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Legal Stuff: Uhhhhh...this is Edited Materials, so everything having to do with Pokémon is copyright to Nintendo, GameFreak, CREATURES, and so on and so forth. Everything having to do with Les Misérables is copyright to...uhhh.....Victor Hugo. Songs copyright to.....Claude-Michél Schonberg....and Boubil......right? And.....a few more people.....uh....crud.........I give up. As you might know, this is a musical (NO WAY am I going to try and mess the book!) Anyway, things get weird. This is the first and possibly last time that I'm going to take a stab at this EM......anyway........this will be a strange concept..not mine, mind you. not getting any money for this, so don't sue me! Please! Hope no one tried this already.....(sweat) Yikes.....I'll screw it up somehow, I just know it! It's supposed to be a serious thing..........Well..........enjoy.......if you dare......Insanity is here! Corniness is here! This is the first time I'm writing it script format, so bear with the lyrics from a libretto....little in-between things in parentheses I made up....uh....REALLY bear with me, here. As from implied by the name, oh, stop reading my stupid disclaimer and read or click X. WARNING: characters' personalities amazingly warped! JandJ fans, I know that they're not in until later. However, I need someone a bit older.....right, I know that Off. Jenny isn't forty, and I KNOW that Giovanni isn't poor, and I KNOW that I am out of my mind, but......I apologize for the constant references to Christianity, but I can only alter so much from the original. And...since this IS based on LM, a lot will die. Be warned if you're sensitive. And, also, implying from the name, I'm not sure where Ash-tachi is in this fic. They're not in Act 1...obviously. Oh, well! Bear with me!
Depending on what scenes seemed obviously significant, I altered the object. Ex. 24601 I changed to no one'll be offended......Also, I changed some genders around…..oh, this is based on the English edited version...I think...and, since this "version" isn't in France,'s not French. Right. Thank you. Noticed I edited all of the songs heavily, except the prologue. (moan). Look at this! I labeled the scenes! Hahhaa! ..Rated: PG-13
started: 9/27/00 finished: 10/6/00 modified: 10/6/00-10/13/00 modified further: 12/21/00

Les Rockétables Act I
(Les MISérables wrecked by me, Blue9Tiger)

(Time: somewhere in the 20th century, at Toulo-----er, Tokiwa, Viridian, at the dreaded Tokiwa Prison. They toil in the sun, and lament their tradgedies, and are overseen by rough Growlithe.)

Prisoners: Look down, look down, don't look 'em in the eye!
Look down, look down, you're here until you die!
Tamer: The sun is strong, it's hot as Hell below!
(Growlithe uses Flamethrower.)
Prisoners: Look down, look down, there's twenty years to go!
Biker: I've done no wrong! Sweet Jesus hear my prayer!
Prisoners: Look up, look up, sweet Jesus doesn't care!

Dan'in: I know she'll wait, I know that she'll be true!

Prisoners: Look down, look down, they've all forgotten you!

Cue Ball: When I get free, ya won't see me here for dust!

Prisoners: Look down, look down, don't look 'em in the eye!

Scientist: How long, O Lord, before you let me die?

Prisoners: Look down, look down, you'll always be a slave!

Look up, look up, you're standing in your grave!

Jennvert: Now bring me prisoner 25601!

(to him)

Your time is up and your parole's begun!

You know what that means......

Giean Valgion: Yes, it means I'm free.

Jennvert: No. It means you get your green ticket-of-leave! You are a thief!

Valgion: I stole a MasterBall!

Jennvert: You robbed Silph Co.!

Valgion: I broke a worker's head! My Geodude was close to death! And I was fainting!

Jennvert: And you will faint again, unless you learn the meaning of the law.

Valgion: I know the meaning of these 19 years a slave of the law.

Jennvert: Eight years for what you did! The rest because you tried to run. Yes, 25601!

Valgion: My name is Giean Valgion!

Jennvert: And I am...Jennvert! Do not forget my name, 25601!

Weezing, Charizard, Victreebel, and Prisoners: (Look down, look down, you'll always be a slave, look down, look down, you're standing in your grave. )

Valgion: Freedom is mine. The island's still. I feel a Razor Wind. I breathe again. And the sky clears, the world is waiting. I drink from the lake. How clean the taste. Never forget the years, the waste. Nor forgive them for what they've done. They are the guilty...everyone. The day begins....And now lets see.....what this new world will do for me!

(He finds work at the Celadon Gym, and is soon fired after he's identified)

Erika: You'll have to go. I'll pay you off for the day. Collect your bits and pieces there, and be on your way!

Valgion: You've given me half of what the other men get! This handful of tin wouldn't buy my sweat!

Super Nerd: You broke the law, it's there for people to see! Why should you get the same as honest men like me?

Valgion: Now every door is closed to me. Another jail, another key, another chain. For when I come to to any town, they check my papers and find the mark of Cain. In their eyes I see their fear: "We do not want you here."

(He comes to the Cerulean Pokémon Center, only to be rejected again.)

Joy: My rooms are full, and I've no rice balls to spare. I'd like to help a stranger, all we want is to care!

Valgion: I will pay in advance! I can sleep on the desk! You see how dark it is! I'm not some kind of Arcanine!

Joy: You leave my center, or feel the weight of my rod! We're law-abiding people here, thanks be to God!

(She throws him out. Valgion agonizes at his "freedom")

Valgion: And now I know how freedom feels, the Growlithe always at your heels, it is the law! This piece of paper in my hand that makes me cursed through the island: it is the law!

Like a cur I walk the street...the dirt beneath my feet. (He rests sadly near a Cerulean City house, from which emerges Bill of the Lighthouse, who takes him in regardless of his record.)

Bill: Come in, Sir, for you are weary, and the night is cold out there. Though my life is very humble, what I have, I have to share. There's things here to revive you, there's tofu to make you strong. There's a bed to rest 'till morning.....Rest from pain and rest from wrong.

Valgion: He let me eat my fill.....I had the Entei's share. The silver in my hand cost twice what I had earned In all those nineteen years, that lifetime of despair. And yet he trusted me---the old fool trusted me. He's done his bit of good! I played the grateful guest, and thanked him like I should.

But when the lighthouse was still, I got up in the night...Took the silver...Took my flight!

(taking the silver cup, he runs off, but is brought back by two patrolling Growlithe) Growlithe: (Tell his graciousness your story! Let us see if he's impressed! You were lodging there last night; you were the honest human's guest! And then, out of Christian goodness, when he learned about your plight, You maintain he made a present of this silver.........)

Bill: That is right. But, my friend, you left so early! Surely something slipped your mind...

(Bill gives him two silver Pikachu)

You forgot I gave these also,. Would you leave the best behind? So Sirs, you may release him, For this man has spoken true. I commend you for your duty: May God's blessing go with you. But remember this, good human, see in this some higher plan! You should use this precious silver... to become an honest man! By the witness of the their sorrow and their blood.....I have raised you out of darkness.....I have bought your soul for God! Valgion: What have I done? Sweet Jesus, what have I done? Become a Meowth in the night, a Vulpix on the run. And have I fallen so far, and is the hour so late that nothing remains but the cry of my hate? The cries in the dark that some Haunter hears, here's where I stand at the turning of the years. If there's another way to go, I missed it 20 long years ago! My life was a match that could never be won! They gave me a number and murdered Valgion when they chained me and left me at the wall, just for stealing a MasterBall! Yet why did I allow that man to touch my soul and teach me love? He treated me like a man, he gave me his trust, he called me good human. My life he claims for God above! Can such things be? For I had come to hate this isle! This isle which had always hated me. Take a Rai for a Rai! Become like a Cubone! This is all I have lived for, this is all I have known! One word from him and I'd be Scyther's Slash, upon my back. Instead he offers me my freedom. I feel my shame inside me like Brock's knife! He told me that I have a soul. How does he know? What Gastly came to move my life? Is there another way to go?
I am reaching, but I fall, and the night is closing in, as I stare into the void, to the whirlpool of my sin. I'll escape now from the world.....from the world of Giean Valgion! Giean Valgion is nothing now! Another fiction must begin!

(He tears up his green ticket-of-leave, resolute on starting fresh) At the End of Our Tail

(Several years later, the poor humans and Pokémon of Fr--er, Kanto Island gather outside of a gym in Viridian City. They talk about their miseries, too.)

Tauros, Arbok, and Rhyhorn: (At the end of our tail its another day older! And that's all you can say for the life of the trained! It's a struggle, it's a pain, and there's nothing that anyone's giving, one more day, crawling about, stuck in the rain. One less day to be living! At the end of our tail its another day colder! And the skin on your back doesn't keep out the chill! And the Abra hurry past, they don't hear the little ones crying, and the winter's coming on fast, ready to kill! One day nearer to be dying! At the end of our tail there's another one growing! And we in mourning are waiting to rise! Like the waves crash on the sand, Like the storm that'll break any second, There's a hunger on the island, There's a reckoning still to be reckoned...And there'll be Hell to wail! At the end of our tail!)

Blackbelt: At the end of your tail you'll get nothing for nothing! Sitting flat on your head doesn't earn any points!

Arbok, Tauros, Rhyhorn: ( There are offspring back at nests, and the offspring have to be fed, and we're lucky to be in a gym.....)

Tamer: Earning some coins.

Arbok, Tauros, Rhyhorn: (And we're counting our blessings.)

Juggler (female) : Have you seen how the Blackbelt is fuming today? With his terrible breath and his wandering hands!

Tamer (female): It's beause little Miyantine won't give him his way!

Juggler (female) : Take a look at his trousers, you'll see where he stands!

Scientist (female): And the boss, he never knows..... that the foreman is always on heat!

Tamer (female): If Miyantine doesn't look out, watch how she goes, she'll be out on the street!

Pika, Meowth, Vic, Char, Viridian Pokémon: (At the end of our tail its another inch longer, with enough in its flailing to last for a week Whack the Raichu, hit the Muk, keep on whipping as long as you're able, keep on whipping 'till you drop, or its back to the pens in the stable! Well you've got to fight your way! At the end of the day.)

Dan'in (female): And what we have here, little innocent sister? Come one, Miyantine lets have all the news! "...Dear Miyantine, you must send us more money, your child needs a doctor, there's no time to lose!"

Miyantine: Give that letter back, it's none of your business. With a husband at home and a bit on the side.....who can swear before God she has nothing to fear, she has nothing to hide!

(Valgion walks into the room)

Valgion: What is this screaming all about? Will someone tear these two apart? This is a gym, not a circus, now come on ladies, settle in, I run a business of repute, I am the leader of this gym! I look to you to sort this out, and be as patient as you can.

Blackbelt (male): Now someone say how this began!

Dan'in: At the end of the day she's the one who began it! There's a kid that she's hiding in some little town! There's a man she has to pay, you can guess how she picks up the extra, you can bet that she's earning her keep sleeping around. And the boss wouldn't like it.

Miyantine: Yes its true, there's a child, and the child is my daughter. And her father abandoned us leaving us flat. Now she lives with a dragon trainer man and his wife and I pay for the child. What's the matter with that?

Female Trainers' Pokémon: (At the end of the our tail she's nothing but trouble, and there's trouble for all when there's trouble for one! While we're earning our daily points, she's the one with nothing but lies to mutter, you must send the slut away or we'll all 'gonna end in the gutter! It's us she'll get to flail! At the end of our tail!)

Blackbelt (male): I might've known the Vulpix could bite, I might've known the Mew had claws. I might have guessed your little secret. Ah, yes, the virtuous Miyantine, who keeps herself so pure and clean, You'd be the cause, I have no doubt, of any trouble heareabout. You play the virgin in the light but you need no urgin' in the night.

Tamer (female): She's been laughing at you while she's having her man!

All females: She'll be nothing but trouble again and again!

Tamer: You must sack her today!

All: Sack the girl today!

Blackbelt: Right, my girl. On your way!

Miyantine: There was a time when Mew was kind, and its meows inviting. There was a time when Muk ate slime and Primeape got along. (There are too many rhymes.) Then it all went wrong.
I dreamed of Mew that I could find, when snow was high and riceballs steaming. I dreamed that she would never lie, I dreamed that my boss was forgiving. Now I am bad and unafraid, and I want Mew Burned, fried, molested. There was no reward for the raid, no speech unsaid, no Gloom unroasted. And the Growlithe come at night, with their howling soft as thunder, as they tear your Balls apart, as they Scratch your face to shame......It floated winter by my side, it purged my nights of endless blunder, it took my adolescence in his stride, but it was gone when trouble came......And still I dream it'll fly by me, that we would fight through years forever, but there is snow we cannot see, and avalanches we cannot weather. I had a dream my life would be so different from this hell I'm living, so different now from what it seems! And now Mew is's killed the dream I dreamed.
The docks of Vermillion City. Sailors, Celadon Trainers : ) and their customers---er, or challengers, etc. practice can take this for two different meanings, except at the end of the song, where the original meaning is pointed out clearly.. (:) Miyantine wanders in, and is greeted by the low of the land.) Lovely Trainers

Sailor: I see some fights, see 'em in the air. Think I'll drop my anchor in that harbor over there!

Sailor #2: Lovely Trainers, see 'em through the gloom, seven days at sea can make your PokéBalls go boom!

Celadon Trainers: Lovely Trainers waiting for a Bite, waiting for the battlers who only come at night! Lovely Trainers ready for you all, standing up or lying down or any way at all! Bargain challenge up with only three Balls! (:)

Madame Boss: Come here, my dear. Lets see that trinket you wear. This yellow scarf.

Miyantine: Madam, I'll sell it to you!

Madame Boss: I'll give you four.

Miyantine: That wouldn't pay for the thread!

Madame Boss: I'll give you five! You're far too eager to sell. It's up to you.

Miyantine: It's all I have.

Madame Boss: That's not my fault.

Miyantine: Please make it ten.

Madame Boss: No more than five. My dear, we must stay alive.

Celadon Trainers: Lovely Trainers waiting in the dark! Ready for a hard one or a soft one in the Mart! Long time, short time, just not in the rear! Cost a little extra if you want to love our Mir! Quick and cheap is teaching them not to Leer!

Grone (Gastly's feminine form): What pretty hair! What purple locks you've got there! What luck you've got! It's worth a few "p" my dear! I'll take the locks!

Miyantine: Don't cut it, ugly Grone!

Grone: Lets make a price! I'll give you Balls and ten "p"! Just think of that!

Miyantine: It pays a debt.

Grone: Just think of that.

Miyantine: It pays a debt! Ten "p" may save my poor Jessette!

Sailor: Lovely Trainer! Fastest on the street! Wasn't there three minutes: Oddish back upon its feet! (to Miyantine) Lovely Trainer, what yer waiting for? Doesn't take a lot experience just to fight some more. Come on, girly, what's a Trainer for?

Biker: Gimme the dirt! Who's that girl over there?

Lily: A small black skirt: she's the one who sold her hair!

Daisy: She's got a kid. Sends all that she spews.

Biker: I might've known---she tangled with a Mew!

Lovely Trainer, come along and join us, lovely Trainer!

Celadon Trainers: Come on girly, why all the fuss? You're no grander than the rest of us! Life has dropped you in the darkest of the night! Joint your comrades, make some money in your fight! That's right, girly, let 'im have the lot! That's right, girly, show him what you've got!
Old men, young men, take 'em as they come. Raticate, and furry cats, and any kind of scum! Ekans, Youngsters, leaders of the gyms, see them with their legs spread out they're never quite as dim! All it takes is their own sudden whim! Lovely Trainers going for some a lot of winners but they never fight for long!

(Miyantine talks to a challenger.) (:)

Miyantine: Come on, Sailor, you can fight me too! Don't it make a change to have a girl who can't refuse? Easy payoff waiting on a floor, just as well they never see the blood coming through their door! Don't they know they're doing one that doesn't want no more!

Jiramatabois: Here's something new. I think it can give it a try. Come closer, you! My Arti would like a "fight" (:) before you die. The usual price...even if you're not a Psi.....

Miyantine: I won't do it. No, no sir, let me go.

Jiramatabois: Not fight with it? You are a bore!

Miyantine: No, not at all!

Jiramatabois: You've got some nerve, you little whore, Go, PokéBall!

(One of the three legendary birds appear, squwaking incessantly. Miyantine displays a distressed look, that makes Jiramatabois fall asleep. She tries to get away, but wakes up, and grabs her by the waist. Articuno begins to squawk, angry that it can't "play" with Miyantine yet.)

(It's the same with Pokémon as with a human!

The Articuno sees what it gets in advance.

It's not for the whore to say "yes sir" or "no sir"!)

Jiramatabois: It's not for the harlot to make me snooze or try and put me a trance!

(His Articuno Pecks her, still wanting its turn, and Miyantine, frustrated and considerably angry, throws a Seel at its face, which falls onto the Articuno.)

Miyantine: I'll kill you, you bastard, you try any of that! Even a whore who has made your thing mad won't be made sad by a Rat!

Jiramatabois: (looks at Articuno, who is squwaking in pain because the Seel clamped onto its beak) By Christ you'll pay for what you've done! This Rat will make you bleed, you'll see! I guarantee, I'll make you suffer for the dusturbance of peace, for this injury to birds and property!

Miyantine: I beg you, don't report me, sir! (holds up a Potion, nodding to Articuno.) I'll heal the one that I have hurt!

Jiramatabois: Make your excuse to the police!

(Jennvert enters the scene, with her many Growlithe behind her. They surround Miyantine, and so do the Celadon Trainers. Jennvert has only seen half of the skirmish, and believes that Jirmatabois is in the right.)

Jennvert: Tell me quickly: what's the story? Who hurt this bird in the air? Let it give a full description, let him answer to Jennvert! In this nest of whores and Arbok tell me one who saw it all! Who laid paws on this good man here? What's the substance of this brawl?

Jiramatabois: Jennvert, would you believe it? I was crossing from Nati'nal park, when this prostitute attacked it. You can see she left her mark!

Jennvert: She will answer for her actions when it makes a full report! You may rest assured, good sir, that she will answer to Muk's court.

Miyantine: There's a child who sorely needs me! Please, sir, she's but that high! (holds up a meterstick) Holy God, is there no mercy? If I go to jail, she'll die!

Jennvert: I have heard such protestations every day for-----(forgets the number) years! (points to Growlithe) They'll have some more menstruations, so stand up, get off your rear! Growlithe will, burn it off, and I don't think that that's too hot!

(Miyantine screams as she's taken by Growlithe, who start to drag her off while uisng Ember, but Valgion appears, and intervenes. He still doesn't know that he ignored Miyantine when she was fired from the Gym, and thinks that all is well.)

Valgion: Hold Growlithe for a while, Jennvert, I do believe this woman's tale.

Jennvert: But Sir...

Valgion: Your dogs are unruly, let her be. She needs Dr. Proctor, not a jail.

Jennvert: But Sir........

Miyantine: Can this be?

Valgion: Your dogs will hurt this child with a burned rear end! Your face looks so sore! I have no Burn Heal to soothe you. Why has Growlithe burned you in such a place like this?

Miyantine: Mister, don't mock me now, I pray! It's bad enough they bit my side! You let that Blackbelt send me away! Yes, you were there, and turned aside. I never did no wrong.....

Valgion: Is it true what I have done? To whom Growlithe took their toll? I was fighting someone then!

Miyantine: My daughter's close to dying. If fate would allow, I'd die from burns instead!

Valgion: In His name my task has just begun! (glares at Growlithe)

I will make them run, I will make them run,.

Jennvert: Not off the cliff!

Valgion: I will make them run!

Jennvert: Not off the cliff! (However, this conversation makes Growlithe charge off the cliff, falling to their death into a swift river.)

Les Rockétables-Act I-The Runaway Bike
(original words messed up by me, Blue9Tiger)

(Suddenly, a considerably old man comes screaming across the paved road on his Bike, which is weighed down by a large amount, to be specific a few tons, of PokéBalls, wild Diglett, one trained Zubat, and a few boxes of Revives. He's lost control of it, and the crowd of Trainers make way.)

Pallet Trainer: Look out! It's an out-of-control Bike!

(The Bike with the incredibly large load crashes, and somehow, the Bike falls on top of the man, trapping Mister Oakchelevant. The Diglett and Zubat scatter onto the ground, and are observing Oakchelvant's plight.)

Diglett #2: (Look at that, look, Zubat!! It's Mister Oakchelevant! Go Fly away, don't go near! You might use Leech Life!)

Diglett #3: ( He's caught under the training wheel!)

Diglett #4 (female): (Oh, the idiot man!)

Diglett #5: (Fly away, Fly away. I wish that I flew.)

Diglett #4: (You wish that you flew.)

Valgion: Is there anything here who will rescue the man? What will help me to Dig up the wheel of the Bike?

Diglett #2: (Don't go near him, ugly sir! The Bike is heavy as Hell!)

Diglett #3: (The old man's a goner for sure...)

Zubat: (Any fool can tell!)

(However, Valgion is resolute, and, after much effort, he lifts the Bike, and Oakchelevant is pulled out, breathless, and almost speechless.)

Oakchevelant: Sir with no name, I have no words! You helped me out, oh, look at this paint! (refers to the scratched Bike)

(Jennvert and her Growlithe (the ones that are still alive) appear, having seen the whole event, awed at Valgion's strength. She is reminded of someone she had met before, and confronts him, stil held by complete awe, and explains that she doesn't believe it, and her Growlithe's eyes are playing tricks on them.)

Jennvert: Growlithe can rue...the things that they see! They don't see well, to see you lift up that Bike....their eyes whirl...... You've made me confused as a man! They wouldn't scent..that man who was pent. He disappeared! Forgive me, Sir, they would not dare!

Valgion: Before this Bike rusts, talk if you care!

Jennvert: I have only known one human who can Dig what you have dug, he's a convict on the chain gang, but gone like Spinarak in a rug. But he couldn't hide forever: we have found that big green rug, And he's just been pulled from under, we've identified his mug. Of course, he's changed his face, looks like a Metamon! But his record's known by Growlithe, and we know he's Giean Valgion!

Valgion: You say this thing looks different than him but it has the right sentence? You say this thing will be tried by Muk and that your dogs will chain him if there's evidence? Come to that, are you sure, that you don't need an optical plan?

Jennvert: I'm sure I don't need glasses, I am sure that Ditto's him! Though he might have changed his face, there's the brand upon his skin. He will squish, he'll flatten. Muk will say sentence at ten!

Les Rockétables

(Les MISérables messed up, hacked up, and thrown up by me, Blue9Tiger)

(Jennvert, sure of herself that Ditto is the fugitive she is after, leaves to attend to other matters, the remaining Growlithe at her side. Her destination is the distant town of Parras, which lies between Fuschia City and Cinnabar Island.
At Parras the Ditto is destined to stand trial at Muk's Mouth, the street name for the island-wide courthouses.
Of course, the judge is a Muk, and the jurors are Grimer, hence Muk's mouth.

This news of the arraigned Ditto disturbs Valgion, and he debates with himself whether or not to turn himself in.
He knews both the consequences: to be damned in the eyes of the people or to be damned in the eyes of the entity he serves within his soul.)

Valgion: She thinks that blob is me! She knew it at a glance! That Ditto she has caught, this thing could be my chance! It can save its own hide, because it's a Pokémon! It should fend for itself, because it knows Transform! It can squeak, it will be condemned.
Why should I talk? I'll lose my freedom. For I am the leader of dozens of trainers, they all look to me.
What good is abandoning them, they cannot fight if I am not free! Should I speak? I'll be condemned.
But if I'm silent, I am damned!
Where is Rai? Can it come up with a solution?

(As if on cue (and it probably is), a Raichu walks into view, with the purpose of giving advice.
This Raichu is considered very wise for some reason, and gives note that it is there, but does not reveal itself. Little does Valgion know he's considered wise as in wise-cracking.)

Raichu: (Throw yourself into the great Sane ocean!)

Valgion: This Pokémon who bears my crime will go to Muk's mouth any time! Where is Rai? Can it conceal itself forevermore? Pretend that it doesn't need to say anymore?

Raichu: (Take my advice or you will die: go to Parras and confess, you sleazy lie!)

Valgion: Thank you, Rai.

(He boards a vehicle drawn by a white Rapidash, and continues to ponder.)

Valgion: What will Ditto do if I free it? (He suddenly feels uncomfortable, realizing that this will end everything he has battled for.)
This righteousness is just pure shit! But Rai gave me advice, I know, and my soul knew right too long ago!
Rai knows what was right all along! And so I end this song!

(He leaves the Rapidash-drawn cart, ascending the steps to the courthouse. The trial of Dittmathoo has been well-underway, but Valgion stops it, walks in front of Muk and confesses who he actually is, exposing the branded number 25601 on his chest. The spectators become loud and noisy, and Dittmathoo faints from happiness.)

Who am? Who am I? I'm Giean Valgion!

Valgion: And so, Jennvert, you can free Dittmathoo! It no longer interests you! Who am I? 25601!!!!!!

(Having done that, Valgion simply walks out of the courthouse, the spectators, Muk, Grimer, and Jennvert to dumbstruck to utter a word.)

Les Rockétables Act I- Miyantine's Death
(Les MISérables twisted by me, Blue9Tiger (disclaimers in the first part)

(Valgion returns to Miyantine, who is dying in the hospital, dreaming about her girl. She is delirious, but not depressed. In her mind, Jessette is with her, and she is at peace. The two Chansey: Simmered and Poached know that she's dying, and they try to convince her to rest. But Miyantine still believe that Jessette is there, though there is nothing. The dark and the Chansey, and approaching death, but not her beloved daughter.)

Miyantine: Jessette, there is no snow. Jessette, don't play with Grimer. The snow's melted away, please put the Grimer down. Come to me, Jessette, the snow is melting! Don't you see that Zapdos is appearing? So is Moltres. Watch the snow burn and smoulder. How fast the snowbanks melt away but it will soon be colder.
Come back here, watch that Mew is dying! Don't you hear that her mother is crying?
There is fire that burns without a warning!
But I will wake you early and we'll play with snow in the morning!

(Valgion walks in, tired from the trip. His hair has lost most of its color, and looks very haggard. But his eyes brighten as he sees Miyantine, though they darken knowing that she is dying, without ever getting to see her daughter before that shroud of eternity wraps her up in its impentrable blackness.)

Valgion: Oh, Miyantine, I could not get your child! But Miyantine, I'll go through any strife--

Miyantine: Look Mister, where all baby Mew play!

Valgion: --to bring her into my life, so she'll be alone no more.

Miyantine: My Jessette.....

Valgion: ..will never know this secret...

Miyantine: Take her now...

Valgion: I'll do what's best for Jessette.

Miyantine: Good Mister, you come from God in Heaven!

Valgion: You have that wrong but I will make that so as soon as I am dying.

Miyantine: It's getting hot, Moltres is using Flamethrower.

Valgion: Then I will keep you cold.

Miyantine: Take my child, With you she won't be weeping.

Valgion: Keep from the avalanche to grow old.

Miyantine: For God's sake, please continue to do cooking! There's lots of snow on the ground and tell her that I will make.....

(Jennvert appears in the doorway, the Chansey afraid, Miyantine dead, and Valgion pensive. The police officer's intentions are obvious: to re-arrest Valgion. She is undoubtedly excited, and regards Valgion as she would a bone, having a canine nature.)

Jennvert: Valgion, I'm here, I've come in from the rain. Mr. ---(coughs) (sneezes), now come along, you don't they'll go insane.

(The Growlithe start to yap and bark, scratching the floor, panting, impatient for the matter to be done and over with. The two enemies glare at each other, both as solidified as ice, yet burning with anger at the other's presence.)

Valgion: Before you let those dogs on me, Jennvert, before you chain me up like one of them, listen to me, I must ask something of you! This woman leaves behind a suffering child, she's kept with trainers who can make her bleed. If your dogs are tame, make them sit: eight days are all I need. Then you can have your Growlithe use Take Down, Then they can Bite...

Jennvert: You must think me bad! I've hunted you across the isle! Trainers like you can never change, Trainers.....such as you!

Valgion: Go and track me harder still.....

Jennvert: Men like you can never change! Girls like me can never change!

Valgion: ...I must find her, well or ill...

Jennvert: No, 25601! You can't escape Growlithe!

Valgion: You know nothing of my life! All I did was--

Jennvert: You have no rights, come with me----

Valgion: --steal a Ball! You know nothing of the world.....

Jennvert: --25601! Now this match is in the air.....

Valgion: You would rather see me mauled, but not before----

Jennvert: ---But a match not won is very rare! Dare you talk, you sleazy slime,

I'd catch a Koffing any day---

Valgion: ---I see this favor done!

Jennvert: ---But I'll settle for a man, that's as low as a quay!

Valgion: I am warning you, Jennvert, Kingler can crush you in the ground! Both of us has power yet----this match you've not yet------

Jennvert: You know nothing--

Valgion: --won! I am warning you----

Jennvert: -of Jennvert! I was born by one Houndour! It was born--

Valgion: --Jennvert, if you don't want to be killed,

Jennvert: -in crime like you---

Valgion: you will not let blood be spilled---

Jennvert: --I am from the bottom too!

Valgion: --or we'll know which side has won!

(Valgion sends out Kingler, who interposes itself between Jennvert and the former, and threatens her with its claw. Jennvert backs off, and then Valgion turns to Miyantine, who is still dead, but Valgion talks to her as if she were still alive.)

Valgion: And I swear to you by Arcanine's bark,

Jennvert: Growlithe will burn your lowly hide.

Valgion: That your child will have something good to wear.

Jennvert: They'll roast you and Muk will have the last say!

Valgion: Though I'll keep her in the dark.

(Jennvert's patience is fading, and so is her Growlithe. Valgion turns to his enemy, and releases Kingler. Then they shout in unison, with different words:)

Valgion: I swear that I will tear out her hair.

Jennvert: When I'm through with him, he won't be there!

(They engage in a battle, all of the policewoman's Growlithe charging Kingler, but the latter being more massive, is able to resist the tiny Puppies. Valgion seizes his oppurtunity and attacks Jennvert using himself, who is unable to defend herself by strength alone, and collapses. Valgion wastes no time but flies, his destination being Indigo stadium atop Mount For Mail. leaving his nemesis unconscious and bloody on the floor.)

(Jessette, Miyantine's single daughter, during the previous parts, has been staying with the---stadium-keeper at the Dragenardier's stadium at Indigo Plateau, atop Mount ForMail. Because she has to share the house with the stadium-keeper's daughters: Cassonine and another one, that will remain anonymous, she's miserable. The Dragenardiers keep her as a servant, give her rags in replacement of clothes, and constantly beat her, the wife more often than the husband. They especially despise her loyal Pokémon, Ekans, which she plays with and dresses up like a doll. But Ekans is not healthy, and Cassonine has a Pokémon, a healthy Rattata, that she won't let Jessette play with. But Jessette doesn't want to play with it anyway. Thus, because she is so young and exposed to this kind of treatment, she often is forlorn, and in her mind has dreams of a better world.)

Jessete: There is a mansion on a mount. Ekans finds some place to sleep. We find no reason for us to creep, not in my mansion on a mount. There's a Ball that's full of Cloyster. There are hundreds Mew and Shellder. People there can write and count, yes, in my mansion on a mount. There is a Chansey who laughs and sings, not like these people who bite and sting. She's nice as my mother's smile and touch. She says, Jessette, I love you very much. That is a place where no one's beat. They'll give you shoes to warm your feet. Look Ekans, more coins than you could count! Only in my mansion on a mount. Oh, no! I think I hear her now!

Ekans: (And we're nowhere near finished dusting and washing and polishing gravestones! Damn, it's her! It's Madam!

Madam Dragenardier (Agatha ^_^;): Stop shedding tears! You look like Koffing! You know that you're never and will never be good! Better not let me see that stone falling! Better not catch my eye! Ten rotten "p" your mother sent me! What's that going to buy? Now take that pail,

Ekans: (There are no Horsea in Mount ForMail.)

Madam Dragenardier: (And go fetch some Horsea, you snail! (She looks at Ekans in disgust, and Jessette does not move, out of fear) Take a look at that ugly thing you call a face, how horrid, the things that you catch! Like monster, like Trainer, the snakes of the pit!

(She turns to her daughter, who is well-dressed and smiling. Her Rattata scampers at her heels, snarling at Ekans) :() )

Cassonine, come over here, Cassonine, let me see your hair it looks well so do you in that black dress! There's some little girls who know what to catch! And they know what to wear, and I'm saying thank our Gengar for that! Still there, Jessette? You cry, that Ekans will be food! I told you fetch some Horsea from the spring in the wood!

Jessette: Please do not send me out with my snake, I might trip on it, and fall onto a rake!

M. Dragenardier: Enough of that, or I'll take it right now! I don't like that Ekans: it will end up as chow!

(Cassonine, being disdainful of the other girl, pushes Jessette out through the door in a rough, yet because of her station, a delicate manner, and the door shuts, leaving Jessette alone, along with Ekans, freezing, exhausted, and terrified. Back inside the stadium, Dragenardier says good night as the Indigo stadium fills up with spectators and challengers alike. The space quickly becomes noisy, and we are soon introduced to the personality of the "Lancelord") (:)

Les Rockétables-Act 1-Master of the Gym

(The stadium on MountforMail at Indigo Plateau is famous for its leader: Mr. Dreganardier, also known as the Lancelord. He's deceptively upright, and the battles he fight are unfair, as well as the drinks and food served at the stadium's Pokémon Center is not---real. But Trainers and spectators continue to flock to the stadium. eager for food and fights.)

Jr. Trainer: (Come on, don't you jest! Fetch a battle of your best! What's the Dragon of the day?

(Dreganardier sends out Gyarados. A towering height, but has an eye for both empty and occupied PokéBalls and is in truth a low bass.)

Dreganardier: Here, try this 'mon! It'll fight from dusk to dawn! Or I'm not Dreganardier!

(The battle commences, Gyarados versus a tiny Slowpoke. The outcome has been decided from the start, because the stadium owner is a sly Trainer, and Gyarados wins easily, dodging the Psychic attacks. The Jr. Trainer isn't too disappointed, but his Pokémon has fainted.)

Jr. Trainer: Give a chug 'a Revive, Lancelord, it fainted!

Dreganardier: (under breath) Right away, you scum. (to Jr. Trainer) : Right away, kid.

Jr. Trainer (to his Slowpoke): God, this guy must be from Hell.

Slowpoke: (So you tell me, little kid!)

Jr. Trainer: My opponent Dreganardier. He was there so they say, at the Johto Waterfall.

Spectator: Found a water wall, Seadra took a fall, but he knew just when to stall! Then Dragonair with its head, turned the Pidgey red, and he went picking up PokéBalls of the Orange dead!

Jr. Trainer: (He made a tidy score from the spoils of war!)

(After the battle, Dreganardier turns to his loyal gang of Gym and Elite Leaders, all as dishonest as he.)

Dreganardier: You still didn't croak, Trainers of dissolutes! Stop telling jokes, I've pissed at the news. Sons of whores spent their lives fighting in my stadium. Homing Pidgeys homing in. They Fly through my doors, and their attack's good as yours.

Slowpoke: (Ain't got a sight what he put in the fight, must have got it off his brain.)

(Jr. Trainer drinks wine from the stadium's Pokémon Center, and spits it out immeidately onto the Nurse Joy there.)

Jr. Trainer: God what a wine! Ninetails of Turning Times! Fermenting on the street! Lancelord, ( : ) over here! Where's the bloody man? One more for the fight!

Slowpoke: (Dreganardier, one more slug 'o Gyarados' chin!

Spectator: (Look, Stun Spore! My Vileplume is 'gonna do you in!)

(Dreganardier greets a new customer, being deceptively nice. His stadium is so large that there are beds in the Pokémon Center, as well as refreshments. He treats it as an inn as well, and the unsuspecting Trainers are his major source of income. Every time they stay there, the sly Dreganardier is able to wring more money than the Trainers plan on paying.)

Dreganardier: Welcome, good Sir, Jigglypuff's round, go have it fight the best Trainer around.
As for the rest, all of 'em crooks, fixing the match, admiring their looks.
Seldom d'you see honest men like me:
A gent of good intent who's content to be...master of the gym,
Talking of the win, ready with a handshake and an ugly trim!
Fights a little war, Dragonite stir, challengers appreciate a complete blur!
Glad to do Trainers a favor, wouldn't have the fight another way.
But you know as well as I do Dragons don't do fair play!
Master of the gym: you know I'll make you rue the day that you released your Fushigisou.
Killing Piloswine, killing off its mate, pickin' up your PokéBalls when they arrive too late!
Dragonite fights for money, it gets some experience! But all the rest lose out, Jesus, don't it all make sense?

Dreganardier and Spectators: Master of the gym, quick to catch yer eye, never wants potential Trainers to pass him by, 'couragement to the sprouts, praiser of experts...

Slowpoke: (Lowlife and a sleazeball, a complete pervert.)

Dreganardier and Spectators: Charizard's boon companion, Kangaskhan's chaperone!

Dreganardier: But lock up your weak ones! Jesus, won't I break up the Cubone!

(The first challenger suffers a defeat, and the next enters. He speaks again, softly, nicely, to this Youngster.)

Enter, good Sir, lay down your Balls, heal your Squirtle and rest in the hall!

(This challenger is carrying a suitcase, and Dreganardier takes it and sets it down.)

It's big as a Megaton! Your Gengar knows Curse? Gyarados will Bite and use Surf. Here your Fearow's cooked, here Farfetch'd is fried!
And no monster is spared 'till I'm satisfied!
Fight beyond compare, fight beyond belief, use Gyara and Aero and proclaim their grief!
Lung of a Ponyta, face of a Dragonite, beating off their asses from day to night!
Johto Trainers are more than welcome, trophy case is occupied......the usual penalties plus a little fine on the side....
Charge 'em with Dragonair, five "p" they've got to spare, ten "p" if they're caught losing in their underwear!
Here a little Ice, there a little Rock, four "p" for if you claim that your name is Brock!
When it comes to getting money, there're lot of tricks we know!
How it all increases, all those bits and pieces!
Jesus, it's amazing how it grows!

Dreganardier and Pikachu, Meowth, Charizard, and Victreebel : Master of the gym, quick to catch yer eye, never wants a passerby to pass him by! Servant to no one, helper to his 'nite, battler, incapacitatator, winner of the fight! Charizard's boon companion, gives 'em everything he's got!

(The challenger has just sent out Weezing, and the spectators cheer.)

Dreganardier: Smelly pile of Weezing! Jesus, what a sorry little lot!

M. Dreganardier: I used to think that Dragons were so strong, but God Almighty, it looks like I was so wrong! Master of the gym? Isn't worth me spit! Battler, incapciatator, and lifelong shit! Cunning little brain, regular Voltorb, thinks he's quite a fighter but a boring snore. What a cruel Curse of Genger! It Landed me with this dimwit.....God knows how I've lasted living with this bastard full of shit!

Dreganardier and spectators: Master of the gym!

M. Dreganardier: Master and a half!

Dreganardier and spectators: Battler, incapacitator...

M. Dreganardier: I'll hit him with my staff!

Dreganardier and spectators: Servant to no one, butler to his 'nite!

M. Dreganardier: Slave of his PokéBall, and a burnt-out light!

Dreganardier and spectators: Everybody bless the Lancelord! Everybody bless this stadium!

Dreganardier: Charizard, Fly into the gas!

M. Dreganardier: Fly into the master's ass!

All: He's gotten rid of the gas! Hail the master of the gym!

Les Rockétables-Act 1-Valgion's Intervention (Waltz of Dragons) (:)
(Les MISérables twisted by me, Blue9Tiger. Disclaimer is in the prologue.)

(Jessette has finally fetched the Horsea in the darkness, and starts to stumble back to Mount ForMail. She is exhausted, because the bucket of Horsea is much heavier than she can stand to carry. Halfway there, she meets a shadowy man, who takes the bucket from her, and they go back together, at peace with themselves. Jessette is no longer frightened, until, of course, sees the Dreganardiers.)

Valgion: I found her carrying these Horsea, this little child, She carried it for too long, but I am here to take Jessette and her pet to make them strong. I will pay what I must pay, to take Jessette away. I've let go of greed. You must put them in my aid. For I don't know that your young seed, might grow into a flower before me. And her mother's dead and gone...I've vowed her child will be in good hands. So I've come to fill that vow. May I have the child and Ekans now? And they'll clean your gravestones no more...

M. Dreganardier: Let me hold your suit, Mister.

Ekans: (I fear I'll be in this man's posession.)

Dreganardier: You are very welcome here.

Valgion: I shall not forsake my vow.

Dreganardier: Want to fight?

M. Dreganardier: He is right.

Valgion: Jessette shall have a father now!

Dreganardier: Now you've talked, we'll have our say. You won't steal our Jessette away! What Starmie! What Shellder! Beyond Onix is our little girl! After we feed her pet, there's plenty left for darling Jessette! Dear Miyantine, gone to rest, you should have buried her here where it's best! And for her, shared each grain, treated her like she' s Rhyhorn in rain! Like Rhyhorn in rain, Mister!

Valgion: Rhyhorn in rain are helpless sir, that's why I'll help her grow.

(He pulls out his wallet, and pays them 48 "p", a large sum for what they're used to recieving from challengers.)

Let us not talk of Rhyhorn or grain, or greed! Now may I have your mysterious seed?

M. Dragenardier: Jessette, get off the windowsill! That's the best way you've gotten ill! (turns to Valgion)

Little dear, cost us dear! Potions and Revives are expensive, Mister. Not that we begrudged a "p", it's no more than she and Ekans should recieve......

Both: One thing we must talk about, you look old, we should have our doubts! You will take our Jessette. We don't know if you are doing correct.

Valgion: Lets not fight like Electric mice. Fifteen hundred and a bowl of rice.

Come, Jessette, say goodbye, let's go away from this horrible lie. Thank you both, for your Jessette, and her adorable poisonous pet.

(They leave, and the Dragenardiers are bitter. Jessette acting as their servant, they were able to get things done and was almost a source of income for them. Besides that, though fifteen hundred p is a large sum, it will eventually give out, and what would become of them then? Time would only tell. Meanwhile, Valgion dresses Jessette in new clothes, and leaves Mount ForMail at the Indigo Plateau.)

Come Jessette, stay right here, from now on food will always be near. And you will live a good life with me.

Jessete: Will there be Shellder? And mansions to see?

Valgion: Yes, Jessette, yes it's true, there's a mansion and some Shellder stew.

Les Rockétables-Act 1- 19-- Saffron City
(Disclaimer in the prologue. Les MISérables messed by me, Blue9Tiger)

( The time: 19---97? The place: Saffron City. This is the ocean without water, where many of the miserable breed, and the nest of evil. It is where Thieves come to escape and Burgulars look to for refuge. This is where many of the prosperous are born, and where the miserable and destitute wind up. It is also a great city with an immense, diverse population.)

Psychics, Gamblers, Channelers, Bug Catchers, Swimmers, (bulk of poor Trainers and their Pokémon: Look down, and see: here's where the Grimer meet! Look down, and watch them play upon our sands! Look down and see their droppings on the street, look down, we're as low as the Nidoran!

(One of the foremost trainers in this city is Mondoche, a happy, generous fellow, who is low on cash but full of spirit. He's eager to explain to the ill-informed, and his Pokémon at his side keep his spirits up.)

Mondoche: How do you do, my name's Mondoche! These are my Pokémon: they won't scratch! Not much fight in them, they're too soft! Nothing that would win a local match!

(Points to the ROK, whose members are mostly rich and at the peak of society, and some of the few that care about the Trainers that can't seem to battle well.)

This is my gang in high society, here in the slums of Saffron's shell! They're from a dishonest variety! Tough as my teeth, so what the hell? They've got Houndour, tons to spare, but they do care..they do care!

Poor Trainers and Pokémon: Look down, watch Grimer play upon our sands, look down, we're as low as the Nidoran!

(Misty, is "in charge" of a large street deep in the city. However, it is very near The Saffron Gym. To see such disgusting activities is a repelling sight to Sabrina, and Misty and the other argue. They are both young, but the older is as tired and grave as an elderly woman.)

Sabrina: Go away you ugly brat! You're being such a bitch! If you're from Cerulean, girl, leave and take the eastside turn.

Misty: Listen, you Golbat! Crazy bloody witch! Least I don't make my challengers end up in an urn!

Sabrina: How dare you, little girl? Go and take off your socks! Jump into bed with them: both of you'll end up in a box.

Ash: Leave the girl alone, stop your sticks and stones, we don't need your advice: go away, you ugly crone!

Poor Trainers and/or Pokémon: Our Abra are awake, our Gastly are burned! Something's 'gotta change in this, something's 'gotta turn..

(A well-fed Snorlax walks down the street, and the miserable implore it.)

.........turn around, turn around, turn around, turn around...

(The scene switches to the wealthy ROK members, this abbreviation unknown. The leader, Bujotchas, and his friend, Jamius, are appalled at the filthy state of Saffron City, as well as all of Kanto.)

Bujotchas: How are the Alakazam in Kanto?! How are the Psychics in Saffron?

Jamius: Laprasque wants the poor to show the ones at the top what's going on!

Poor Trainers and/or Pokémon: Our Abra have no bed! Make these Grimer tame! Somehing for a PokéBall---

Medium: Or Snorlax for us to blame...for the blame, for the blame, for the blame, for the blame.....

Jamius: Laprasque is ill: it's Ice Beam's weak! It'll be dead within the week!

Bujotchas: With all this weakness in Saffron---the fat ones are the ones we seek--- We'll Cut them down until they die! Show them what "p" can't buy!

Mondoche: Watch out for old Dragenardier, his Pokémon hit their big break. His Charizard used Sunny Day! Hit cop Piloswine, no mistake! He's got a gang, they want to be stout! His daughter steals too: What a fine pair! (whistles) That's Cassonine, she's stolen some Magikarp from a Beauty in her underwear! It was red, she ain't dead, so I've said, so I've said!

Poor Trainers and Pokémon: Look down, watch Grimer play upon our sands, look down, we're as low as the Nidoran.

(In the darkness, there are underhanded doings going on, deep in those unexplored recesses. Dragenardier assembles his gang, consisting of the roughest, most clever, and also, disorganized band of Trainers-turned-Thieves. They encompass his wife, himself, his daughter, and three stadium trainer as well as one of the lower-placed trainers, younger than the majority.)

Dragenardier: Everyone hear this ain't no race! Brunon, Lorleit, Kloguaus! You, Mountparsurge, watch for Growlithe, with Cassonine...)

Montparsurge: Like my hair?

Dreganardier: (glaring) You make sure they don't roast your sorry rears!

M. Dragenardier (disdainful): These damn ROK's with shoes on their feet! Look how that Koffing likes the rain! Our Cassonine likes the one who bleats for us lowlifes, who go through so much pain!

(In fact, Jamius and Cassonine are good friends with each other, though Jamius has never intended for it to become a meangingful relationship at all. Cassonine thinks differently, and feels that spark of the gripping emotion called love. She with her Raticate, looks upon her unaware object of love armed with a Koffing.)

Jamius: Hey, Cassonine, that's nice hair spray!

Koffing: (Essence of Route Seventeen's trout.)

Cassonine: Glad you like it, it's all I have!

Jamius: Would you take this "Scented Bellsprout"?

Cassonine: Sure it don't take scents to get into ROK! It's a gang of idealists! Come on, you must think that I'm okay! If you don't, you'll get me pissed!

Jamius: Poor Cassonine, those ideas, won't be a Diglett's nose in ROK!

Cassonine: I like the way that your hair parts!

Jamius: My Koffing and I think you're okay!

(She looks down at Raticate, who has its jaws shut.)

Cassonine: What do you think?

Raticate: (...He don't mean what he say.)

Les Rockétables-Act 1-Jennvert's Intervention

(Note: Disclaimer is in the Prologue. -_- Les MISérables twisted by Blue9Tiger)

(It is in this breeding ground for the lonely and sad where Valgion has set his sights on: to disappear from the determined Jennvert, whose obsession on his capture is great. He takes an alias, but we won't bother the reader with it, and he will remain anonymous. In any case, he arrives with Jessette, who is amazed at the immense Saffron. Meanwhile, Dreganardier and his gang plan on putting Valgion out of commission. Who will stop this madness?)

M. Dragenardier: Look over there: it's the old man! I'll watch out for Growlithe!

(Jamius is still with Cassonine, and the latter wants him to keep out of their matters.)

Cassonine: Stay out of this!

Jamius: But Cassonine......

Cassonine: Raticate, use Leer!

Raticate: (You don't wanna get burned!)

Cassonine: It's something I learned!

(Jamius backs away, frightened by Leer. He puts away his Koffing, and changes the subject.)

Jamius: Who is that man?

Cassonine: Leave us alone!

Jamius: What do you fear? Hey, Cassonine!

(Because the latter is frightened, she flees into the shadows. Jamius attempts to follow, but more or less crashes into a beautiful woman dressed in fine clothes and a healthy Arbok at her side. He says nothing, the warm sensation of love washing over him, bathing him in ecstasy. But the countenance of the woman is so beautiful, Jamius knows not if she's real.)

Koffing: (He can only stare at that pretty?)

(In another street of Saffron, Valgion is passing by some needy, who are begging for money and PokéBalls. However, they are none other but Dreganardier and his family. But they are needy, having lost the stadium.)

Dragenardier: Please Sir, hear what I say, here's Dragonair: ain't eaten today! You've some rice, spare a "p", is that a swell Persian I see? So much shit for--- what's that face? Ain't Kanto such a remarkable place? You're the one, stole our pet. You're the bastard that borrowed Jessette!

(Dragenardier grabs Valgion and rips open his shirt, revealing the number 25601. Valgion is not very pleased with this, and starts to shout.)

Valgion: Persian go! He's been bad.

M. Dreganardier: No, Mister, you touch him I'll kill you!

Valgion: Very well, return now, you're not worth taking out.

Cassonine: I hear roars! Disappear! I see dogs! It's Jennvert!

(Dreganardier loses his temper and, together with his gang, manages to restrain Valgion. However, to their misfortune, Jennvert arrives to break up the fight. She's very disdainful of the Midnight Elite, and her words are hateful.)

Jennvert: Smell Grimer everywhere, another stink in the air! Whenever you are around, those stinkbombs always appear! Good Sir, Saffron is not safe, but let these "Grimer" beware, now this battle is won! It's worse than insurrections: these crawl from underneath a stone! They're swarms of Caterpie and Weedle! They would torture a Cubone! I know this man: his Gyarados steals all through the day, and on your witness, Mister.....

Dreganarider: Keep those Growlithe at bay!!!

(Valgion and Jessette have taken advantage of Jennvert's lapse of concentration, and has fled the scene in fear. Obviously, they hadn't been recognized, but Jennvert had sharp eyes, and that was an accident.)

Jennvert: But where's the gentleman gone? He and his Persian have run!

Dragenardier: Take these damn dogs and go and catch them, they're the ones you should arrest! He's the one that you were snoopin'! There's a brand upon his chest!

Jennvert: Why should I believe you at all, you've committed too much sin! And don't forget that you too have a brand upon your skin! But that girl looked so familiar: he spoke of raising her as his own!

Growlithe: (Enough of needless stalling: this con looks like a bone!)

Dragenardier: He is 25601, do ya see, I told ya so! Ain't no victim no more, he's gone, so may I go?

(She nods, and the man leaves, flying back into the darkness.)

Jennvert: There's no way I will lose to this convict-turned-good....It doesn't matter if he tries to be: he's like a Sneasal in the wood!

Les Rockétables-Act 1-Fire
(messed up by me, Blue9Tiger. Note: Disclaimer in the Prologue.)

(Jennvert looks upon her Growlithe, who are restless at the lack of excitement. They start to bark and snarl, and she calms them down, speaking of the power of fire.)

He's like a Foretress! And hides like a Cloyster in the deep ocean, deep in disgrace, but his fate is sealed: the hot burning of Ember he will soon taste, he will soon taste!
He relies on the cold, instead of the passionate fire! Even the weakest Flame Wheel will faint a Quagsire!
But ones outside the law love Muk and mire! Fire, weapon of Growlithe, glowing and fuming, burning those Foretress! Putting out their light! With Ember and Fire Spin, raging and pure, you uphold what is right, you uphold what is right! It is always the final word, it is wild and yet it is tame, and it's enemy water, continues to burn, and it's always the same! But ones outside the law love Muk and mire! it will never change: the mushroom of Parasect, has designated us to strongly reject the sludge of Grimer, used by those Burglars, who have evil desire----- Valgion will burn by us---this i swear, this I swear by the fire!

Mondoche: That officer think's she's something, but it's me who runs Safron! And her Growlithe are no match for my trusty Metamon! Trust Mondoche, have no fear, don't you worry, Ditto dear, with fire we have no fear!

Les Rockétables-Act 1-Cassonine's Errand
(Les MISérables twisted by Blue9Tiger)

Cassonine: Jessette! It's been forever! What are you doing to me? I thought you would never grow up to have lots of p........

Raticate: (No one wants to hear you!)

Jamius: That girl, who can she be?

Cassonine: That cop'll get to us too! You want to split, then follow me!

(Jamius is obviously not listening, and continues to focus on that beautiful woman he had bumped into. His whole person is occupied with that one girl, who seemed to fly down from the heavens in his time of financial and emotional despair.)

Jamius: Her scarlet hair was unfurled...

Cassonine: Why do you care about that slut?

Jamius: Cassonine, find her for me!

Cassonine: What's my motivation?

Jamius: I'll protect you from the mutts!

Cassonine: Got you all excited now! She's as ugly as her snake! You expect me to salute and bow? I'd better soon as bake a cake!

Jamius: Cassonine, do this for where she lives! But make sure that you know to avoid the Murkrow!...'Nonine, what is that heavn'ly sound?

Raticate: (Now look what you've done! She's crying like she ate an onion!)

Cassonine: I hope you run into the Hounds......

Les Rockétables-Act 1-Red and Black/He's on Crack-ROK HQ
(Les MISérables warped, twisted, and changed by Blue9Tiger)

(In the midst of Saffron City, the most miserable and poverty-stricken nests for every occurance imaginable, there are a group of young idealists, that plan to revolt. They are known as the ROK, short for Rocket. Though they are gangsters, they claim to be good. his uneven mixture of human and intelligent Pokémon collaborate for progress, and reject the old ways that govern battles and everyday living. There at the inconspicuous ROK HQ, they discuss their revolution.)

Sandeferre: (At Madien's Peak the Gastly are aware!)

Dreuizzyy: (At road of Jynx they're protecting the beach!)

Rourfeycate: (Rockets, some Pokémon, are sprinting fast as they can run! Abra Teleports, serves as a right guide, and Saffron's coming to our side!)

Butchojas: We cannot fear...fear will disrupt the plans in our brains! Have a clear head, or you can go down the drains! The Beauties at top have Oddish that grow, they've Ultra Balls to help with the catch! Oh, it's easy to cause Blizzards and freeze them to death, but we must fight ourselves to win the match! Remember--this is no crime! We know we're not evil, we khow we mean well, but we'll need some more time!

(Jamius enters rather loudly, hoping that Bujotchas sharp eyes will not catch him. However, it is ironically but probable. the opposite.)

Jamius, you're late!

Meowly: Second time this week! Traded Koffing for a real carbine?

Persiare: (The Potions are well in Saffron!)

Jamius: You know how much it means to me! I saw a girl: what stunning beauty! Graceful as Poison Pokémon!

Persiare: (I don't believe what has passed! Is Jamius in love at last? He floats stupidly like a Ledyba! You talk of battles to be won, but here he comes like Lizar-don!

Koffing: (Feels more love than a Rudgura!)

Bujotchas: We will now decide if we'll be Clefairy on a star...idle and pleasant and ignorantly bright! Or do we choose to be strong, courageous to the end? To not let Arcanine and Gengar get into our way? We'll crush them well into the dawn's early gray! We'll keep those red-hot 'canines at bay! Red--color of angry 'mon! Black--our color of outcasts! Red--the savior of Saffron! Black--night when we've won at last!

Jamius: That road was an ocean, and I was the Seel! My friend had run off in hopes of escaping her fright! Then I saw an angel all alone--alas she faded away, and gone was that saving gleam of light! And then returned the cold black grip of night!

Persiare: (He's...)

Jamius: My situation's dire!

Persiare: (on crack...)

Jamius: Leave me be, Persiare!

All: Red...

Jamius: Lips that did not inquire!

All: Black...

Jamius: The color of her stare!

Bujotchas: Jamius, I despise when you're mild, toughen up and crawl out of your shell! Love is against the Rockets' laws! Drink and eat from that rice bowl! A full stomach might soothe your soul! But enough is enough, now grab your PokéBall!

All: Red, the blood of angry 'mon! Black, our color of outcasts! Red, the savior of Saffron! Black, night when we've won at last!

Bujotchas: Well, Rourfeycate, do we have Great Balls? Dreuizzyy, Sandeferre, shame that you're so short! Persiare, put the Ether down! It's enough that you also drink!

Persiare: (I couldn't learn Dragonbreath, but I'll Screech 'em all to death!)

Rourfeycate: At the Tower the Gastly have evolved!

Sandeferre: In Madien's Peak they've rallied the Cubone!

Dreuizzy: Ultra Balls and Hitmonchan too!

(Mondoche rushes into the secret ROK meeting place, screaming wildly, but not being heard.)

Mondoche: Listen!

Mean Raivaire: Doubled Scyther at St. Anne!

Tauros: (This'll get bloody...)

Lizagluard: Seven Spinarak at St. Maintain---

(All conversation stops, and attention is focused on Mondoche.)

Mondoche: General Laprasque is dead!

(There is a moment of silence, for they all have great respect for Laprasque, except Persiare.)

Bujotchas: Laprasque is dead! Laprasque! He's gone from alive to late!

Drowzee: (I don't see why you consider that fish-bait great!)

Bujotchas: Don't you see, we're close to commencing our game! His funeral will be attended from far and from near! The death of Laprasque is the death of good fame! He is what the Swimmers have held almost dear! Persiare, stop drinking beer! Make yourself uselful and practice your Leer! The stage is set, and we have been given our parts! We'll bring down the stout, Laprasque's death proclaims their fall! Ready your PokéBall!

Les Rockétables-Act 1-Do you Hear the Rockets Sing?
(Les MISérables warped by Blue9Tiger)

Bujotchas: Do you hear the Rockets sing of the anger of Pokémon! And of the injustice in this corrupt city of Saffron? Throwing Swimmers from the Mart, dead Golem in the slums! We will whip these opressers for being bums!

Sandeferre: The ground is filled with blood of Mediums who try to see...the vision of their Gastly who want to be free---

Rourfeycate: --from fear that they will be Tackled by a Butterfree!

All: Do you hear the Rockets sing of the anger of Pokémon! And of the injustice in this corrupt city of Saffron? Throwing Swimmers from the Mart, dead Golem in the slums! We will whip these oppressers for being bums!

Dreuizzy: Meditate with me, and take a battling stance! Let us put government away, and be blinded by our trance! We're good gangsters and we'll turn this around, make it advance!

All: Do you hear the Rockets sing of the anger of Pokémon? And of the injustice in this corrupt city of Saffron? Throwing Swimmers from the Mart, dead Golem in the slums! We will whip these oppressers for being bums!

Les Rockétables-Act 1-In My Hair
(Les MISérables wrecked by Blue9Tiger)

Jessette: The greatest dunce! Ruined my hair! Who was he, with a Koffing as his weapon and eyes so bright? He's put me in a trance--but he won't again!

Arbok: (Like two Gengar meeeting in the shadows of noon!)

Jessette: His face shone like the Moon....sad as a Cubone, low like those Caterpie! As soon as he saw me evolved into Butterfree! But he flew away! Not flighty but shy, like Butterfree seem! The greatest dunce! Ruined my hair! But enigmatic like a Raichu.

(She stands in the garden laying beside the Street of Doomet, thinking about the quick, but impacting meeting.)

Jessette: How strange, that this man takes me suddenly! A change, making me feel light as a Clefairy! What's the matter with you, Jessette? Why are you falling for this random guy? How silly I am! I don't know him: he might be bi!

(Jessette plays with her long hair, and she finds that it's disorderly, as well as pondering what the appearance of the young man meant. Was it a turning point? A milestone? Or merely a passing event that she would forget through the ages?) (Warning: This briefly removes the personality of Cossette and Marius and replaces it with Jessie and James. You have been warned.)

In my hair, there are so many tangles and rat's nests which are just wrong!
Everywhere, there are split ends and knots that signal that my hair is too long!
It can't be--that thought again--of the man! Why should I think of him if he just ran?!

(She releases Arbok and talks to it about that night, feeling herself fall more uncontrollably into the death-grip of love.)

I can't deny it--I've no doubt that he's real!
But maybe he was only searching for a Seel!
In my hair---oh, it can go to Hell for all I care! I am lost in his stare.

(As you probably already know, Valgion lives with Jessette, and won't let her leave the house unless he's with her, will not let her wander, and in other words: very overprotective. He keeps Graveler on the watch at the front of the house. However, Valgion doesn't know the consequences of keeping her "safe". Now that she has had human interaction, it's the only thing on her mind.)

Valgion: Jessette, you've become so soft and mild! Where is that fire? You always argue with me. Oblige me, show me your great power, you're like the Pokémon Tower! Can it possibly be, that you see me as a bore for company?

Jessette: I'm sorry if I'm slow, and forgive me if I'm mellow but I'll tell you what you want to know! During the midday I saw a lonely Cubone, it's been on my mind since I know it's alone! It crawled, and crawled and creeped! Fuzzy like a Mareep! In my hair, there's more knots than I want and I've told you the reason it is so! Now father, dear father, you've kept some secrets that I'd like to know----

Valgion: It's for the birds, it's for the birds, my life is more blank than bread. Those secrets you say I have kept will remain forever unsaid.

Jessette: In my hair, I've finally brushed it so tell me the truth!

Valgion: You will hear that truth is given after you stop talking of your hair, my dear.

(He leaves, and she continues to think. Meanwhile, Jamius is thinking of the girl he has seen.)

Jamius:In my hair, these split-ends are vicious why won't they admit that I have won? But I have better things to think of---like that girl who appeared as bright as the sun! Cassonine, why is your Raticate trying Leer? Stop training for once and let me thank you---you've brought me so near to that beautiful dream!

Cassonine: He's flapping about that girl again, I'm going to scream! It ain't right-- I feel so lowly next to royalty like her!

Raticate: (And she ain't got no fur!)

Jamius and Cassonine: I've forgot my hair, it's getting knotted again but who in hell cares?

Jamius: I must go see her!

Cassonine: Your girl's waiting here....

Les Rockétables-Act 1-In the Mart are my Gloves
(Les MISérables wrecked (affectionately) by Blue9Tiger. To all those people who wanted a Disclaimer, it's in the Prologue. WARNING: You're entering the realm of insanity. Unfortunately, A Heart Full of Love was one of those love-sick sappy songs that everyone loves. 'Course, I don't. But it will be along the same line.)

(Jamius has gone to the PokéMart to collect some more Hyper Potions and Revives for the weapon Pokémon, and accidentally drops his gloves. He leaves the Mart, and on the Street of Doomet, he remembers that he had left his gloves in the PokéMart. This would be trivial for any other occasion but the worst event would be to leave his fingerprints on Koffing or any of his other weapons. At this moment he encounteres Jessette again, and tells him of his problem.)

Jamius: In the Mart are my gloves, in that human throng--- what did I manage to do wrong? What if the police Growlithe make a claim! It rang a bell? If it did, will you tell?

Jessette: In the Mart are your gloves...I'll let my Poison pet---

Jamius: You're such a good girl!

Jessette: --your gloves it will get!

(Releases Arbok, who charges ahead toward Saffron City)

Jamius: Miss, our names we've let to say!

Jessette: My name's Jessette---how does it sound?

Jamius: It's beautiful, so kind and bright! That name--

Jessete: I'm glad that's so!

Jamius: ---matches your face!

Jessette:---Yours does too!

Jamius: Pity we didn't meet long ago! Jessette, Jessete.....

Jessette: Even in pain, we'll always stay---

Jamius: --Close we seem.

(Arbok appears, having brought back Jamius' gloves.)

Jessette: Close we'll stay!

Jamius: My gloves are not in the Mart!

Jessete: They are back with you---

Jamius: I can't rightly thank you--

Cassonine: I was just his to use---

Jamius: --for the help you've given--

Cassonine: He's--

Jamius: Grateful for that deed----

Cassonine: --dumb as a Caterpie!

Jessette: I can thank you too!

Cassonine: I'm his night, but she's his day...he don't see...

Jamius: Now I'll say my name:

Cassonine----he don't see, never see----

Jamius: Jamius Nomercy, madam.

Cassonine: Wasn't meant to be---

Jamius and Jessette: We'll meet on the 'morrow---

Cassonine: --for knows that girl--

Both: ---on the Street of Doomet!

Cassonine: ---I'll take the fall!

Les Rockétables-Act 1-Attack on the Street of Doomet
(Les MISérables wrecked by Blue9Tiger)

(Seeing little profit in staying where those lost lovers are, Cassonine meets Montparsurge, who is planning, along with the rest of Dreganardier's gang, to rob Valgion's house, obviously for revenge for taking Jessette and throwing them into a state of poverty.) Cassonine: 'Parsurge, what's with the Good Rod? What ya planning to catch?

Mountparsurge: Doomet's like a gold mine--we'll find plenty of shit! Tough man, but 'gainst us no match! You remember he was helped by those damned blue-and grays! He's a convict but what the hell--he can't put us away!

Cassonine: They're 'gonna rob the old man! What in hell will I do?! Why does 'Parsurge think that he can hit and escape alive too? I've got to jump into the fray! They've all things to fear! Will they listen to what I say?

(Dreganadier arrives at Doomet Street with the rest of his gang. They are excited, and are sure of their success. They don't count on Cassonine thwarting their plot.)

Dreganardier: Won't be a snare, the Growlithe are gone, Be sure of yourself, we're the Elite of Saffron! (:)

Brunon: (warily) I smell Koffing here! Dreganadier: I've sworn revenge on that bastard for taking Jessette, Would you blame me, my Pokémon?

Aerodactyl: (Why don't we place a bet that he isn't here?)

Brunon: ? Shut up, Aero, you're part of a mob! You're bein' so slow! Won't be no prob!

Dreganardier: You shut your mouth, you talk so bland!

(He notices that Cassonine has been standing next to him for the previous minute, laconic, angry, and determined to stop them from completing their task.)

Brunon: Don't have nothin' to fear.

Dreganardier: It's a Burakkii!

Loreleit: You're too stupid to be mean! That's Cassonine, your own kid! Yes, I'd say it was true!

Dreganardier: "Nonine, don't you groan, I'm tellin' ya to miss this: it doesn't conern you!

Cassonine: The old geezer who lives her won't interest you! Don't even have a flag to unfurl! But their Kingler swims and dives!

Dreganardier: If they got Pokémon, they've some Balls! What a slut to get in our way!

Brunon: No time to be soft!

Kloguasous: Go get your Ball!

Mountparsurge: Go home, 'Nonine, or go into Saffron to play!

Cassonine: I've had enough, Raticate, use Leer!!

Dragenardier: One litte Leer, the rat'll die, my dear!

Klogauas: Look at ourselves, we call ourselves the Elite, and look at these two assholes fight in the street!

Brunon: Shut up or I'll pound you!

Cassonine: I've had enough of this shit, I've had enough of this shit!

(She emits a glass-shattering scream, attracting the attention of Valgion.)

Dreganardier: That's it, my girl!

(In a bitter rage, he unleashes Aerodactyl on her. The creature circles, watching Cassonine with gleaming eyes)

That'll teach ya to fight! Aero, Hyper Beam! Do more than scratch her, alright? Look what's this--a sewer I found! Use that scum rat! Dig underground!

(They scatter, taking Cassonine's Raticate and burrowing a hole underground. The Aerodactyl follows them hurriedly, and Jamius reappears, overjoyed.)

Jamius: I can't believe it, 'Nonine! You've made it out of the fray! Sent them back down, like crumbling clay! Dearest Jessette, this is 'Nonine, she owns Raticate!, knows all its ways! Where's the way out? I hear a meow! What's the quickest route?

(Raticate finds Cassonine again, and using it, Jamius and the former find shelter in a hole. Jessette is once again faced with Valgion, and doesn't dare divugle the secret that Jamius and Cassonine are underneath their yard.)

Persian: (What's this Old Rod?)

Valgion: The Screech hit its mark! It was like a Zubat flock fighting an Onix fleet!

Jessette: It was not Zubat or Onix, father, I screamed aloud, yes it is true! It frightened me so, I think one had a Psy---

Valgion: Jessette, my child, what did they plan to do?

Jessette: Trainers of all kinds in the yard... One was crafty with a Dragonair!

Valgion: Could it have been that rouge Dreg'nard? Worse, that merciless girl Jennvert! I'm sure it's her! Her dogs are keen with the past! Atop Kingler we will be far away before they return! We will kennel these dogs, just wait and see! Tomorrow to Celadon, then take Kingler across the sea! What are you brushing your hair for? We must leave right away! Hurry, Jessette, close that mirror if you want to live another day!

Les Rockétables-Act 1-One Ball More
(Les MISérables *wrecked* by Blue9Tiger)

(Giean Valgion is resolute on leaving Saffron, but in order to do so, must have PokéBalls. He responds in this way when Jessette asks if they have packed enough PokéBalls.)

Valgion: One Ball more, take that level 5 Clefairy, and satisfy it with a Berry. Come, we must waste no more time, let your Arbok help: we'll find Mr. Mime!

(Jessette hastily obeys, taking all of the PokéBalls and shoving them into a suitcase. She does not know why Valgion is doing this, but is confused, and heavily distraught that she will not see her beloved any more. Koffing has upgraded itself to become Weezing, and that is Jamius' company.)

Jamius: Why is it so hard for her to stay?

Weezing: (A Venusaur there just farted.)

(The human glares at his Pokémon, falling into more despair.)

Jamius and Jessette: Not even Entei can stand in his way! It's over now that he has started!

(Cassonine once again beholds the too lovers jealously.)

Cassonine: I'm back here all alone.....

Both: Nothing are dollars or "p" or yen!

Cassonine: .....I can hear those Growlithe barking!

Both: I wish to stick to you like glue!

Cassonine: Sad and lonely as a Cubone!

Both: Why does it smell like a zoo?

Cassonine: How I'd like to pull out the bitch's hair!!

(Deep in the heart of Saffron City, Jamius is divided between himself---to go back to the ROK, or leave with Jessette. Duty or love? Or is love duty?)

Bujotchas: That Scyther needs work on its form!

Jamius: How the 'sprout of trouble grows!

Bujotchas: Do you have Ultra Balls ready?

Jamius: There goes a poor Swimmer in underwear!

Bujotchas: Lets hope for a thunderstorm--

Jamius: Fighting the bad, should I even care?

Bujotchas: ---Lets Electroburn those Starmie!

All ROK: We've trained enough, lets have no fear!

Valgion: One Ball more!

(There is no doubt that Jennvert is stil on the trail, but because she thinks that Valgion is dead for a reason that will not be explained at this time, she is after Bujotchas and his rebels. To do that effectively, she attempts a disguise.)

Jennvert: We've got the perfect solution for this untimely fight, I will join these little Rockets, who do not see what's right!

Valgion: One Ball more!

(The Dreganardiers find battle the perfect oppurtunity to make a day's profit. They burst out of the Grimer pits, eyes eager for lost money or discarded Poké, Great, Ultra Balls, or that elusive rare kind: a Master Ball. To this odd island of Kanto, many Balls can contribute to wealth, depending how you use them.)

Dragenardiers: They drop things when they run, includes their PokéBalls! We'll all have a ton, we're 'gonna have it all! Won't be nothin' to slide and slip, won't be too much, if they won't be dead and gone they'll be on a crutch!

ROK members: One Ball more---to catch that big 'Croc! Ekans will become Arbok!

Echo: Ekans will be Arbok!

ROK: Lets choose the time to strike on the clock! Our fight has just begun! We'll throw at them a rock!

(At long last, Jamius decides that he is bound to the battlefield, alongside his comrades)

Jamius: Weezing, come here, we'll fight with them!

Valgion: One Ball more!

Jamius and Jessette: Why is it so hard for you to stay?

Cassonine: I'm back near this Fearow all alone!

Both: Not even Entei stands in his's all over now that it's started!

Jennvert: I will join Saffron's heroes, I will go to being zero! They'll all burn, those Parasect, once I've ruined their silly show!

Valgion: One Ball more!

Dregenardiers: They drop things when they run, includes their PokéBalls! We'll all have a ton, we're 'gonna have it all! Won't be nothin' to slide and slip, won't be too much, if they won't be dead and gone they'll be on a crutch!

Jennvert: We've got the perfect solution for this untimely fight, I will join these little Rockets-- we've got them in our sights!

Valgion: It's time to leave---now it is night! She's got us in her sights!

All: Tonight we will all discover how high Pidgeot can soar!

(The fighting has already commenced, though it has started small, a warning for the enemy Trainers.)

Beauty: Go, Cleffa!

ROK: Go, Zubat!

Valgion: One Ball more!

END Act 1


CQF? Success! Ooh, I'm strange. Thanks for reading, this is not my work though. Any feedback goes to me. Right. You know that. Yikes, I should've edited this more. I meant this to be edited materials instead of an affectionate parody, but......well..... .Thanks for reading this scary thing. I know how badly I messed up "A Heart Full of Love" Sorry. Now that I've edited it more, I feel better. Thanks for reading. ATRRGXX, TFWTH2, and something I don't know the title coming far from soon. See ya later. Sincerely-Blue9Tiger