue doovazee! (But, don’t give away my favoritedecoration!)
/Pizza points to the moonstonite containing Brock & every one in the restaurant laughs. Meowth is assigned to translate for Pizza & Togepi is supposed to serve drinks in the bar. Hours later, a bounty hunter that looks a LOT like Misty in disguise comes in with Pikachu in handcuffs./
Misty: I demand 50 thousand for him! (pointing to Pikachu)
Pizza: Hekka aye geeb, no wakka!
Meowth: He says, “at last da mighty Picachubacca”
Pizza: Mee deneeby wabba ne Hooka, Si Deefoo Aye Ninii!
Meowth:He says, “Yes, I have waited a long time for this one, but it’s only worth 30 thousand.
Misty: Gimme, or else!
Pizza: Wa neefoo wabbo?
Meowth: (swallows hard) “or else what?”
Misty: (taking out a bomb) or else I blow this joint sky high!
Pizza: (laughs deeply & evilly) Me danery a na wakka ooba. Ne fleeb seena too.
Meowth: He says “Dis bounty hunter sure knows how ta make a bargain. Let’s do 40 thousand.”
/Misty turns off the bomb/
Meowth: Yes! He agreed! (not noticing it was Misty)
Pizza: Watoope, jeey no sooba zee! (take it to it’s cell)
/A guard that looked VERY similar to Lander came & took Pikachu to a cell. Later, Misty came & freed Brock from the Moonstonite. The defrosting process left him weak. The “Hibernation sickness” left him temporarily blind. (like being blind was anything new)/Brock: Where am I?
Misty: In Pizza’s Hut.
Brock: Who are you?
Misty: It’s Misty.
Brock: Aww man, I was hoping it was nurse Joy.
/A deep, frightening laughter is heard./
Brock: (turning his head to the sound) I know that laugh, Pizza!
Meowth: Ooh, Brock ain’t froze no more! Hey, Misty, I didn’t know you were a bounty hunter!
Pizza: We me wabbo jubo. Deeba fa nufoog!
Meowth: Oh boy, (he starts sweating) uh. . . he says to take Brock to his cell. Also dat. . . (Shudders) Uh. . . (he swallows hard) Misty, you have to be a dancer.
Brock: Pizza, you weirdo!!! Leave Misty alone!!
Pizza: Fooga meesh de no wafutoo!
Meowth” (sighs) “For dat insult, Solo, you will be killed.”
/Ash comes in & is captured. They drop him in a pit with an Onix & watch as he is attacked./
Onix: OOOOOhhhh!!!!!! (it lunges at Ash)
/Ash gets cornered by the Pokèmon. He throws a rock & it hits a button. A gate crashes down & pins the Onix to the ground. Pizza gets mad & orders him & Pikachu killed with Brock. Brock gets thrown in the cell with Pikachu (by Lander)/
Pikachu: Pi, Pika. Pikachu chu. (don’t worry, Brock. We have a plan.)
/Misty is clothed in a REALLY small bathing suit & a chain leading to Pizza’s chair. She is forced to watch the execution from the restaurant. Togepi & Meowth are serving drinks outside to the spectators. Ash is pushed out onto a platform over a pit containing a human-eating monster./
Pizza: Nooba renoo a nue doovazee! (But, don’t give away my favoritedecoration!)
/Pizza points to the moonstonite containing Brock & every one in the restaurant laughs. Meowth is assigned to translate for Pizza & Togepi is supposed to serve drinks in the bar. Hours later, a bounty hunter that looks a LOT like Misty in disguise comes in with Pikachu in handcuffs./
Misty: I demand 50 thousand for him! (pointing to Pikachu)
Pizza: Hekka aye geeb, no wakka!
Meowth: He says, “at last da mighty Picachubacca”
Pizza: Mee deneeby wabba ne Hooka, Si Deefoo Aye Ninii!
Meowth:He says, “Yes, I have waited a long time for this one, but it’s only worth 30 thousand.
Misty: Gimme, or else!
Pizza: Wa neefoo wabbo?
Meowth: (swallows hard) “or else what?”
Misty: (taking out a bomb) or else I blow this joint sky high!
Pizza: (laughs deeply & evilly) Me danery a na wakka ooba. Ne fleeb seena too.
Meowth: He says “Dis bounty hunter sure knows how ta make a bargain. Let’s do 40 thousand.”
/Misty turns off the bomb/
Meowth: Yes! He agreed! (not noticing it was Misty)
Pizza: Watoope, jeey no sooba zee! (take it to it’s cell)
/A guard that looked VERY similar to Lander came & took Pikachu to a cell. Later, Misty came & freed Brock from the Moonstonite. The defrosting process left him weak. The “Hibernation sickness” left him temporarily blind. (like being blind was anything new)/Brock: Where am I?
Misty: In Pizza’s Hut.
Brock: Who are you?
Misty: It’s Misty.
Brock: Aww man, I was hoping it was nurse Joy.
/A deep, frightening laughter is heard./
Brock: (turning his head to the sound) I know that laugh, Pizza!
Meowth: Ooh, Brock ain’t froze no more! Hey, Misty, I didn’t know you were a bounty hunter!
Pizza: We me wabbo jubo. Deeba fa nufoog!
Meowth: Oh boy, (he starts sweating) uh. . . he says to take Brock to his cell. Also dat. . . (Shudders) Uh. . . (he swallows hard) Misty, you have to be a dancer.
Brock: Pizza, you weirdo!!! Leave Misty alone!!
Pizza: Fooga meesh de no wafutoo!
Meowth” (sighs) “For dat insult, Solo, you will be killed.”
/Ash comes in & is captured. They drop him in a pit with an Onix & watch as he is attacked./
Onix: OOOOOhhhh!!!!!! (it lunges at Ash)
/Ash gets cornered by the Pokèmon. He throws a rock & it hits a button. A gate crashes down & pins the Onix to the ground. Pizza gets mad & orders him & Pikachu killed with Brock. Brock gets thrown in the cell with Pikachu (by Lander)/
Pikachu: Pi, Pika. Pikachu chu. (don’t worry, Brock. We have a plan.)
/Misty is clothed in a REALLY small bathing suit & a chain leading to Pizza’s chair. She is forced to watch the execution from the restaurant. Togepi & Meowth are serving drinks outside to the spectators. Ash is pushed out onto a platform over a pit containing a human-eating monster./
Brock: (A bounty hunter coming up behind him) Yea, but I can do it!
Lander: Behind you!
Brock: What?!
/He turns around & knocks the hunter into the pit. The monster releases Lander & eats the Bounty Hunter instead. The heroes steal a landspeeder & push many guards into the pit while escaping./
Brock: Oops, Sorry. Who did I push into the pit, Lander?
Lander: Jest some Bounty hunter.
/They all laugh & zoom off. Brock Misty & Meowth go to the new rebel base to plan an attack on Invader’s Death Staryu. Ash & Pikachu fly back to Cinnabar./

*In Cinnibar*
/Ash is in Yoga’s house, Pikachu is on his shoulder. Yoga lies on his death bed as Ash tries to convince him that he’ll be fine./
Yoga: Old I look in your eyes.
Ash: No, you’re fine.
Yoga: No, I am old.
Ash: You look great.
Yoga: Liar, When 900 years you reach, look good you will not!
Ash: Master, Invader said he was my father, is this true?
Yoga: Oaky-Wan & I vowed to keep this from you.Ash: It’s true then?
Yoga:When he turned to evil, he was not the same man. Oaky-Wan hid you & your sister from him to keep you safe.
Ash: Wait! I have a sister?!
Yoga: Oops.
Ash:Who is it?
Yoga: Think. You know who it is.
Ash: (thinking hard) Misty? Misty is my sister?
Yoga: Yes, Princess Misty. She has the potential to learn the ways ofthe force.
/Yoga looks tired & sick/
Ash: Master?
Yoga: When I die, you will be all that is left of the Jedi.
Ash: No, you aren’t going to die! (tears welling up in his eyes)
Yoga: Listen, teach your sister the ways of the force. Promise me you will teach her & others, Ash.
Ash: (in tears) I promise. I will teach all who are willing to learn.
Yoga: You training is complete. You are ready.
/Yoga takes a deep breath & closes his eyes. He disappears, leaving only his robe./
Ash: (tears streaming down his face) I’m ready.

*At the rebel base*
Admiral: We have obtained an Emperial ship. The plan is that the captain & his crew will come through the shield under an Emperial disguise. Once passing through, they will land on the 13th moon of Lavender. They will destroy the shield, allowing the Rebel fleet to come in. once our newly-designed crafts have a lock on the engine, they will fire at will on the Death Staryu.
Misty: Who signed up for that suicide mission?
Brock: I don’t have my crew yet, but the soldiers are ready to go.
Misty: I should have guessed. Okay, I’ll come, Brock.
Brock: Thanks, Misty!
Ash: Us too!
/They all have a big reunion & then get back to business. Brock, Pikachu, Misty & Ash fly the plane while about 50 Rebels hide in the cargo hold. They land on the moon & split up to look around. They come to some StormTroopers in the forest. Brock tried to sneak up behind one, but he was heard. Ash & Misty wound up chasing 4 Troopers on Emperial forest speeders. Misty fell off & was knocked out. The others look for her, but with no luck./
Ash: Misty?!
Brock: Misty!!?
Meowth: Stop Yelling! The Emperials will hear you, dummy.
Togepi: (with Misty’s hat) Tooooogggee, Prrreeee!!
Brock: Oh, No! Misty!!!!!
/Misty is awakened by a strange creature./
Clefairy: Fairy?
/It takes her to a huge Clefairy village. It is a lot of tree houses & bridges in the forest treetops./

*The Others*
Ash: Brock, where are we going?
Brock: I don’t know, Pikachewbacca’s in the lead.
Pikachu: Pikaaa! Chu, Chu, CHU!! (jumps offer to a fruit)
Brock: What? It’s just fruit, Pikachewy.
/Pikachu reaches out & grabs it/
Ash: No, Wait!
/It was too late. They were swinging up in a net. Togepi cut them out, only to be captured by the Clefairy & dragged to the village. Except for Meowth, they found him godly. Since he could talk, & he had a shiny charm, they thought he was special. The rest were tied up. There they saw Misty & some man in a lab coat. Tons of Pokèmon were chanting./
Misty: Brock, Ash! You’re okay! Thank goodness.
Ash: Yea.
Brock: I wouldn’t call this okay!
Clefairy: Fairy, fairy, fairy, fairy. . .
/The Clefairy are stacking wood up under the captives./
Brock: What are they doing, C3MeOwth?!
Meowth: Acordin’ to dat chant. . . You are a feast in my honor!
Misty: Stop, these are my friends, you can’t eat them.
Brock: Well, that just brightened my day!
Ash: Meowth, tell them to stop it or else you will use you Powers!
Meowth: I ain't got no stinkin’ Powers!
Ash: LIE!
Meowth: Clefairy, If you don’t stop dis, I’m gonna use my magic powerson you!
/They aren’t amused & keep working. Before Meowth could say “told you so”, Ash lifted him into the air using the force. They were freed & joined in the huge party./
Ash: So, Misty, who’s your friend?
Misty: This is Seymour, he was a scientist trying to study the Clefairy. He got attacked by the StormTroopers & the Clefairy saved him, so he has decided to live with them.
Brock: Cool, Seymour!
Seymour: (blushing) Oh, thank you.
/A little while later, Ash decided that he needed to leave & face Darth Invader. He & Misty were out talking about it, alone/
Ash: I have to go, it has to do with the force.
Misty: What’s so special about the force?
Ash: Anyone with it can become evil, so we need to fight the evil. That’s why I have to go.
Misty: Be Careful!
/Ash leaves & the others attack the Emperial base. With the help of Seymour, they also had the Clefairy on their side. The Rebels didn’t get slaughtered, but a huge fight took place./

*In Darth Invader’s Quick Destroyer (ship)*
/After lots of searching, Ash meets up with Darth Invader & his evil cronies. Of coarse, he sent them out at Ash to fight first./
Jessie: Prepare for trouble!
James: And make it double!
Cassidy: To Infect the worlds with devastation!
Butch: To unite all planets into a dark nation!
Jessie: To announce the evils of darkness, not love!
James: To extend our Master’s reach to the stars above!
Cassidy: Darth Cassidy!
Butch: Darth Butch!
Jessie: Darth Jessie!
James: Darth James!
Cassidy: SithRockets, conquering the universe day & night!
Butch: Surrender your planet now, or surely lose the fight!
Jess&Jim: That’s right!
/A wide variety of light sabres were turned on. Red, Lavender, Orange, Dark Purple & Green./
Ash: Wow, colorful!
Butch: Oh, shut up!
Cassidy: We want you to pay for what you did to us!
Ash: You attacked me!
Jessie: Well, you could have killed us, you little twerp!
Ash: You all were trying to kill me!!!!!
James: Oh, right!
/James swings his sabre at Ash’s, the others do the same. Ash doesn’t want to become too violent, so he mostly uses defense. He decides that it would be best to knock them all unconscious & fight Invader as they recovered./
Ash: The force is with me and it’s with you, too.
Jessie: Duh, why else would we have light sabres?
James: Or the title Darth?
Ash: You need to join me and be a Jedi.
Cassidy: I think not!
/Ash slams Darth James’s head into Darth Cassidy’s head & they fall, unconscious, to the metal floor./
Ash: 2 down, 2 to go.
/Butch ran at him, so he ducks, allowing the Sith to hit a wall. Thus, falling to the floor with the others./
Ash: 3 down. . .
Jessie: But, I won’t be as easy to beat!
Ash: Let’s just see.
/Ash grabs a pipe & hits her over the head with it, the only one left now was Darth Invader./
Giovanni: (turning on his sabre) Very impressive, son.
Ash: Stop, come back to good! Father, there is still good in you, I feel it!
Giovanni: There is evil in you!
Ash: I will die if I must in defense of good.
Giovanni: You would drive the Jedi to extinction? You are the only one left.
Ash: Is that not what you are trying to do, kill me?
Giovanni: I am doing it!
Ash: Put down your weapon, be a Jedi.
Giovanni: This is my trick! I won’t fall for it!
Ash: Father, Giovanni, there is good in you.
Giovanni: Giovanni is dead! I am Darth Invader!
/Invader swing his sabre at Ash, who blocks it with speed./
Ash: I will not fight you, father.
Ash: I will only use defense until you put your weapons down & become aJedi.
Giovanni: I will kill you before then!
/Invader starts ripping the ship into pieces & throwing them at theyoung Jedi./
Giovanni: I am no longer your father, I am stronger than he ever was!!!
/Invader doesn’t know it, but there is a heavy machine over his head that is about to fall. He keeps flipping things at Ash when it crashes down on top of him./
Ash: Father! (he starts clearing the metal to find Giovanni.)

*On the 13th moon of Lavender*
/The Rebels have almost got the shield down. They only have to blow up the control building & it’s down./
Brock: (attaching the last explosive to the building) Ok, It’s ready!
/The building blew up in a huge blast. The Rebels cheered as their ships came through, close enough to fire at the Death Staryu/

*Back in the Quick Destroyer*
Ash: (talking to Invader) Father, we have to get out of here! They are going to blow up the “Death Staryu” & this ship’ll be caught in the blast! C’mon, let’s go. Your Storm Troops have already abandoned you,hurry!
Giovanni: (gasping for breath) Ash, my son, leave me here.
Ash: No! I have to save you!
Giovanni: Listen to me! I am a Jedi. (throwing his sabre) Darth Invader has died, Giovanni lives.
Ash: Come on, I can still get you out of here!
Giovanni: I’m going to die, Ash! Get my Siths out, they have lives aheadof them!
/Ash manages to get them all into an escape pod & head back to the moon before the place blows./

*On the 13th moon of Lavender*
/The pod landed near the Rebels & they all watched for Ash to come out. When he helped out 4 wounded Siths & dragged out his dying father, the Rebels all gasped in horror. Giovanni was barely gasping in breath, his team of teenaged Siths crowded around him./
Ash: Misty, this is my father, Giovanni.
Giovanni: (to the Rockets) Listen, turn to the other side.
Cassidy: Never, Master!
James: We are loyal to the end!
Giovanni: Allow my son to teach you the ways of the Jedi! Leave evil & join him, do as I say!
Cass, Butch, Jess &Jim: (lowering their heads) Yes, Master.
Misty: (crying) Is he going to be OK?
Ash: I don’t think he has much longer.
/Pikachu starts crying & talking. He’s hard to understand, but Meowth translates./
Meowth: (crying) He says dis stuff is too depressing.
Giovanni: (to Ash) Teach them well, my son. You are the last members of the slowly dying Jedi.
/Giovanni closes his eyes & Ash holds his hand./
Misty: (In tears) Oh, Ash.
/Giovanni’s fingers loosen, & his hand falls out of Ash’s grip./Ash: He’s gone.
Cassidy: No, Master! (she starts crying & puts her head on Butch’sshoulder.)
Misty: (wiping her eyes) He was your dad? Oh, that’s so sad.
/Everyone starts crying because it is so sad to see a 10-year-old lose his father. Ash had his head on Giovanni’s chest & the Clefairy came totears./
Meowth: Dis is so depressing (wiping his eyes)
/Giovanni slowly opened his eyes & every body cheered/
James: Uh. . . What happened?
Brock: The goodness of the Pokèmon must have brought him back to life.Ash: Huh?
Brock: Oh, it’s simple. really. When they cried, the goodness in their hearts brought your father back to life.
Misty: Couldn’t he have just stayed dead?
Meowth: Yea, now the ending is all corny!
Ash: Well, at least I have my father back.
Meowth: You just had to make it worse.
/A huge fleet of ships land & the rebels that destroyed Invader’s ships come out./
Lander: (opening a bottle labeled “XXX”) Let’s Par-Tay!
/A disco ball starts flashing & everybody starts dancing/
Pikachu: Chu, Pikaaa! (Lander, hand me a cold one, Lander!)
Togepi: (to Meowth) Tttooogggggeee preee preee.
Meowth: Dat’s right, we’re havin’ a corny party
Togepi: Togeee Prrrrrrrreeeeee!!!!
Meowth: Watch your language, baby’s shouldn’t talk like dat!
Ash: (to Misty) I want to know why the story had a plot like a George Lucas film, then an ending like the Pokèmon movie & a party like a waked out version of The Simpsons.
Misty: What I want to know is why Darth Invader didn’t stay dead.
Brock: I wanna know where that disco ball came from & where Lander got all that beer. We’re in the middle of a forest!
Lander: What I want to know is why you guys aren’t enjoying it yet!
/Ash & Misty shrug & start dancing/
Ash: That still doesn’t explain anything, like the booze.
Misty: I still don’t see how it’s at all like the Simpsons, Ash.
Brock: C’mon, it’s a party, Misty! It doesn’t have to make sense.
/A Hawaiian lea falls over Brock’s head & a hand from no 1 in particular hands him a Margarita. Ash, Misty, Brock, Pikachewbacca, Butch, Cassidy, Jessie, James, Giovanni, C3MeOwth, Toge2P2, & Lander all climb onto the “Millennium Fearow” & do the Maccarena./
Narrator: Well, our heroes saved the galaxy again. The ending was a bit bazaar, but hey, they managed to stick around through the whole trilogy! I wonder what will happen next time. Will the questions be answered? Will Darth Invader be back with an army of SithRockets? Will Giovanni be a good father? Will Misty ever know that Ash is her brother? The answer to all these questions is probably no, but we can all dream!
-The End-