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Raw Is Pokemon
By: Rocketering Scorpion


Lillian Garcia – Ladies and Gentlemen, the following contest is scheduled for one fall.

(“Misty’s song” hits the arena.)

LG – Introducing first… from Cerulean City, accompanied down the aisle by Psyduck, weighing in at 87 pounds, Misty Waterflower!

(Misty walks down the aisle with Psyduck, the crowd laugh as Misty fumbles to get in the ring.)

(The Holly Cousin’s music hits the arena.)

LG – And her opponent, Mobile, Alabama, weighing in at allegedly well over 400 pounds, Crash Holly!

(Crash runs to the ring, crowd cheer loudly.)

LG – Finally, introducing the special guest referee, from Hollywood, California, and a member of Team Rocket, Meowth!

(Meowth walks the ring, all the cheers and shouts from TR fans can be heard.)

Jim Ross – Welcome everyone to Raw is War I’m Jim Ross, with Jerry “The King” Lawler, kicking off with this special match between Misty Waterflower and Crash Holly.

Jerry “The King” Lawler – This should be an interesting match, with “his boy Elroy” facing “Miss Goody Goody of Cerulean City”

JR – Where?

King – Don’t look at me!

(Bell rings.)

{Misty and Crash lock up, Crash pushes Misty to the corner.}

JR – Crash Holly opening with a push to the corner.

{Crash repeatedly whips Misty from corner to corner, where Misty falls flat on her back. Crash climbs to the top, and connects with a flying elbowdrop. Crash goes for the cover; Meowth counts 1, 2 and a Kickout}

JR – Misty Waterflower is not giving up that easily.

King – You got that right.

{Misty climbs back up and attacks Crash with some slaps, Crash retreats to the outside. Meowth counts 1…2…3…4…}

King – Well this is a turn, Elroy has been scared by Misty!

JR – Coming up later tonight, we’ve got intresting action with Matches like Ash Ketchum facing The Godfather, plus we’ve Butch and Cassidy teaming up against The Dudley Boys, The Hardy Boyz and Too Cool for the WWF Tag Team Titles. Then later, Tracey and Brock go up against T & A, then, Jesse faces Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley for the Women’s title!

King – Don’t forget Giovanni against Vince McMahon in an arm-wrestling match, and the one I’m waiting for, James, Triple H and The Rock in a triple threat match for the WWF Title!

{Meowth continues to count 5…6…7…8…, Crash slides back in the ring, where Misty tries to stomp on Crash’s head.}

JR – Misty, the young girl from Cerulean City is not giving any quarter to Crash.

King – This is getting intresting!

{Crash gets back to his feet and punches Misty. Misty falls back to the floor. Crash pulls Misty back up to her feet, and throws her into the ropes. Misty comes back and Crash does a backdrop on Misty.}

King – Beautiful! Just Beautiful!

JR – Crash Holly, executing a good backdrop on the young Misty.

{Crash Holly does a legdrop, the goes back up to the top rope, as Misty tries to get back to her feet.}

King – Where’s he going?

JR – Looks like Crash is going to do a…

{Misty gets back to her feet, where Crash does a flying Hurricanrana on Misty.

King – OH! (Laughs.)

{Crash covers Misty. Meowth counts; 1…2…3. Meowth calls for the bell.}

(Bell rings. Holly Cousin’s music plays.)

LG – The winner of this match, Crash Holly!

King – This is a great way to kick of Raw, with Crash Holly defeating Misty of Cerulean City!

JR – And there is more to come, but first, let’s go over to Michael Cole with Vince McMahon.

(Screen cuts to Michael Cole and Vince McMahon.)

Michael Cole – Vince McMahon, big match tonight, with you facing Giovanni from Team Rocket in an arm wrestling match.

Vince McMahon – Well, I’ve done my homework, this guy doesn’t fight, in fact, he gets someone else to do his fighting. I expect this match to be short and sweet.

MC – A lot on the line here, with your reputation as “Most Evil Man On TV” being challenged.

VM – Well, like I said, there is no way I can lose this match. I have a few aces up my sleeve…

(Vince McMahon leaves.)

MC – Back to you JR.

(Screen cuts back to the ring.)

LG – The following contest is scheduled for one fall.

King – This is going to be a fun match!

JR – Oh, why don’t you just sit back down!

(“2 B A Master” sounds around the arena. Thousands of eight-year-old children begin to cheer.)

LG – Introducing first, from Pallet Town, accompanied to the ring by Misty Waterflower and Pikachu, Ash Ketchum!

(Ash, Misty and Pikachu walk to the ring, Misty still beaten and bruised from her match.)

LG – His opponent, accompanied to the ring by the Ho train, from Las Vegas, Nevada, weighing in at 328 pounds, The Godfather!

(Godfather’s music plays and Godfather struts to the ring with the Ho Train, and gets into the ring.)

Godfather – It’s time… once again, for everybody to get aboard, the HOOOO Train!

(Crowd cheer.)

GF – Now, I know I’m not the only one. IS THERE ANY PLAYERS UP IN THIS HOUSE?

(Crowd shout and cheer.)

Ash (to Misty) – What’s a player?

GF (Noticing what Ash said) – So, you want to know what a player is?

Ash – Uh, yeah.

GF – Tell you what, how about we give up this match, if you just take these ladies, and they’ll show you what a player is!

(Crowd cheer.)

Ash – Uhh…