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(Commercial Break Ends, camera comes back to the ring.)

GF – Well?

Ash – Uh…

Misty – ASH WAIT! (Whispers something in Ash’s ear.)

Ash – Really? (Looks interested.)

(Misty slaps Ash.)

Ash – Sorry Godfather, Never!

GF – You’ll regret it!

(Godfather drops the microphone and charges into Ash, knocking him cold. Pikachu sees Ash out cold, and gives him a thundershock to wake him back up. The referee sees this and calls for the bell.)

LG – Ladies and Gentlemen, The winner of this match, as a result of a disqualification, The Godfather!

(Godfather’s music plays. Misty and Pikachu slowly drag Ash to the back, as The Godfather dances with the Hos)

King – I gotta go up and there and congratulate The Godfather myself!

JR – You just sit back down!

(Camera cuts to the parking lot. Gerald Brisco is walking across the lot, Hardcore title around his waist, when the sound of a car horn is heard.)

Mondo – WATCH OUT!

(Gerald dives out of the way in time, because Mondo’s Jeep comes charging past.)

Gerald – Phew, that was close, now I need to lie down.

(Camera cuts back to the ring.)

JR – Gerald Brisco, our hardcore champion, almost ran down in the back.

King – Now do you think that was deliberate or an accident?

JR – To me, it looked like an accident.

King – Well I’m not so sure, that could have been attempt on the Hardcore Champion!

JR – We’ll have to wait and see.

(Camera pans onto Lillian Garcia)

LG – This contest is a four-corners tag team elimination table match, and it is for the World Wrestling Federation Tag Team Titles!

(“Double Trouble” plays. Crowd begins to boo.)

LG – Introducing first, at a total combined weight of 368 pounds, Butch and Cassidy!

(Butch and Cassidy run to the ring, a big “Frog!” chant begins. Music stops, and The Dudley Boys music begins to play, the crowd begin to cheer.)

LG – Introducing second, from Dudleyville, The Dudley Boys!

(The Dudley Boys march to the ring, carrying two tables. Their music stops, and The Hardy’s music begins to play, the Crowd cheer loud.)

LG – Introducing third, from Cameron, North Carolina, The Hardy Boyz!

(The Hardys run to the ring, carrying a table. Music stops, and Too Cool’s Music plays.)

LG – Introducing last, the World Wrestling Federation Tag Team Champions, Scotty Too Hotty, Grandmaster Sexay, Too Cool!

(Crowd cheer ecstatically, as Too Cool dance down the aisle.)

King – This match is going to be big!

(Bell rings. Match starts with Matt Hardy and Scotty Too Hotty in the ring.)

{Grandmaster Sexay and Matt Hardy exchange punches and kicks, both wearing the other one down slowly.}

JR – Matt Hardy and Grandmaster Sexay, slowly digging away at each other.

{Matt Hardy hits a low blow on Grandmaster Sexay.}

King – Oh, my goodness! That can’t be legal!

JR – There’s no disqualification.

{Matt Hardy stomps away at Grandmaster Sexay.}

JR – Matt Hardy, beating away at Grandmaster Sexay.

{Matt Hardy goes to legdrop Grandmaster Sexay, but Grandmaster Sexay rolls out of the way}

King – OH! (Laughs)

JR – Grandmaster Sexay, now with the advantadge.

(Grandmaster Sexay rolls to the outside and brings back a table.)

King – It looks like Grandmaster Sexay it going for the first elimination of the match.

(Grandmaster Sexay sets Matt Hardy up on the table.)

JR – Matt Hardy, now vulnerable, laid across that table…

(Grandmaster Sexay climbs to the top rope and puts on the goggles.)

King – Grandmaster Sexay’s gonna fly!

{Grandmaster Sexay goes to do the Tennessee Jam, but Matt Hardy rolls out of the way, and Grandmaster Sexay crashes through the table.}

King – OH!

JR – Grandmaster Sexay just missed with the Tennessee Jam, putting himself out of the match.

(Grandmaster Sexay eliminated himself. Matt Hardy tags out to Jeff Hardy; D-Von Dudley enters the ring.)

{Jeff and D-Von exchange blows. Jeff hits a kick to the midsection of D-Von, then hits a DDT on D-Von. D-Von lies cold on the floor.}

(Jeff rolls to the outside and brings back a table. Jeff sets up the table and places D-Von on the table.)

{Jeff climbs up top to execute the Swanton Bomb on D-Von, but Buh Buh Ray enters the ring, pushes D-Von off the table, and executes a superplex on Jeff Hardy, putting him through the table.)

(Buh Buh Ray Dudley eliminated Jeff Hardy. Butch enters the ring, D-Von rolls out of the ring.)

{Buh Buh Ray kicks Butch in the gut, Buh Buh Ray executes a powerbomb on Butch.}

(D-Von enters the ring with a table, which he sets up in the middle of the ring.)

Dudley Boys – 3D! 3D!

{D-Von whips Butch into the ropes, Butch bounces back, D-Von lifts up Butch, and Buh Buh Ray completes the Dudley Death Drop, right through the table.}

(The Dudley Boys eliminated Butch. Buh Buh Ray Dudley leaves the ring, Cassidy goes red with rage and charges into the ring.)

JR – Those damn Dudleys just struck again! Putting Butch through a table.

King – Oh my! She’s doesn’t look happy!

{Cassidy spears into D-Von, winding him, where he stumbles round, and falls through the ropes and through a table on the outside.}

King – WOW! That gal just put one of the Damn Dudleys out of the match!

(Cassidy eliminated D-Von Dudley. Scotty Too Hotty enters the ring.)

{Cassidy begins to claw away at Scotty Too Hotty, leaving him scared.)

(Scotty Too Hotty hurriedly tags out to Buh Buh Ray Dudley.)

{Buh Buh Ray Dudley is leapt upon by Cassidy, and begins to bite, scream and punch away. Buh Buh Ray Dudley counters with a spinebuster slam.}

(Buh Buh Ray Dudley tags out to Scotty Too Hotty. Cassidy rolls across the ring, and tags out to Matt Hardy.)

{Matt and Scotty brawl around the ring, neither getting the advantage over the other. Eventually, both are worn out.}

(Matt Hardy tags out to Buh Buh Ray Dudley. Cassidy charges into the ring.)

King – That girl just got the other damn Dudley!

JR – Can anyone stop that girl?

(Cassidy eliminated Buh Buh Ray Dudley. Matt Hardy enters the ring, while Cassidy shouts to the crowd.)

Cassidy – Thou shalt not mess with Team Rocket! AHAHAHAHAHA!

{Matt Hardy grabs Cassidy by the hair, and sets her up for the Twist Of Fate.}

Matt Hardy – HO!!!!!!!!!!!!

{Matt Hardy executes the Twist of Fate over the table, driving Cassidy face first through the table.}

(Matt Hardy eliminated Cassidy. Scotty Too Hotty climbs onto the second rope.)

{Scotty Too Hotty executes a bulldog on Matt Hardy, putting Matt Hardy on the table, but not breaking it.}

(Scotty Too Hotty looks round, with a crazy face…)

King – Oh my goodness! It’s the…

(Scotty Too Hotty leaps.)

King – W…

(Scotty Too Hotty leaps again.)

King – O…

(Scotty Too Hotty leaps for a third time.)

King – R…

(Scotty Too Hotty leaps for a fourth and final time.)

King – M… It’s the worm!

(Scotty dances forward in his usual manner.)

Scotty Too Hotty – FOO! FOO! FOO!

{Scotty completes the worm on Matt Hardy, sending him through the table.}

(Scotty Too Hotty eliminated Matt Hardy. Bell rings.)

LG – Ladies and Gentlemen, the winners of this match, and still World Wrestling Federation Tag Team Champions, Too Cool!

(Crowd cheer as Too Cool’s music plays, and they dance, amidst the wreckage in the ring.)

JR – That was one high paced match! Ladies and Gentlemen, we’ll be right back after these messages!