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"Pop Concert of the Century"
by: Joelle (

Disclaimer: Well...I'm not creative enough to own Jessie and I wish I owned James, ^_^ but the only here that's mine is the song. I wrote it. Which isn't saying much...

Rating: G. It's just a "what if" type fic.

Summary: Jessie and James have been apart for so long...but a song can bring them together again.


A familiar raspberry-headed Rocket steps onto stage, holding a microphone in one hand and a rose in the other. She is wearing a slinky, sparkling, green dress with spaghetti straps. She quietly, softly, begins to sing her song...

"Somehow I find
You were always there for me.
I don't understand
If the feelings were there.
I know you listened,
And you let me cry.
But somehow I don't think
That you truly cared...

I wish, I hope, I wonder,
Was I really your one and only?
Could you have gone on without me,
Or would you have dropped dead then?
I don't want to know your answer,
I always now am lonely,
If you're out there, James, my dear,
I hope you finally win...

We spent our hours making plans,
But not the ones I wished for.
Call me someday,
And tell me that one worked.
I don't know where you are
Or what you do today.
But somehow I think
My prayers will someday work!

I wish, I hope, I wonder,
Was I really your one and only?
Could you have gone on without me?
Or would you have dropped dead then?
I don't want to know your answer,
I always am now lonely,
If you're out there, James, my dear...
I hope you finally win..."

The crowd screams, only because Jessie's song is a new pop story to listen to. On the inside, Jessie screams. She wishes, oh so much, for her song to reach the ears of the one it was written for. People start yelling, suddenly, "Sto-ry! Sto-ry!" and Jessie understands that they want to hear her story. In words. She begins to tell it...

"A long time ago...about four years now...I was 17 then. I knew a wonderful person...he much like me. We were outcasts in out own homes. Parents who hated us. No friends. No one to turn to. He showed me that life was more than digging holes for a Pikachu to fall in. None of those ever worked anyway..."

Her eyes look up to the sky in a pleading fashion.

"...James...wherever you are...I hope your life has been without those plans. I hope your plans...I hope they worked. And I hope you're happy. Wherever you are..."

She shakes her head and resumes her story. "He got me through the toughest times of my life. Struggles...I felt like giving up so many times. I would be ready away with my life. Holding the weapon in my hands. And then James would always find me. He always stopped me. I wonder now if I didn't just dream him up...his lavendar-blue hair...his emerald eyes...his million-dollar smile. I hope he hears this song someday. He deserves to win for a change. After so many losses...oh, James, I do hope you finally win."

The crowd is silenced by her speech, save for sniffling or blowing noses. A figure clothed in reds, oranges, and yellows advances towards the stage. No one can make out the face until the figure is standing directly in front of Jessie.

She is startled, needless to say, until a single strand of lavendar hair falls down across the figure's face. Much to the audience's suprise, Jessie, their pop singing sensation, begins yelling wildly.

"Oh! I don't believe it! James! I thought...I thought I'd never see you again..."

James cocks his head and speaks into her microphone, so that the audience can hear.

"Why in the world would you think that, Jessie? I love you...I hope you aren't married..."

Jessie shakes her head and gasps. The audience bursts into thunderous applause as James shows off a ring and Jessie speechlessly nods her head.

"Jessie? Thank you. Your song brought me back to you."

Jessie is still speechless as the night slowly turns to dawn and her pop concert of the century comes to an end. A very happy end!